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ESP32 Chatlink: Real Time Peer to Peer Communication via ESP NOW


Title of PaperESP32 Chatlink: Real Time Peer to Peer Communication via ESP NOW

Proceeding Name8th International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communication


Author NameDhyanik Pujara, Palak Naik, Riya Gautam, Akash Mecwan

OrganizationGlobal Knwoledge Research Foundation and Scholastic LLP

Year , VenueJanuary 2024 , Pune

Indexed INScopus

1-bit Full Adder using various Low Power Techniques on 45nm Technology


Title of Paper1-bit Full Adder using various Low Power Techniques on 45nm Technology



Author NameAkash Mecwan, Nishant Sahay

OrganizationJaypee University, Noida

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Noida

Indexed INScopus

Incorporating Visual Intelligence in Line Following Robots


Title of PaperIncorporating Visual Intelligence in Line Following Robots

Proceeding NameInternational Symposium on Smart Electronics Systems


Author NameDhyanik Pujara, Palak Naik, Riya Gautam, Akash Mecwan

OrganizationNirma University, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Nirma Univeristy

Indexed INScopus

RF CMOS Double Balanced Gilbert Cell Mixer for 5G Applications


Title of PaperRF CMOS Double Balanced Gilbert Cell Mixer for 5G Applications

Proceeding Name3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC)


Author NameAnju Katarmal, Akash Mecwan, Manish Patel

Year , VenueMay 2021 , Kerala

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-2864-4

Indexed INScopus

Orientation and Path Regain Algorithm for Synchronous Drive Robot


Title of PaperOrientation and Path Regain Algorithm for Synchronous Drive Robot

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC)


Author NamePrasham Patel, Akshay Marvaniya, Navin Khatri, Akash Mecwan

OrganizationKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu

Year , VenueSeptember 2020 , Tamilnadu

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-5461-9

Indexed INScopus

Path Tracing in holonomic drive system with Reduced Overshoot using rotary encoders


Title of PaperPath Tracing in holonomic drive system with Reduced Overshoot using rotary encoders

Proceeding Name7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks

Author NameAkash Mecwan, Divyanshu Tak, Ayush Jain, Paras Savanani

OrganizationAmtiy Unviersity, Noida

Year , VenueFebruary 2020 , Noida

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-5475-6

Indexed INScopus

High Performance Low Noise Amplifier for Operations in Lower ISM Band


Journal NameJournal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Title of PaperHigh Performance Low Noise Amplifier for Operations in Lower ISM Band

Volume Number12

Page Number59-64

Published YearOctober 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1844 6035

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of Cost effective Automatic Fertilization System for Small Scale Indian Farm


Journal NameIntl Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

Title of PaperDesign and Development of Cost effective Automatic Fertilization System for Small Scale Indian Farm

Volume Number65

Page Number353-358

Published YearSeptember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2300-1933

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Linearity Improvement of LNA using Derivative Superposition: Issues and Challenges


Title of PaperLinearity Improvement of LNA using Derivative Superposition: Issues and Challenges

Proceeding Name7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering


Author NameAkash Mecwan

OrganizationAmity University

Year , VenueJanuary 2017 , Noida

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5090-3519-9

Indexed INScopus

Design Implementation of High Performance Motor Drive


Title of PaperDesign Implementation of High Performance Motor Drive

Proceeding NameSecond International Symposium on Control, Automation, Industrial Informatics and Smart Grid


Author NameAkash Mecwan


Year , VenueSeptember 2014 , Bhopal

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-3080-7

Indexed INScopus

Implementation of Software Defined Radio On FPGA


Title of PaperImplementation of Software Defined Radio On FPGA

Proceeding NameNirma University International conference on Current Trends in Technology


Author NameAkash Mecwan

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No2375-1282

Indexed INScopus

Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) for Space Exploration


Journal NameAdvances in Space Research ,Elsevier

Title of PaperCharacterization of Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) for Space Exploration


Published YearAugust 2022

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

0.4-V Bulk Driven Logarithmic Amplifier for Ultra-Low-Power Biomedical Applications


Journal NameJournal of Circuits, Systems and Computers

Title of Paper0.4-V Bulk Driven Logarithmic Amplifier for Ultra-Low-Power Biomedical Applications

PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing Company

Published YearApril 2022

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

6. A 5.5 μW 42nV/√ Hz Chopper stabilized Amplifier for Biomedical Application with Input Impedance Enhancement


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

Title of Paper6. A 5.5 μW 42nV/√ Hz Chopper stabilized Amplifier for Biomedical Application with Input Impedance Enhancement

Volume Number67

Page Number523-530

Published YearAugust 2021

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A low Noise high Input Impedance Chopper Stabilized Bio potencial Amplfier with Ripple Reduction Technique


Journal NameWalailak Journal of science and Technology

Title of PaperA low Noise high Input Impedance Chopper Stabilized Bio potencial Amplfier with Ripple Reduction Technique

Volume Number18

Published YearMay 2021

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Development of position sensitive detector module using Scintillator and Si Photomultiplier for hard X-ray imaging & spectroscopy


Journal NameJournal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

Title of PaperDevelopment of position sensitive detector module using Scintillator and Si Photomultiplier for hard X-ray imaging & spectroscopy

PublisherSPIE digital library

Volume Number5 No 1

Page Number16001-16010

Published YearJanuary 2019


Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, UGC List


We explore the use of scintillation detectors coupled with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as position sensitive hard x-ray spectroscopic detectors for potential applications in the field of high-energy astrophysics. X-ray photons on interaction with scintillation crystals generate optical photons and the distribution of these scintillation light photons is captured with the array of SiPM pixels,

Design and development of position sensitive detector for hard x-ray using SiPM and new generation scintillators


Title of PaperDesign and development of position sensitive detector for hard x-ray using SiPM and new generation scintillators

Proceeding NameSPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation


Author NameShiv kumar goyal


Year , VenueAugust 2017 , San-Diego,California,2017

Page Number13


Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, UGC List


Paper Abstract There is growing interest in high-energy astrophysics community for the development of sensitive instruments in the hard X-ray energy extending to few hundred keV. This requires position sensitive detector modules with high efficiency in the hard X-ray energy range. Here, we present development of a detector module, which consists of 25 mm x 25 mm CeBr3 scintillation detector, read

Comparative Analysis of Phase Frequency Detector for Phase-Locked Loops


Journal NameJournal of VLSI Design Tools and Technology

Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Phase Frequency Detector for Phase-Locked Loops

PublisherSTM journals

Volume Number7 issue 1

Published YearMarch 2017

Indexed INUGC List

Design and development of position sensitive detector for hard x-ray imaging detector scintillator and photo multipliers


Title of PaperDesign and development of position sensitive detector for hard x-ray imaging detector scintillator and photo multipliers

Proceeding NameHigh Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII

PublisherSPIE digital library

Author NameShiv kumar goyal


Year , VenueJuly 2016 , Eidinburg

Page Number12.2232234


Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, UGC List


There are various astrophysical phenomena which are of great importance and interest such as stellar explosions, Gamma ray bursts etc. There is also a growing interest in exploring the celestial sources in hard X-rays. High sensitive instruments are essential to perform the detailed studies of these cosmic accelerators and explosions. Hard X-ray imaging detectors having high absorption efficiency

A Novel Design of Quantum Multiplexer and its Identity Rules-based Optimization for the Spin-Torque based n-qubit Architecture


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Title of PaperA Novel Design of Quantum Multiplexer and its Identity Rules-based Optimization for the Spin-Torque based n-qubit Architecture


Volume Number60

Page Number1-9

Published YearDecember 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2169-3536

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Quantum computing (QC) imitates particle behavior at the sub-atomic level. Quantum gates are based on quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement. The obstacle to the realization of reversible computing is the huge number of operations in terms of quantum gates. Therefore, novel designs of reversible computing blocks with a minimum number of elementary operations with high fidelity are necessary. Therefore, a novel design of multiplexer is proposed in this article, which is composed of only 1-CNOT and 1-Toffoli gates. Moreover, the reduced decomposition of the multiplexer and its identity rule-based optimization for the spin-torque-based n-qubit architecture is discussed. To validate the design, the QISKIT implementation of the novel design in terms of amplitude, probability, and Q-sphere representation is carried out. The results are encouraging to realize the reversible computing involving quantum multiplexer as one of the building blocks.

Identity Rules-based Decomposition, Optimization and Spin-Torque Modelling of V and V+ Controlled Gates for Quantum Full Adder



Title of PaperIdentity Rules-based Decomposition, Optimization and Spin-Torque Modelling of V and V+ Controlled Gates for Quantum Full Adder


Volume Number12

Page Number164911 - 164921

Published YearNovember 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2169-3536

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The quantum computing (QC) is emerging as one of the possibilities to replace the conventional computing to meet the complex computing challenges. Quantum gates are based on the quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement. Moreover, there are several ways to realize the reversible full adder representing one of the building blocks of the reversible computing. One of the ways to realize the reversible full adder is by using the controlled V and V+ gates. Spintronics is one of the quantum technologies to realize the reversible computing physically. Therefore, there is need of spin-torque based modelling of controlled V and V+ gates for the quantum computing applications in the reversible computing domain. In this paper, the controlled V and V+ gates are modelled for the spin-torque based qubit architecture through the optimization at elementary single-qubit rotation and two-qubit entanglement level. Therefore, the key innovation or unique contribution is to realize the controlled V and V+ gates by using the minimum number of the elementary operations (single- and two-qubits). Moreover, a quantum full adder (QFA) composed of controlled V and V+ gates, is optimized and realized with the spin-torque models of the controlled V and V+ gates to achieve fault tolerant fidelity. Therefore, the novelty is that the optimization of the controlled V and V+ gates for the reversible full adders is carried out by using the identity rules.

