List of Accepted Papers and Nominees for Best Paper Award

The list of accepted papers is appended at the end of this page


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·    The full paper will be the paper of 6 pages as per IEEE conference paper template, and the presentation time for full paper will be 30 minutes.

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·     All the accepted papers must be in the IEEE proceedings two-column format (A4 size). You can find the templates provided by IEEE here.

·     The maximum length of the camera-ready manuscript must be 6 pages including figures, tables, and references.

·     Papers exceeding the page limits will not be accepted.

·     The deadline for camera ready manuscript and copyright form submission is 15th November 2024.

Paper Submission Instructions

Step-1 Revised final manuscript

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The 33rd Asian Test Symposium (ATS 2024)

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Paper without completed copyright form will not appear on the conference proceedings and will not be published in IEEE Xplore.

For presentation at conference, please use ATS 2024 presentation template available here

List of Accepted Papers

Paper ID

Paper Title

Full Paper ( Paper Length: 6 pages, Presentation time: 30 mins) (Total:32)


Trojan Horse Detection for RISC-V Cores Using Cross-Auditing


An FPGA-Based Emulation Platform for Functional Safety Verification in Automotive SoC Systems


Effective Runtime Fault Detection for DNN Accelerators


Reliability Enhancement of Memristor-Based Neural Networks with Fault-Injected Training


A Formal Approach and Testing Process for Failure Modes in Intelligent Algorithms


Boosting self-repair workflow with brainstorming for code generation


Low-cost generation of RF test stimuli from baseband digital signals


A Novel Multi-Scope Characterization Method for Automotive LPDDR4 Controller


Automotive Microcontroller Characterization Hardware – Challenges and Solutions


High performance advanced fault model diagnosis


Carbon Quantum Dot Fluorescent Stickers for Biochip Authentication


Hacking the Fabric: Targeting Partial Reconfiguration for Fault Injection in FPGA Fabrics


Fault Tolerance in Stochastic Circuits for Recurrent Sequential Neural Networks


Optimized Detection of Marginal Defects Using Unsupervised Learning


A Complete Security Protocol To Safeguard IJTAG Architecture


 Automated System for Testing and Result Analysis for Payload Controller


A Novel TSV Repair Framework for 3-D Stacked ICs


SAMURAI: Safeguarding against Malicious Usage and Resilience of AI


LATENT: Leveraging Automated Test Pattern Generation for Hardware Trojan Detection


FORTUNE: A Negative Memory Overhead Hardware-Agnostic Fault TOleRance TechniqUe in DNNs


PATROL: An Evolutionary Approach to Automatic Test Pattern Generation for Hardware Trojan Detection Leveraging PSO-GA Hybrid Techniques


A Testability Improvement Method of  Combinational Circuits Based on the SDC  Conditions


A Novel Differential 12T SRAM Bit-cell Structure with Improved SNM in 16nm FinFET Technology


Testing Method for Embedded UltraRAM in Field Programmable Gate Arrays


Design, Implementation and Characterization of a Novel Robust-by-Construction Arbiter PUF Circuit on Xilinx FPGAs


MEMFD: A Multi-EDT Multi-Fault Scan Chain Diagnosis Methodology with Deep Learning


SFCM-HT: Hardware Trojan Detection Based on Sequence Features with a Combination Model


Accelerating Sequential Circuit Simulation with Spatial Locality Enhancement and Redundant Event Reduction


LLM-aided Front-End Design Framework For Early Development of Verified RTLs


ML Based Diagnosis for Fault Location in Digital Circuits


Evaluating Different Fault Injection Abstractions on the Assessment of DNN SW Hardening Strategies

Short Paper ( paper length: 4-pages, Presentation time : 20 mins)


MTCXUltra-high Throughput TRNG Based on Mesh topology of coupled-XOR


Methods and Apparatus to Support Multiple Synchronous Clocks with a Single Clock Mesh


Post-silicon Trace Signal Selection Using Genetic Algorithm


Preferential Fault-Tolerant based TF32 Floating Point Adder for Mission Critical Systems