Spin-torque based quantum Fourier transform


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Title of PaperSpin-torque based quantum Fourier transform


Volume Number55

Page Number1-8

Published YearNovember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1941-0069

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Quantum computing (QC) provides an efficient platform to solve complex problems such as number factoring and searching. The quantum Fourier transform (QFT) is an integral part of quantum algorithms for integer number factoring, phase estimation, discrete algorithms, interchange of position and momentum states, quantum key distribution protocol, multiparty quantum telecommunication, and quantum arithmetic. The theoretical and experimental implementations of QFT on various platforms have been proposed by researchers. Spin-torque-based qubit(s) manipulation is one of the encouraging solid-state device technologies. However, to date, QFT is not realized by spin-torque-based QC architecture. In this article, the spin-torque-based architecture has been modeled with the help of optimized decomposition of quantum circuits for the QFT. Moreover, an optimal-depth Clifford + T gates set-based quantum circuit is utilized to implement the QFT. The performance analysis in terms of fidelity (>99%), magnitude, and phase difference of respective density matrices for different forms of three-qubit QFT provides a novel way of its physical realization to address the complex problems.

Optimal Boolean logic quantum circuits decomposition for spin-torque based n-qubit architecture


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Magnetics

Title of PaperOptimal Boolean logic quantum circuits decomposition for spin-torque based n-qubit architecture


Volume Number54

Page Number1-9

Published YearOctober 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1941-0069

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The semiconductor industry is facing a twofold challenge at sub-nanometer level; first, the high power dissipation in irreversible computing architectures due to information loss and second, inability to handle large data due to sequential information processing. These issues create obstacles in producing the presumed low-power complex computing outcomes. The heat dissipation can be reduced by utilizing the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor-based reversible computing architectures. However, these architectures fail to enhance the performance owing to inability to process large data. Quantum computing (QC) can circumvent these problems due to its fundamental ineffaceable characteristics of quantum mechanics-based reversible computing and parallelism. Spin-torque-based physical realization is the most suitable platform for reversible computing due to the electron spin analogous to the qubit. However, optimal quantum circuits are required to physically realize the complex Boolean logic due to spin-qubit decoherence and reduce the number of transistor switching activities for the spin generation and injection required for the spin-qubit rotation. Therefore, in this paper, optimal quantum circuit decompositions are presented with the help of developed elementary quantum library {R y (θ) , R z (θ) , √SWAP for the spin-torque-based QC architecture. The reversible Boolean logic performance is analyzed and compared for the conventional, reduced, and optimal decompositions on the first- and second-order transmission coefficient matrix-based spin-torque QC architecture. The results encourage to set a path toward QC-based reconfigurable complex computing systems in near future.

Transmission coefficient matrix modeling of spin-torque based n-qubit architecture


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on VLSI

Title of PaperTransmission coefficient matrix modeling of spin-torque based n-qubit architecture


Volume Number26

Page Number1461-1470

Published YearAugust 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9999

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Spin-torque-based quantum computing (QC) architecture is emerging as one of the novel technologies to meet scalability challenge due to its intra architecture spin qubit state manipulation. The existing model for spin-torque-based QC does not include the ratio of reflection barrier height to exchange interaction to the transmission coefficients. Therefore, in this paper, a modified matrix is proposed to analyze the effect of ratio of reflection barrier height to exchange interaction on electron-qubit interaction, deviation of axis of rotation for single-qubit rotation, and average error probability for two-qubit rotation in a spin-torque-based n-qubit reconfigurable architecture. In addition, the conventional and reduced quantum gates are compared for existing and modified matrices. The quantum gates performance is analyzed in terms of number of electrons required per gate for the electron-qubit interaction, gate fidelity, number of elementary quantum operations per gate, and gate execution time. Reconfigurability is accomplished through barrier height modulation to reduce the architecture hardware. Moreover, a novel nanomagnet-based spin reservoir is incorporated in the architecture for the nonlocal spin injection to facilitate only spin-based operations. High fidelity (~99%) of quantum gates is attained for the fault-tolerant QC.

Spintronics based devices to circuits: Perspectives and challenges


Journal Name IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine

Title of PaperSpintronics based devices to circuits: Perspectives and challenges


Volume Number10

Page Number13-28

Published YearDecember 2016

ISSN/ISBN No1942-7808

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The science of using the electron's spin in electronic devices is popularly known as spintronics. Researchers have been exploring spintronics to achieve nonvolatility, low dynamic power, zero standby power, and high device density. Several novel materials and phenomena have recently been discovered in this field, including the monumental spin-transfer torque (STT) effect. Since then, aggressive research activities have been conducted in both academia and industry in the field of STT-based devices, circuits, and memories. The accomplishments in this field can be revamped to a nonvolatile computing architecture for the future. The purpose of this article is to review the status and prospects of STT-based devices and their circuit implications along with future challenges. Starting with the basic concepts and device physics, advanced applications of STT are discussed. The outlook for cutting-edge technology is provided in terms of novel magnetoresistive devices embodied in the form of magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) controlled by the giant spin Hall effect (GSHE ) and an electric field. Moreover, the concepts of all-spin logic (ASL) and MTJ-based logic are discussed. Their circuit implications and associated challenges are also reviewed.

Novel AgRhM2 (M =S, Se, Te) Chalcopyrites with superior optical properties and solar cell efficiencies


Journal NameOptical Materials

Title of PaperNovel AgRhM2 (M =S, Se, Te) Chalcopyrites with superior optical properties and solar cell efficiencies


Volume Number132

Page Number112798

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1873-1252

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index


The compounds with silver chalcopyrites usually possess excellent electronic properties including functional hole conductivity and robust hybridization (p-d), which further give the direction to scrutinize these compounds to explore their unique behaviour for optoelectronic applications. We used density functional theory (DFT) to investigate the ground state, optical, and phonon properties then implemented SCAPS-1d software to analyse photovoltaic (PV) parameters of AgRhM2 (M = S, Se, Te) compounds. The computed band structures depict semiconducting nature with an indirect band gap within the range of 1.85–0.77 eV. Metal chalcogen overleaping is observed near the valence band maximum (VBM) owing to the robust 3d and 2p hybridization. Calculated phonon dispersion curves (PDC) indicate the dynamical stability of scrutinized AgRhM2 (M = S, Se, Te) compounds. Raman spectra of AgRhM2 (M = S, Se, Te) demonstrate two Eg and A1g modes originating from the perpendicular and the parallel vibrations respectively of the Rh-M atoms. We have calculated the optical constants of the nominee silver based rhodium chalcopyrites, which are lacking particularly in the center of optoelectronic applications. Further, the solar cell parameters such as Voc, Jsc, η (%), and FF, of AgRhM2 have been calculated at various temperature operating conditions.

A Theoretical Investigation on Germanene/Graphene Composite Pressure Sensor under Pre- Stressed condition


Journal NamePhysica E: Low Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Title of PaperA Theoretical Investigation on Germanene/Graphene Composite Pressure Sensor under Pre- Stressed condition


Volume Number142

Page Number115308

Published YearMay 2022

ISSN/ISBN No13869477

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The novel 2D materials (germanene/graphene heterostructure) based pressure sensor has been proposed at nanoscale via theoretical analysis by means of computing the electrical parameters such as energy band gap and electrical conductivity of germanene under the effect of applied tensile stress. The calculation of electrical parameters have been executed utilizing electron-phonon interactions. Germanene is considered on to the substrate of graphene considering compatibility between their mechanical properties. It has been observed that the bandgap exhibits negative magnitudes that leads conducting nature of germanene/graphene composite. The sensitivity of the proposed sensor is found (2.63 – 9) 10-6 KPa-1 for the stress range of 100 KPa to 200 KPa. Moreover, it has also been observed that the proposed sensor has the optimum stress regime up to 9 GPa. The results of the present work pave new directions to design the nanoscale pressure sensor.

Determination of Muller matrix for metal substrates by Stokes Polarimetry


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements

Title of PaperDetermination of Muller matrix for metal substrates by Stokes Polarimetry


Volume NumberVol.70, Art no. 6009407

Page Number1-7

Published YearJuly 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1557-9662

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index


This article focuses on a polarization measurement method based on Mueller calculus for determining the polarization properties of metal substrates. As the Mueller matrix of a medium provides all its polarization-altering properties, the presented method enables to predict the effect of any optically absorbing media on the polarization state of light beam. For the measurement, a polarized beam of light is reflected off the substrate under study and the change in state of polarization is measured in terms of Stokes parameters. Simple formulae have been derived to deduce the values of matrix elements from the measured Stokes parameters. The presented method facilitates determination of the optical properties of any absorbing medium even though the optical constants are unidentified. It has been validated by the estimation of Mueller matrix elements of a few metal reflectors (Cu, Al and SS304) using Fresnel’s equations and comparing the theoretical values with the experimentally determined values. It has been verified further by measuring the complex refractive index of a sample (brass: Cu–Zn alloy) using the principle angle method and comparing the results with that obtained by newly developed method. For the materials under study, the average absolute error in the measurement of matrix elements is found to be <0.01 and the standard deviation is <0.02. The main advantage of the method is that the polarization properties of any optically absorbing medium can be determined using a simple optical setup at any desired wavelength.

Theoretical insights on bandgap engineering for nanoribbons of 2D materials family with Co – adatoms,


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Materials

Title of PaperTheoretical insights on bandgap engineering for nanoribbons of 2D materials family with Co – adatoms,


Volume Number50(9)

Page Number5244-5249

Published YearJune 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0361 5235

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index


The bandgap tuning of two-dimensional (2D) materials is a vital step for their potential applications in the realm of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, and spintronics. In this context, the bandgap of cobalt (Co)-adsorbed nanoribbons of novel 2D materials (for instance, graphene (GNR), h-BN (BNNR), silicene (SiNR), germanene (GeNR), stanene (SnNR), and phosphorene (PNR)) is investigated under the efect of a transverse magnetic feld via an acoustical deformation potential (ADP) scattering mechanism. Bandgaps ranging from 1.10 eV to 1.42 eV were obtained for Co-adsorbed 2D nanoribbons, which display semiconducting behaviour. In addition to that, investigating the impact of temperature on the bandgap revealed an anomalous temperature dependence of the bandgap. The outcomes of the present work would be advantageous for developing transition metal (TM)-adsorbed-nanoribbon-based nanoelectronic and spintronic devices, wherein controlling their bandgap by employing a magnetic feld is a useful tool for advancing nanoribbon-based technology.

Exploring Superconductivity in Graphene based Materials


Journal NameAsian Journal of Physics

Title of PaperExploring Superconductivity in Graphene based Materials

PublisherAnita Publications

Volume NumberVol. 27, No 5

Page Number279-285

Published YearOctober 2018

ISSN/ISBN No0971-3093

Indexed INWeb of Science, Indian citation Index, UGC List


This article reviews the fundamental theoretical predictions and the possibility of empirical occurrence of superconductivity in graphene based materials. Graphene being a monoatomic thick carbon allotrope, has unusual two-dimensional Dirac-like electronic excitations. The graphene based superconductors may provide the breakthrough in the development of high Tc superconductivity as electrically,

Magnetotransport study of iron doped novel 2D nanoribbons via acoustical phonon interactions


Journal NameInternational Journal of Nanoscience

Title of PaperMagnetotransport study of iron doped novel 2D nanoribbons via acoustical phonon interactions

PublisherWorld Scientific

Volume NumberVol 17 (3)

Page Number18500010

Published YearJanuary 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1793-5350

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, UGC List

Electron Transport Parameters Study for Transition Metal Doped armchair graphene nanoribbon via Acoustical Phonon Interactions


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Materials

Title of PaperElectron Transport Parameters Study for Transition Metal Doped armchair graphene nanoribbon via Acoustical Phonon Interactions


Volume Numbervol. 46, issue 4

Page Number2340-2346

Published YearApril 2017

ISSN/ISBN No0361 5235

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, UGC List

Structural and dynamical stability of cadmium nitride using first principles calculations


Journal NameSolid State Sciences

Title of PaperStructural and dynamical stability of cadmium nitride using first principles calculations


Volume Numbervol. 21

Page Number66-72

Published YearMarch 2013

ISSN/ISBN No1293-2558

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, UGC List

Automated Digitization of Student’s Marks from the Answer‑Book Images Using a Lightweight CNN Model


Journal NameSN Computer Science

Title of PaperAutomated Digitization of Student’s Marks from the Answer‑Book Images Using a Lightweight CNN Model


Volume Number5

Page Number1-9

Published YearMarch 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2662-995X

Indexed INScopus


Preparing student’s digital marksheet using images of student answer-books is a potential application in academic institutions. Segmenting assigned marks automatically from answer-book images is extremely challenging, and it also demands pre-processing before the recognition stage. In addition, recognizing handwritten digits is crucial due to diferent writing styles. Existing research admits the superior performance of deep learning-based models in handwritten digit recognition (HDR) applications for popular datasets. However, their implication on real-time data for an experimental setup needs much attention. This paper presents an experimental setup that uses student answer-book images to record students’ marks digitally. We proposed a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) model for HDR. We also introduced a contour-based segmentation process for automatically extracting student details from answer-book images. The obtained results show the state-of-the-art performance of our proposed CNN model for real-time images. Further, introducing additional pre-processing before recognition signifcantly enhances the accuracy of the HDR experimental setup.

Classification of Microscopic Image of Herbal Plants from its Powder Using Speeded-UP Robust Features


Journal NameJournal of Advanced Microscopy Research

Title of PaperClassification of Microscopic Image of Herbal Plants from its Powder Using Speeded-UP Robust Features

PublisherAmerican Scientific Publishers

Volume Number13

Page Number326-332

Published YearSeptember 2018

ISSN/ISBN No21567573

Indexed INScopus, UGC List

Automatic Image Segmentation Algorithm for Microscopic Images of Liquorice and Rhubarb


Title of PaperAutomatic Image Segmentation Algorithm for Microscopic Images of Liquorice and Rhubarb

Proceeding NameVisionNet '16


Year , VenueSeptember 2016 , Jaipur

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4503-4301-5

Indexed INScopus, UGC List

Automatic Identification of Licorice and Rhubarb by Microscopic Image Processing


Journal NameProcedia Computer Science, Elsevier

Title of PaperAutomatic Identification of Licorice and Rhubarb by Microscopic Image Processing


Volume Number58

Page Number723-730

Published YearAugust 2015

Indexed INScopus, UGC List

Microscopic Image Analysis Method for Identification of Indian Herbal Plants


Title of PaperMicroscopic Image Analysis Method for Identification of Indian Herbal Plants

Proceeding NameNUiCONE

PublisherIEEE Explore

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Published YearNovember 2014

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-6052

Indexed INScopus, UGC List

A robust two stage super-resolution algorithm


Title of PaperA robust two stage super-resolution algorithm

Proceeding NameNUiCONE, IEEE Explore


OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2012 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University

ISSN/ISBN No 2375-1282

Indexed INScopus, UGC List

Effect of sputtering time and calcination temperature duration on the structural, optical, and magnetic properties of DC sputtered SrM films


Journal NameJournal of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics

Title of PaperEffect of sputtering time and calcination temperature duration on the structural, optical, and magnetic properties of DC sputtered SrM films


Published YearApril 2024

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A study of the effect of the Cu and Cr co-doping on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of barium hexaferrites synthesized in presence of mentha leaves extract


Journal NameMaterials Today Communication

Title of PaperA study of the effect of the Cu and Cr co-doping on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of barium hexaferrites synthesized in presence of mentha leaves extract


Volume Number37

Page Number107214

Published YearOctober 2023

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Tailoring magnetic and dielectric properties of SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 ferrite nanocomposites synthesized in presence of Calotropis gigantea (crown) flower extract


Journal NameJournal of Alloys and Compounds

Title of PaperTailoring magnetic and dielectric properties of SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 ferrite nanocomposites synthesized in presence of Calotropis gigantea (crown) flower extract


Volume Number900

Page Number163415

Published YearApril 2022

Indexed INScopus


SrFe12O19 (M-type hexaferrite) and NiFe2O4 (spinel) nano ferrite powders were synthesized in the presence of Calotropis gigantea (crown) flowers extract separately. SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 nanocomposites were prepared in the presence of crown flowers extract and the effect of different weight ratios (M:S – 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5) on structural, microstructural, magnetic, electrical transport, and dielectric properties were studied. The average crystallite size of nanocomposites was found from 25 nm to 44 nm. In addition, it was observed that the crystallite size of the M-phase decreased when the spinel phase increased. XRD analysis depicts the presence of both M and S phases in composites. The M-H loops analysis of SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 composites indicates that the coercivity (3181–326 Oe), and saturation magnetization (57.5 Am2/kg. - 40 Am2/kg.) decreased when the spinel phase amount increased. Nanocomposites with weight ratios 9:1, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4 belong to a hard ferrite, while 5:5 shows soft magnetic nature. However, prepared composites possess a multi-domain structure. The weak exchange coupling interactions were found in composites 9:1 and 8:2, whereas the partial exchange coupling interactions were observed in composites 7:3, 6:4, and perfect exchange coupling interaction was noticed in 5:5.