Power Aware test methodology for Test Power hungry complex SoCs


Optimizing LBIST Run Time for a Safety Critical SoC: A Practical Approach


Large Language Model Driven Logic Locking: A Generative Approach to Secure IC Design


Design and Simulation of Fault Detection Technique for NAND Based Memory Array


RTL design of 16-bit RISC Processor Using Vedic Mathematics


Improving At-Speed Test Coverage without compromising Test Time and reducing Test Cost in multi-partition SCAN Design


Novel Single Ended Read and Differential Write Secure SRAM Memory Design Using Half Supply Voltage Precharge Approach


Enhancing SRAM Array Security Through Transmission Gate-Based Logic Obfuscation

SS1: Security and Test in Artificial Intelligence (Session Chair-Prof Rahaman and Prof Chandan Giri)


Security Vulnerabilities in AI Hardware: Threats and Countermeasures


Secure AI Systems: Emerging Threats and Defense Mechanisms


Security Concerns of Machine Learning Hardware


Fault Testing in AI-Accelerators: A Review

SS2-Next-Gen EDA: Integrating LLMs for Enhanced Electronic Design (Session Chair – Prof Anupam Chattopadhyay)


RTL Agent: An Agent-Based Approach for Functionally Correct HDL Generation via LLMs


LLMs for Hardware Verification: Frameworks, Techniques, and Future Directions


LLM vs HLS for RTL Code Generation: Friend or Foe?

SS3-Quantum Technology ( Session Chair- Dr Kunal Korgaonkar)


Research frontiers in Quantum Technologies: Perspectives from the Indian Context


Finite element analysis (FEA) based design optimization of ultrastable, high finesse optical cavities for portable optical atomic clock applications


Quantum Computing for Medical Diagnosis: From Qubits to Cures


Experimental Realization of Quantum Memory and EPS-QKD                 


Quantum Key Distribution-Based Framework for Securing Encrypted Communications in Address Resolution Protocol Packet Capture

SS4-In Memory Computing (session chair – Prof Indranil Sengupta)


Improving Self-Fault-Tolerance Capability of Memristor Crossbar Using a Weight-Sharing Approach


Towards Formal Verification for MAC-based In-Memory Computing

Industry Session- 1 (Session Chairs: Prachi Patel Cadence, Nirav Nanavati-eInfochips, Jay shah-Alphawave)


Planning Ahead For End-to-end Formal Complexity


Enhancing Test Quality by Targeting Zero DPPM using Physical Defect based ATPG


Framework for Resolving Dependencies between Testbenches in Analog Circuit Simulation


Resolving Silicon Flaws in Multi-Bit Register Layouts and Yield Analysis A Compilation of Case Studies.

Nominee for Best Paper Award





Boosting self-repair workflow with brainstorming for code generation

Zhaoming jin (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)*
Zhixin Shi (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Low-cost generation of RF test stimuli from baseband digital signals

Florence Azais (LIRMM, Univ. Montpellier, CNRS)*


Fault Tolerance in Stochastic Circuits for Recurrent and Sequential Neural Networks

Roshwin Sengupta (university of Stuttgart)*
John P Hayes (University of Michigan)


Automated System for Testing and Result Analysis for Payload Controller

Anirban Paul (Space Applications Centre)*
Jimit Gadhia (Space Applications Centre)
Ashok Kumar (Space Applications Centre)
Ashutosh Mishra (Space Applications Centre)
Sandip Paul (Space Applications Centre)
Ashish Misra (Space Applications Centre)
Sanjeev Mehta (Space Applications Centre)
Anuj Srivastava (Space Applications Centre)


A Novel TSV Repair Framework for 3-D Stacked ICs

Dr. Tanusree Kaibartta (IIT DHANBAD)*
Debesh K. Das (Jadavpur University Kolkatta)


SAMURAI: Safeguarding against Malicious Usage and Resilience of AI

Habibur Rahaman (University of Florida)*
Atri Chatterjee (University of Florida)
Swarup Bhunia (University of Florida)