Equilibrium Magnetic Field Requirements during Plasma Initiation and Current Ramp-up Phase in ADITYA/ADITYA-U Tokamak Discharges


Journal NamePlasma and Fusion Research

Title of PaperEquilibrium Magnetic Field Requirements during Plasma Initiation and Current Ramp-up Phase in ADITYA/ADITYA-U Tokamak Discharges

Publisher The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research

Volume Number17

Page Number2402046

Published YearFebruary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No18806821

Indexed INScopus


Plasma equilibrium in ADITYA/ADITYA-U is provided by two pairs of vertical field coils (BV1 & BV2) placed outside the vessel. A peak loop voltage of ∼20V is required for successful breakdown and start-up in ADITYA, which leads to a higher IP ramp-rate ∼6 - 8 MA/Sec during the first ∼7ms of discharge. To hold the plasma column in equilibrium, the vertical field should also be ramped-up at the same rate. Series connections of vertical field (BV) coils do not provide the required ramp rate due to the high L/R time-constant of the coils and 12 pulse converter firing. Therefore, additional arrangements are made to achieve it. The addition of a precharged capacitor of 500 μF/3 kV with VF converter based power supply allows successful start-up but causes concern about a slight dip that is observed in the plasma current. To obtain proper stabilization, two techniques are used. One is the paralleling of BV coils, and second is using the combination of another capacitor bank of 19.5mF/1.2 kV and IGBT based power supply have improved the plasma performance and raised the IP ∼ 150 kA with dIP/dt ∼ 3.0 - 3.5MA/s in ADITYA. In this paper, the effect of the equilibrium field in accordance with plasma performance is discussed in detail.

Overview of recent experimental results from the ADITYA-U tokamak


Journal NameNuclear Fusion

Title of PaperOverview of recent experimental results from the ADITYA-U tokamak


Volume Number62

Page Number042017

Published YearFebruary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0029-5515

Indexed INScopus


Since the 2018 IAEA-FEC conference, in addition to expanding the parameter horizons of the ADITYA-U machine, emphasis has been given to dedicated experiments on inductively driven particle injection (IPI) for disruption studies, runaway electron (RE) dynamics and mitigation, plasma rotation reversal, radiative-improved modes using Ne and Ar injection, modulation of magneto–hydrodynamicmodes, edge turbulence using periodic gas puffs and electrode biasing (E-B). Plasma parameters close to the design parameters of circular plasmas with H2 and D2 as fuel have been realized, and the shaped plasma operation has also been initiated. Consistent plasma discharges having IP ∼ 100–210 kA, t ∼ 300–400 ms, ne ∼ 3–6 × 1019 m−3, core Te ∼ 300–500 eV were achieved with a maximum BT of ∼1.5 T. The enhanced plasma parameters are the outcome of repeated cycles of baking (135 ◦C), followed by extensive wall conditioning, which includes pulsed glow discharge cleaning in H, He and Ar–H mixture, and lithiumization. A higher confinement time has been observed in D2 compared to H2 plasmas. Furthermore, shaped plasmas are attempted for the first time in ADITYA-U. A first of its kind inductively driven particle injection for disruption mitigation studies has been developed and operated. The injection of solid particles into the plasma core leads to a fast current quench. Two pulses of electron cyclotron resonance wave at 42 GHz are launched in a single discharge: one pulse is used for pre-ionization and the second for heating. In a novel approach, a positively biased electrode is used to confine REs after discharge termination. E-B is also used for controlling the rotation of drift-tearing modes by changing the plasma rotation. Cold pulse propagation and signatures of detachment are observed during the injection of short gas puffs. A correlation between the plasma toroidal rotation and the total radiated power has been observed with neon gas injection-induced improved confinement modes

Structural, Morphological, magnetic Hysteresis and Dielectric properties of cobalt substituted Barium – Lead hexagonal ferrites for technological Applications


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperStructural, Morphological, magnetic Hysteresis and Dielectric properties of cobalt substituted Barium – Lead hexagonal ferrites for technological Applications


Volume Number47

Page Number27441-27452

Published YearOctober 2020

Indexed INScopus


M-type, Ba0.4Pb0.6Fe12-xCoxO19 (x = 0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40) hexaferrites, synthesized using citrate gel auto combustion method, and heated at 950 °C, 4 h for lossless applications. XRD analysis shows the development of the M-phase, along with PbM and hematite. The microstructural analysis reveals the stacking clusters of hexagonally shaped platelets. TEM image and SAED pattern of x = 0.3 composition shows polycrystalline nature and formed particles observed to fused with neighbouring particles. M − H loops of all samples reveal hard magnetic behaviour and possess multi-domain structure. The maximum saturation magnetization of 55.427 A m2/kg is observed in x = 0.10 composition and coercivity of prepared hexaferrites was found to vary from 0.058 T to 0.390 T. The cobalt substitution has a strong influence on the dielectric properties of prepared hexaferrites. The value of ac conductivity increases with cobalt substitution from x = 0.00 to x = 0.10, and followed by a reduction from x = 0.10 to x = 0.40. The same trend is observed for the dielectric constant. The low value of loss tangent for all compositions shows apt scope for lossless application.

Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Co-Zr substituted M-type calcium hexagonal ferrite nanoparticles in the presence of α-Fe2O3 phase


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperStructural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Co-Zr substituted M-type calcium hexagonal ferrite nanoparticles in the presence of α-Fe2O3 phase


Volume Number44

Page Number17812-17823

Published YearJuly 2018

Indexed INScopus, UGC List


Polycrystalline nanoparticles of M-type Ca(ZrCo)xFe12−2xO19 (0.0≤x≤1.0) hexaferrites were prepared using a simple heat treatment method at a low heating temperature of 650 °C. Effect of cobalt-zirconium substitution on the structural, microstructural, magnetic and dielectric properties was investigated. XRD analysis indicates that all the samples possess a hexagonal structure with anti-ferromagnet

Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Aluminum Cobalt Substituted M−type Strontium Hexaferrites

Book Chapter

Book NameMagnetic oxides and composites

PublisherMaterials Research forum

Author NameRajshree B Jotania Shami Mohamad

Page Number216-236

Chapter TitleStructural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Aluminum Cobalt Substituted M−type Strontium Hexaferrites

Published YearMarch 2018

ISSN/ISBN No2471-8890

Indexed INOthers


SrCoxAlxFe(12-2x)O19 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0) hexaferrites have been synthesized using a simple heat treatment method and characterized using various instrumental techniques such as FTIR, XRD, SEM, VSM and dielectric measurements. The XRD analysis reveals the formation of mixed phases of M-type hexaferrite and α-Fe2O3. The crystallite size is found in the range of 24-46 nm. The micrograp

Structural phases, magnetic properties and Maxwell–Wagner type relaxation of CoFe2O4/Sr2Co2Fe12O22 ferrite composites


Journal NameMaterials Research Express

Title of PaperStructural phases, magnetic properties and Maxwell–Wagner type relaxation of CoFe2O4/Sr2Co2Fe12O22 ferrite composites

PublisherIOP Science

Volume Number4

Page Number076105

Published YearJuly 2017

Indexed INScopus, UGC List


CoFe2O4 (S:Y-1:0) and Sr2Co2Fe12O22 (S:Y-0:1) ferrites were synthesized separately by using chemical coprecipitation technique and calcined at 1000 °C for 5 h. The mixed ferrite composites (S:Y-3:7, 4:6, 5:5, 6:4 and 7:3) were prepared by physical mixing of individual ferrite powders in required weight proportions. The prepared composites were heated at 1150 °C for 5 h in a muffle furnace and then

Tunable microwave absorption in Co-Al substituted M-type Ba-Sr hexagonal ferrite


Journal NameJournal of Materials Design

Title of PaperTunable microwave absorption in Co-Al substituted M-type Ba-Sr hexagonal ferrite


Volume Number110

Page Number749-761

Published YearAugust 2016

Indexed INScopus, UGC List


M-type hexagonal ferrites with chemical composition Ba0.5Sr0.5CoxAlxFe12-2xO19 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0) have been synthesized using a standard ceramic method. The electromagnetic or microwave parameters have been measured in the frequency range of 8.2 to 12.4 GHz using a vector network analyzer. The microwave absorption or reflection loss (RL) of different compositions has been evalua

Effect of Aluminium Substitution on the Structural Magnetic and Dielectric porperties of Ba-Zn Hexaferrite particles prepared using Sol Gel Auto Combustion Technique


Journal NameAdvanced Science Letters

Title of PaperEffect of Aluminium Substitution on the Structural Magnetic and Dielectric porperties of Ba-Zn Hexaferrite particles prepared using Sol Gel Auto Combustion Technique

PublisherAmerican Scientific Publishers

Volume Number22

Page Number864-868

Published YearApril 2016

Indexed INWeb of Science

Fabrication, Structural and Dielectric Properties of Aluminum doped W-type Barium Zinc Hexaferrite particles


Title of PaperFabrication, Structural and Dielectric Properties of Aluminum doped W-type Barium Zinc Hexaferrite particles

Proceeding NameMaterials Today: Proceedings


OrganizationJaipur National University

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , Jaipur National University

Page Number9347–9351

Indexed INScopus, UGC List


synthesized using simple heat treatment method. Prepared samples were calcinated at 650̊ C for 3 hours in a furnace and slowly cooled at room temperature. Structural studies were carried out using X-ray diffractograms (XRD). XRD analysis confirms the formation of mono phase. Crystalline size calculated using Debye Scherrer formula ranges from 20 nm to 50 nm. The dielectric measurements were carrie

Structural phases and Maxwell–Wagner relaxation in magnetically soft-ZnFe2O4 and hard-Sr2Cu2Fe12O22 nanocomposites


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperStructural phases and Maxwell–Wagner relaxation in magnetically soft-ZnFe2O4 and hard-Sr2Cu2Fe12O22 nanocomposites


Volume Number42

Page Number2289-2298

Published YearOctober 2015

Indexed INScopus, UGC List


In the present investigation magnetically soft-ZnFe2O4 (S-spinel) and hard-Sr2Cu2Fe12O22 (Y type) mixed ferrite nano-composites (S:Y as 1:0, 1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8 and 0:1) were synthesized by using chemical co-precipitation technique. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the formation of mixed ferrite phases containing Y-type hexaferrite and spinel ferrite phases. The particle size of the prepare

Effect of Non-ionic Surfactant Concentration on Microstructure, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Strontium-Copper Hexaferrite Powder

Book Chapter

Book NameFerroic Materials: Synthesis and Applications

PublisherTrans Tech

Page Number93-110

Chapter TitleEffect of Non-ionic Surfactant Concentration on Microstructure, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Strontium-Copper Hexaferrite Powder

Published YearApril 2015

Indexed INUGC List


Strontium copper hexaferrite powder with composition Sr2Cu2Fe12O22 was synthesized in presence of a non-ionic surfactant Tween-80 using chemical co-precipitation route. The prepared samples were calcinated at 950 ºC for 4 hrs in a furnace and then slowly cooled to room temperature to obtain Sr2Cu2Fe12O22 hexaferrite powder. The effect of surfactant concentration on phase formation, microstructure,

Automated Digitization of Student’s Marks from the Answer Book Images Using a Lightweight CNN Model


Journal NameSN computer science

Title of PaperAutomated Digitization of Student’s Marks from the Answer Book Images Using a Lightweight CNN Model


Volume Number5

Page Number1-9

Published YearFebruary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2662-995X

Indexed INScopus

Enhanced Smart Stick Design for Visually Impaired


Title of PaperEnhanced Smart Stick Design for Visually Impaired

Proceeding NameIEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)


Author NameDhyanik Pukar, Riya Gautam, B. Sabuwala and Dhaval Shah

Published YearDecember 2023

Integrative Home Automation System - A Multifaceted Approach


Title of PaperIntegrative Home Automation System - A Multifaceted Approach

Proceeding NameIEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)


Author NameDhyanik Pukar, Riya Gautam and Dhaval Shah

Page Number449-452

Published YearDecember 2023

Neighborhood image processing using Verilog HDL


Title of PaperNeighborhood image processing using Verilog HDL

Proceeding Name3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)


Author NameSelarka, Trushti, Yash Viradiya, and Dhaval Shah

Page Number494-498

Published YearNovember 2023

Indexed INScopus

Model-Based Software Development for Predictive Battery Temperature Estimation


Title of PaperModel-Based Software Development for Predictive Battery Temperature Estimation

Proceeding Name3rd Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON)


Author NameParth Oza and Dhaval Shah

Page Number1-7

Published YearAugust 2023

Indexed INScopus

Performance Analysis of Cache Memory in CPU


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Cache Memory in CPU

Proceeding NameSoft Computing and Its Engineering Applications


Author NameViraj Mankad, Viraj Shah, Sachin Gajjar and Dhaval Shah

Year , VenueDecember 2022 , Charotar University of Science and Technology, Changa, Anand, Gujarat, India

Page Number5-14

Indexed INScopus

Comparative BER Analysis of Free Space Optical System Using Wavelength Diversity over Exponentiated Weibull Channel


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

Title of PaperComparative BER Analysis of Free Space Optical System Using Wavelength Diversity over Exponentiated Weibull Channel

Volume Number67

Page Number665-672

Published YearDecember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No20818491

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Designing C library for MODBUS-RTU to CANBUS and MODBUS-TCP IOT Converters


Title of PaperDesigning C library for MODBUS-RTU to CANBUS and MODBUS-TCP IOT Converters

Proceeding NameSecond International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC)


Author NameAbhay Sharma, Shruti Airan and Dhaval Shah

OrganizationHindustan Institute of Technology, Coimbatore

Page Number 731-737

Published YearJune 2021

Indexed INScopus

Implementation of IoT based Waste Segregation and Collection System


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

Title of PaperImplementation of IoT based Waste Segregation and Collection System

PublisherPolish Academy of Science

Volume Number65

Page Number579-584

Published YearJuly 2019

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Implementation of Wavelength Diversity Technique in Free-Space Optical Link


Title of PaperImplementation of Wavelength Diversity Technique in Free-Space Optical Link


Author NameDhaval shah

Published YearJuly 2018

Indexed INScopus

Bit error rate analysis of the K channel using wavelength diversity


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperBit error rate analysis of the K channel using wavelength diversity


Volume Number56

Page Number056106 (1-6)

Published YearMay 2017

Indexed INScopus

Performance of free-space optical link with wavelength diversity over exponentiated Weibull channel


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance of free-space optical link with wavelength diversity over exponentiated Weibull channel


Volume Number55

Page Number116112 (1-6)

Published YearNovember 2016

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Performance of Free Space Optical Link Using Wavelength Diversity over K Turbulence Channels


Title of PaperPerformance of Free Space Optical Link Using Wavelength Diversity over K Turbulence Channels

Proceeding Name5th IEEE international conference on Communication and Signal Processing - ICCSP'16,


OrganizationAdhiparasakthi Engg. College Melmaruvathur Tamil Nadu, India

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Adhiparasakthi Engg. College Melmaruvathur Tamil Nadu, India

Indexed INScopus

Innovations in Evaluation: An Integral Part of Outcome Based Education


Title of PaperInnovations in Evaluation: An Integral Part of Outcome Based Education

Proceeding Name5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, NUiCONE-2015


OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2015 , Nirma University

Indexed INScopus

Mitigation of Fog and Rain Effects in Free-Space Optical Transmission Using Combined Diversity.


Title of PaperMitigation of Fog and Rain Effects in Free-Space Optical Transmission Using Combined Diversity.

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference on Computer, Communication and Technologies, IC3T-2015

PublisherAdvances in Intelligent systems and computing, Springer-2015

OrganizationCMR Technical Campus

Year , VenueJuly 2015 , CMR Technical Campus

ISSN/ISBN No2194-5365

Indexed INScopus

RS-LDPC Product Code for High SNR Applications


Title of PaperRS-LDPC Product Code for High SNR Applications

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)


OrganizationAmity University, Noida

Year , VenueFebruary 2015 , Amity University, Noida

Indexed INScopus

Optimization of 2.5 Gbps WDM-FSO link range under different rain conditions in Ahmedabad


Title of PaperOptimization of 2.5 Gbps WDM-FSO link range under different rain conditions in Ahmedabad

Proceeding NameIEEE INDICON-2014


Published YearDecember 2014

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-5362-2

Indexed INScopus

BER performance improvement with combination of OVSF spreading and convolution code in inter satellite links using FSO


Title of PaperBER performance improvement with combination of OVSF spreading and convolution code in inter satellite links using FSO

Proceeding NameIEEE INDICON-2013


Published YearDecember 2013

Indexed INScopus

Implementation of OFDM Transceiver on FPGA


Title of PaperImplementation of OFDM Transceiver on FPGA

Proceeding Name4th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering, NUiCONE-2013


OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2013 , Nirma University

ISSN/ISBN No2375-1282

Indexed INScopus

Comparative BER Analysis of Free Space Optical System Using Wavelength Diversity over Exponentiated Weibull Channel



Title of PaperComparative BER Analysis of Free Space Optical System Using Wavelength Diversity over Exponentiated Weibull Channel


Volume Number67

Page Number665–672

Published YearDecember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2300-1933

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Atmospheric turbulence is considered as major threat to Free Space Optical (FSO) communication as it causes irradiance and phase fluctuations of the transmitted signal which degrade the performance of FSO system. Wavelength diversity is one of the techniques to mitigate these effects. In this paper, the wavelength diversity technique is applied to FSO system to improve the performance under different turbulence conditions which are modeled using Exponentiated Weibull (EW) channel. In this technique, the data was communicated through 1.55 µm, 1.31 µm, and 0.85 µm carrier wavelengths. Optimal Combining (OC) scheme has been considered to receive the signals at receiver. Mathematical equation for average BER is derived for wavelength diversity based FSO system. Results are obtained for the different link length under different turbulence conditions. The obtained average BER results for different turbulence conditions characterized by EW channel is compared with the published result of average BER for different turbulence which is presented by classical channel model. A comparative BER analysis shows that maximum advantage of wavelength diversity technique is obtained when different turbulence conditions are modeled by EW channel.

Effect of carrier imbalance on conductivity of doublelayer graphene system in presence of long and short range scatterers


Journal NameAIP Conference Proceedings

Title of PaperEffect of carrier imbalance on conductivity of doublelayer graphene system in presence of long and short range scatterers

PublisherAIP Publishing

Volume Number2995

Published YearJanuary 2024


Theoretical investigation onthe effect of carrier imbalance on conductivity of Double Layer Graphene System (DLGS) in presence of long range and short range scatterershas been done at 𝑇= 0 K within the framework of Boltzmann Transport equation. Wedescribed here with some variableparameters like carrier imbalance𝑛𝑟, ratio of dielectric constant 𝜀𝑟, and distance 𝑑between two monolayers. The influence of the scattering mechanisms specifically Short range scattering and Coulomb chargeimpurity scattering have been assessed. It is found thatthe short range scatterers play vital role to affect the conductivity. Maximum conductivity has been attained in the absence of point defect. Influence of the screening effect between two monolayeris observed as interlayer distance 𝑑~ 20 𝑛𝑚. Further, italso noticed that as the value of relative carrier concentration 𝑛𝑟 increases, the peak is shifting towards higher value of 𝜀𝑟.

Influence of various surfactants on magnetic property of cobalt ferrite prepared by Co-precipitation technique


Journal NameAIP Conference Proceedings

Title of PaperInfluence of various surfactants on magnetic property of cobalt ferrite prepared by Co-precipitation technique

PublisherAIP Publishing

Volume Number1728

Published YearMay 2016


Cobalt Ferrite (CoFe2O4) particles were synthesised using a Co-precipitation method. Influence of three different surfactants i.e. (1) Cationic – CTAB (Cetyl Tri-Methyl Ammonium Bromide), (2) Anionic – SDBS (Sodium Dodecyl Benzene Sulphonate) and (3) Nonionic – Triton X-100, on magnetic property of Cobalt Ferrite were investigated. Magnetic property of Cobalt ferrite powder was studied at room temperature using Vibrating Sample Measurements (VSM) technique under an applied magnetic field of 15kOe. The results show maximum value of saturation magnetization - Ms (81.87 emu/g) for the sample synthesised without surfactant and Coercivity value found maximum (2086 kOe) for the sample synthesized in presence of surfactant SDBS.

Effect of surfactants on structural and dielectric properties of cobalt ferrite


Journal NameAdvanced Materials Research

Title of PaperEffect of surfactants on structural and dielectric properties of cobalt ferrite

PublisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd

Volume Number938

Page Number14-18

Published YearJuly 2014


Cobalt ferrite (Cofe2o4) particles were synthesized with and without presence of surfactants using a co-precipitation method. Three surfactants Cetyl Tri methyl Ammonium Bromide (CTAB-cationic), Sodium dodecylbenzenesulphonate (anionic), Triton X-100 (nonionic), were used and investigate their effects on the structural and dielectric properties of CoFe2O4 particles. The ferrite precursors were first pre calcined in a muffle furnace at 500°C and then calcined at 950°C. Structural, dielectric and magnetic properties of prepared particles were investigated using X-ray powder diffraction, Dielectric and Low field ac magnetic susceptibility measurement. Phase purity of prepared samples was confirmed by X-ray diffraction. The sample with surfactant Triton X-100 shows the highest values of dielectric constant at low frequency.

Design and implementation of 4 bit binary weighted current steering DAC


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Title of PaperDesign and implementation of 4 bit binary weighted current steering DAC

Volume Number10

Page Number5642-5649

Published YearDecember 2020

Indexed INScopus

Design for Improving Non-Linearity Error of Current Steering DAC for Biomedical Applications


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Title of PaperDesign for Improving Non-Linearity Error of Current Steering DAC for Biomedical Applications

Volume Number29

Page Number2434-2440

Published YearMay 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2207-6360

Indexed INScopus


A compact current-mode Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC) suitable for neural stimulator based artificial retinal prostheses is represented in this paper .The designed DAC is binary weighted in 180nm CMOS technology with 1.8V supply voltage. In this implementation the authors have calculated for DAC having various type of switches: NMOS, PMOS switch and Transmission Gate. The implemented DAC uses lower area and power compared to unary architecture due to absence of digital decoders. The desired value of Integrated non linearity (INL) and Differential non linearity (DNL) for DAC for Artificial Retinal Prostheses are of +0.5LSB. Result obtained in this works for INL and DNL is +0.34LSB and +0.38 LSB respectively with 22mW power dissipation.



Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology


Volume Number11

Page Number452-460

Published YearApril 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0976-6499

Indexed INScopus


Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) is a circuit known as a circuit of all seasons. It has wide applications in various fields. Current steering has an advantages over others are in form its speed and power consumption. Non linearity error- Integrated non Linearity (INL) & Differential Non Linearity (DNL) are one of the important measure for DAC and having great impact on the performance of DAC used specifically in the field of medical. Amount of INL and DNL depends on the type of architecture say binary weighted, unary weighted or segmented DAC. Types of switching also have great impact on the INL and DNL. This article presents design and implementation of segmented DAC using various switches like NMOS, PMOS, Transmission Gate and differential switch. The concept of segmented offered the advantage in form of reduction in glitches compared to binary weighted DAC. Looking to Comparison of all, Results of DAC using Differential switch offered an advantage in from of uniform step size on output. Eventually that results in form of better INL and DNL. In order to simulate the design, cadence virtuoso tool with 180 nm MOS technology is used.

Evolutionary transfer optimization-based approach for automated ictal pattern recognition using brain signals


Journal NameFrontiers in Human Neuroscience

Title of PaperEvolutionary transfer optimization-based approach for automated ictal pattern recognition using brain signals


Volume Number18

Page Number1386168

Published YearJune 2024

ISSN/ISBN No1662-5161

Indexed INScopus


The visual scrutinization process for detecting epileptic seizures (ictal patterns) is time-consuming and prone to manual errors, which can have serious consequences, including drug abuse and life-threatening situations. To address these challenges, expert systems for automated detection of ictal patterns have been developed, yet feature engineering remains problematic due to variability within and between subjects. Single-objective optimization approaches yield less reliable results. This study proposes a novel expert system using the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA)-II to detect ictal patterns in brain signals. Employing an evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) approach, the classifier minimizes both the number of features and the error rate simultaneously. Input features include statistical features derived from phase space transformations, singular values, and energy values of time–frequency domain wavelet packet transform coefficients. Through evolutionary transfer optimization (ETO), the optimal feature set is determined from training datasets and passed through a generalized regression neural network (GRNN) model for pattern detection of testing datasets. The results demonstrate high accuracy with minimal computation time (<0.5 s), and EMO reduces the feature set matrix by more than half, suggesting reliability for clinical applications. In conclusion, the proposed model offers promising advancements in automating ictal pattern recognition in EEG data, with potential implications for improving epilepsy diagnosis and treatment. Further research is warranted to validate its performance across diverse datasets and investigate potential limitations.

Analysing the brain networks corresponding to the facial contrast-chimeras


Journal NamePerception

Title of PaperAnalysing the brain networks corresponding to the facial contrast-chimeras

PublisherSAGE Publications

Volume Number52

Page Number371-384

Published YearJune 2023

ISSN/ISBN No0301-0066

Indexed INScopus


How humans recognise faces and objects effortlessly, has become a great point of interest. To understand the underlying process, one of the approaches is to study the facial features, in particular ordinal contrast relations around the eye region, which plays a crucial role in face recognition and perception. Recently the graph-theoretic approaches to electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis are found to be effective in understating the underlying process of human brain while performing various tasks. We have explored this approach in face recognition and perception to know the importance of contrast features around the eye region. We studied functional brain networks, formed using EEG responses, corresponding to four types of visual stimuli with varying contrast relationships: Positive faces, chimeric faces (photo-negated faces, preserving the polarity of contrast relationships around eyes), photo-negated faces and only eyes. We observed the variations in brain networks of each type of stimuli by finding the distribution of graph distances across brain networks of all subjects. Moreover, our statistical analysis shows that positive and chimeric faces are equally easy to recognise in contrast to difficult recognition of negative faces and only eyes.

Real-time automated epileptic seizure detection by analyzing time-varying high spatial frequency oscillations


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

Title of PaperReal-time automated epileptic seizure detection by analyzing time-varying high spatial frequency oscillations


Volume Number71

Page Number1-8

Published YearFebruary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0018-9456

Indexed INScopus


Real-time seizure onset detection has been an active area of research in the study of epilepsy. Electroencephalography (EEG) measurements are widely used in seizure detection due to their high temporal resolution, cost-effective, and noninvasive nature. Various approaches based on machine learning are used for epileptic seizure detection, but these approaches do not explicitly reveal the underlying dynamics, require larger datasets for training, and are computationally demanding. Although high-frequency oscillations (HFOs) are the new biomarkers of epilepsy, they cannot be used with the existing data acquisition systems as they require high sampling rates and high cutoff frequency of the used filters. In this article, we present a novel approach for real-time seizure detection using high spatial frequencies. Since eigenvalues of the graph Laplacian represent spatial frequencies, we conjecture that higher eigenvalues and eigenvectors will contain the detailed information of seizure and non-seizure brain states. Hence, we have formed sub-band characteristic response vector (sub-band CRV) using weighted sum of eigenvectors corresponding to higher spatial frequencies and analyzed it over time. We have used a publicly available dataset to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach. We observed that the proposed approach performs satisfactorily well in real-time automated seizure detection without requiring any kind of prior training. Moreover, our approach is not only accurate in seizure detection but also is independent of sampling rates, hence can be implemented easily in clinical realm for developing an automated seizure detection tool with the existing data acquisition systems operating at low sampling rates.

Tracking the transitions of brain states: an analytical approach using EEG


Journal NameIEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering

Title of PaperTracking the transitions of brain states: an analytical approach using EEG


Volume Number28

Page Number1742-1749

Published YearAugust 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1534-4320

Indexed INScopus


Objective: Classification of the neural activity of the brain is a well known problem in the field of brain computer interface. Machine learning based approaches for classification of brain activities do not reveal the underlying dynamics of the human brain. Methods: Since eigen decomposition has been found useful in a variety of applications, we conjecture that change of brain states would manifest in terms of changes in the invariant spaces spanned by eigen vectors as well as amount of variance along them. Based on this, our first approach is to track the brain state transitions by analysing invariant space variations over time. Whereas, our second approach analyses sub-band characteristic response vector formed using eigen values along with the eigen vectors to capture the dynamics. Result: We have taken two real time EEG datasets to demonstrate the efficacy of proposed approaches. It has been observed that in case of unimodal experiment, invariant spaces explicitly show the transitions of brain states. Whereas sub-band characteristic response vector approach gives better performance in the case of cross-modal conditions. Conclusions: Evolution of invariant spaces along with the eigen values may help in understanding and tracking the brain state transitions. Significance: The proposed approaches can track the activity transitions in real time. They do not require any training dataset.

Impact of CPAP on LF Power, HF Power and LF–HF Ratio in Patients with Severe OSA During Split Night Study


Journal NameSleep and Vigilance

Title of PaperImpact of CPAP on LF Power, HF Power and LF–HF Ratio in Patients with Severe OSA During Split Night Study

PublisherSpringer Singapore

Volume Number4

Page Number23-28

Published YearMay 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2510-2265

Indexed INScopus

Polynomial sparse adaptive algorithm


Journal NameElectronics Letters

Title of PaperPolynomial sparse adaptive algorithm

PublisherThe Institution of Engineering and Technology

Volume Number52

Page Number2063-2065

Published YearDecember 2016

ISSN/ISBN No1350-911X

Indexed INScopus


Sparse learning algorithms for system identification differ from their non-sparse counterparts in their improved ability in quickly identifying the zero coefficients in a sparse system. This improvement has been achieved using the principle of zero attraction, whereby the near zero coefficients of the model are forced to zero. In order to further improve the zero attraction capability of sparse adaptive algorithms, an attempt has been made to design a polynomial sparse adaptive algorithm. The enhanced modelling ability of the proposed scheme is evident from the simulation results. The proposed method has also been successfully applied in modelling an acoustic feedback path in a behind the ear digital hearing aid.

Robust modeling of acoustic paths using a sparse adaptive algorithm


Journal NameApplied Acoustics

Title of PaperRobust modeling of acoustic paths using a sparse adaptive algorithm


Volume Number101

Page Number122-126

Published YearJanuary 2016

ISSN/ISBN No0003-682X

Indexed INScopus

Magnetic Field-Controlled Bandgap of a Phosphorene-Based PN-Device for Sensing Application


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Materials

Title of PaperMagnetic Field-Controlled Bandgap of a Phosphorene-Based PN-Device for Sensing Application

PublisherSpringer US

Volume Number52

Page Number1113–1120

Published YearNovember 2022

Indexed INScopus


A transversely applied magnetic field can alter the energy bandgap and other corresponding electrical parameters of a PN-device at the nanoscale. The present theoretical analysis demonstrates that the applied magnetic field controls the bandgap and resistivity of a phosphorene nanoribbon (PNR)-based PN-device. This allows the device to function as a magnetic field sensor as well. For this purpose, the electron–acoustic phonon scattering mechanism is used to estimate phonon-mediated electronic resistivity, which is a parameter directly linked to the bandgap. The armchair configuration of nanoribbons is subjected to energy bandgap and resistivity calculations owing to their semiconducting nature. It is found that in the absence of a magnetic field, the device exhibits a semiconducting nature, but when a magnetic field is supplied, the device acquires a conducting (metallic) state. This semiconductor-to-metal transition is attributable to the change in resistivity of the PN-device under a transversely applied magnetic field, which ultimately results in a change in bandgap. The outcome of the work is pivotal for (i) various nanoelectronic applications that demand semiconductor–metal transition and (ii) designing a magnetic field sensor via bandgap regulation of PNR-based PN-devices.

The carrier mobility and sizable bandgap in fluorinated armchair boron nitride nanoribbons


Title of PaperThe carrier mobility and sizable bandgap in fluorinated armchair boron nitride nanoribbons

Proceeding NameMaterials Today: Proceedings


Author NameKeyur Sangani, Ankur Dwivedi, Ankur Pandya, and Prafulla K. Jha

Page Number56-61

Published YearMay 2022

Indexed INScopus


The electronic transport properties of two-dimensional materials are strongly influenced by the charge carrier mobility and the energy bandgap. Furthermore, the carrier-phonon interaction governs the electrical response of any electrical device at a specific temperature. In light of this, the electron mobility and energy bandgap of fluorine (F) doped armchair Boron Nitride nanoribbons (a-BNNRs) are computed theoretically and analysed further. The acoustical deformation potential (ADP) scattering mechanism is taken into account to determine the mobility of the system. The calculations are carried out in presence of an applied electric field as well as different doping concentrations across a specified temperature range (200–300 K). The computed value of electron mobility for F-BNNR is of the order 104 cm2 V−1 s−1. Such higher magnitude of electron mobility suggests the semiconducting nature of BNNRs. Moreover, the variation of electron mobility as a function of temperature and doping concentration demonstrates a significant reduction in the acoustical phonon-limited electron mobility of fluorine-doped boron nitride nanoribbons. To estimate the energy bandgap, a set of equations are determined from the Fermi velocity expression using the nearly free electron (NFE) model. The computed energy bandgap is found to diminish with the increasing size of the nanoribbon. This behaviour of F-doped a-BNNRs envisages its applications in Visible-IR optical sensors.

A theoretical investigation on germanene/graphene composite pressure sensor under pre- stressed condition


Journal NamePhysica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures

Title of PaperA theoretical investigation on germanene/graphene composite pressure sensor under pre- stressed condition


Volume Number142

Page Number115308

Published YearMay 2022

Indexed INScopus


The novel 2D materials (germanene/graphene heterostructure) based pressure sensor has been proposed at nanoscale via theoretical analysis by means of computing the electrical parameters such as energy band gap and electrical conductivity of germanene under the effect of applied tensile stress. The calculation of electrical parameters have been executed utilizing electron-phonon interactions. Germanene is considered on to the substrate of graphene considering compatibility between their mechanical properties. It has been observed that the bandgap exhibits negative magnitudes that leads conducting nature of germanene/graphene composite. The sensitivity of the proposed sensor is found (2.63–9) × 10−6 kPa−1 for the stress range of 100 kPa to 200 kPa. Moreover, it has also been observed that the proposed sensor has the optimum stress regime up to 9 GPa. The results of the present work pave new directions to design the nanoscale pressure sensor.

Theoretical Insights on Bandgap Engineering for Nanoribbons of the 2D Materials Family with Co-Adatoms


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Materials

Title of PaperTheoretical Insights on Bandgap Engineering for Nanoribbons of the 2D Materials Family with Co-Adatoms

PublisherSpringer US

Volume Number50

Page Number5244-5249

Published YearJune 2021

Indexed INScopus


The bandgap tuning of two-dimensional (2D) materials is a vital step for their potential applications in the realm of nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, and spintronics. In this context, the bandgap of cobalt (Co)-adsorbed nanoribbons of novel 2D materials (for instance, graphene (GNR), h-BN (BNNR), silicene (SiNR), germanene (GeNR), stanene (SnNR), and phosphorene (PNR)) is investigated under the effect of a transverse magnetic field via an acoustical deformation potential (ADP) scattering mechanism. Bandgaps ranging from 1.10 eV to 1.42 eV were obtained for Co-adsorbed 2D nanoribbons, which display semiconducting behaviour. In addition to that, investigating the impact of temperature on the bandgap revealed an anomalous temperature dependence of the bandgap. The outcomes of the present work would be advantageous for developing transition metal (TM)-adsorbed-nanoribbon-based nanoelectronic and spintronic devices, wherein controlling their bandgap by employing a magnetic field is a useful tool for advancing nanoribbon-based technology.

Electronic properties of Mn-doped graphene


Title of PaperElectronic properties of Mn-doped graphene

Proceeding NameMaterials Today: Proceedings


Author NameKeyur Sangani, Ankur Dwivedi, Ankur Pandya, Shibu Pillai, and Prafulla K. Jha

Page Number601-604

Published YearJanuary 2021

Indexed INScopus


Carrier scattering rates and transport properties such as electron effective mass and resistivity are calculated for Mn doped armchair graphene (AG) via polar acoustical phonon (piezoelectric) scattering under high electric field and different doping concentrations. It is observed that the electron effective mass reduces with respect to AG on manganese doping. However, in contradiction to this reduction, the electron effective mass increases with the doping concentration. The scattering rate offered by polar acoustical phonons to the electrons is dominant at lower temperatures and significantly reduces with the increase in temperature. The polar acoustical phonon contributed resistivity increases with the rise in electric field at low temperatures.

Band gap determination of graphene, h-boron nitride, phosphorene, silicene, stanene, and germanene nanoribbons


Journal NameJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Title of PaperBand gap determination of graphene, h-boron nitride, phosphorene, silicene, stanene, and germanene nanoribbons

PublisherIOP Publishing

Volume Number53

Page Number415103

Published YearJuly 2020

Indexed INScopus


The energy band gap of graphene, h-boron nitride, stanene, silicene, germanene, and phosphorene nanoribbons is investigated theoretically with two approaches. In the first approach, a set of equations to calculate the energy band gap of nanoribbons is deduced using the expression of Fermi velocity. The size dependency of the energy band gap so obtained confirms previous expressions. The second approach, however, determines resistivity by directly connecting quantity to the energy band gap using an electron-acoustical phonon scattering mechanism. For the calculation of the energy band gap and resistivity, the armchair configuration of nanoribbons is considered. It is observed that the transverse magnetic field influences the energy band gap and resistivity. The magnitude of the band gap is negative up to a certain value of the field and turns positive at a sufficiently higher field. The negative band gap can be interpreted as metallic behavior of the materials. The results of the work are useful in the determination of the energy band gap of nanoribbons for their nanoelectronic and optoelectronic applications as well as tuning the band gap using the applied magnetic field.

Investigation of multiferroic properties of binary compounds barium titanium yttrium ferric oxide


Journal NameJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Title of PaperInvestigation of multiferroic properties of binary compounds barium titanium yttrium ferric oxide


Volume Number35

Page Number642-657

Published YearMarch 2024

Indexed INScopus


In this paper, multiferroic binary compounds BaTiO3 (BTO) and YFeO3 (YFO) were synthesized by the solid-state reaction method with varying concentration of x from 0 to 1.0 in the step size of 0.25. The prepared binary compounds have undergone the various characterizations like XRD, FTIR, Dielectric spectroscopy, and P–E loop analysis. The XRD of the compounds shows the single-phase structure symmetry varying from orthorhombic to tetragonal as the concentration of BTO increased. The bending and stretching vibration of the bond is confrmed by the FTIR. Dielectric results show the NTCR and non-Debye type relaxation in multiferroic compounds. The temperature-dependent dielectric properties revealed that the phase transition takes place in all the prepared compounds which confirms the ferroelectric nature of the compounds which makes promising application in the field of sensors. The P–E loop results show ferroelectric and leaky behavior of the compounds which have a significant potential in energy storage devices. The paramagnetic behavior of the composites at room temperature (RT) is confirmed by theoretical analysis of the polycrystalline samples.

Investigation of structural, microstructural and optical properties of barium yttrium titanium ferric oxides prepared using solid-state route for photorefractive material


Journal NameJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Title of PaperInvestigation of structural, microstructural and optical properties of barium yttrium titanium ferric oxides prepared using solid-state route for photorefractive material


Volume Number34

Page Number766-777

Published YearJanuary 2023

Indexed INScopus


In present article, the polycrystalline composites, BaxY(1-x)TixFe(1-x)O3 (BYTFx), were synthesized through the solid-state reaction method with different concentrations of x. The prepared composites were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM and UV–Visible spectroscopy. The crystallographic studies of doping effect of BaTiO3 (BTO) in YFeO3 (YFO) are studied through detailed analysis of XRD data. Scherer and W–H plot analyses have been carried out to estimate the crystallite size and amount of the strain present in the composites. The results of XRD show that unit cell is contracting, and the structural symmetry is varying from orthorhombic to tetragonal in nature on doping of BTO. The surface morphology of the compounds is studied through SEM micrographs. The bond formation and distortions induced by doping are probed through FTIR analysis. The force constant and bond length are estimated through detailed analysis of FTIR data. The obtained results promise us for better dielectric properties of compounds. Band gap of prepared compound is estimated through UV–Vis data analysis. The obtained wide band gap nature as semiconductors makes them suitable as photorefractive materials.

Effect of doping in SrTiO3: BiFeO3 binary system


Journal NameMaterials Today: Proceedings

Title of PaperEffect of doping in SrTiO3: BiFeO3 binary system


Volume Number47

Page Number517-519

Published YearJanuary 2021

Indexed INScopus


The structural and Impedance studies of ferroelectric BiFeO3 (BFO) and paraelectric SrTiO3 (STO) perovskite compounds are reported here. The XRD is performed to confirm the phase formation of prepared samples. The XRD patterns have shown that these materials crystallize and the overall structure remains unaltered with increment in concentration of BiFeO3. Dielectric analysis (Impedance spectroscopy) of the prepared materials shows a normal dielectric behavior like other ceramic compounds and the dielectric constant as well as the dielectric loss of the sample is encouraging for the intermediate composite 0.5BFO+ 0.5STO for end industrial application.

FTIR: Important tool to investigate the chemical bond formation in the polycrystalline xBaTiO3–(1-x) BiFeO3


Journal NameMaterials Today: Proceedings

Title of PaperFTIR: Important tool to investigate the chemical bond formation in the polycrystalline xBaTiO3–(1-x) BiFeO3


Volume Number47

Page Number616-620

Published YearJanuary 2021

Indexed INScopus


In this work, polycrystalline fine powders of xBaTiO3 - (1-x) BiFeO3 (abbreviated in this article as xBTBF, where x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 & 1.0; amount of concentration) has been synthesized by Solid State Reaction route (SSR) using extra pure carbonates and oxides. From the XRD analysis BTO and BFO exhibits pure phase structure without any kind of secondary phase while the structure of intermediate compounds has sustained the matrix of BTO and the unit cell of BFO is gradually merged in to BTO. Furthermore, the SEM results show that grains and grain boundaries are clearly visible with few amounts of defects. FTIR spectroscopy is used for estimation of bonds present in the samples. The broad nature of the absorption peak has been explained successfully in the view of distortions which are not evident through XRD. Depending on wave number various physical quantity like effective mass, bond length, frequency of vibration has been determined for Ti-O and Fe-O bonds. The obtained values of bond length have assured the formation of bond between Ti-O and Fe-O. The possibility of enhancement in electrical properties is also discussed in the light of obtained results.

Structural and electrical properties of BaTiO3: YFeO3 composites at room temperature


Title of PaperStructural and electrical properties of BaTiO3: YFeO3 composites at room temperature

Proceeding NameAIP Conference Proceedings

PublisherAIP Publishing

Author NameManali N Shah, Nima H Patel, Devang D Shah, PK Mehta

OrganizationIIT JODHPUR

Year , VenueNovember 2020 , IIT JODHPUR

Page Number30659-30664

Indexed INScopus

Electrical properties of SrTiO3-doped YFeO3 ceramics


Title of PaperElectrical properties of SrTiO3-doped YFeO3 ceramics

Proceeding NameAIP Conference Proceedings

PublisherAIP Publishing

Author Name Nima H Patel, Manali N Shah, Devang D Shah, PK Mehta

Page Number080057-080062

Published YearMay 2020

Indexed INScopus


The samples of SrTiO3 (STO) doped YFeO3 (YFO) were prepared by solid-state reactions. The crystallographic structural analysis of the prepared samples has been studied. The phases of STO with cubic perovskite symmetry and YFO with tetragonal symmetry were formed. The intermediate samples have sustained the structural symmetry of YFO compound with expansion in the unit cell dimension. The effect of addition of STO on electric performance of YFO material has been investigated in this article. The complex permittivity usually becomes very high due to electrode polarization and carrier transport. Complex impedance, modulus studies indicated the presence of grains and grain boundary contribution, non-Debye type of relaxation of the doped ceramic samples.

Feature Based Image Registration Using ORB and CNN for Remote Sensing Images



Title of PaperFeature Based Image Registration Using ORB and CNN for Remote Sensing Images

Volume Number16

Page Number3803-3813

Published YearOctober 2023

ISSN/ISBN No 0974-5645

Indexed INWeb of Science

Implementation of Retiming Technique for Clock Period Optimization by Brute-Force Approach


Title of PaperImplementation of Retiming Technique for Clock Period Optimization by Brute-Force Approach

Proceeding NameDevices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC)


Author NameVishwaraj Mahan, Manish I Patel

Page Number134-138

Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-4726-5

Indexed INScopus

Implementation of Real-Time Object Detection on FPGA


Title of PaperImplementation of Real-Time Object Detection on FPGA

Proceeding Name7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)


Author NameGayatri Rathod, Parin Shah, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I Patel, Nagendra Gajjar

Page Number235-240

Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-9728-4

Indexed INScopus

Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Pest Detection on Raspberry Pi


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Pest Detection on Raspberry Pi

Proceeding Name7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)


Author NameDevarsh Jani, Manish I Patel, Ruchi Gajjar, Nagendra Gajjar

Page Number991-995

Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-9728-4

Indexed INScopus

Feature based image registration using CNN features for satellite images having varying illumination level


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration

Title of PaperFeature based image registration using CNN features for satellite images having varying illumination level

Volume Number10

Page Number440-457

Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No23947454

Indexed INScopus

Plant Leaf Disease Classification using Convolutional Neural Network on FPGA


Title of PaperPlant Leaf Disease Classification using Convolutional Neural Network on FPGA

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies,(DICCT)


Author NameParin Shah, Gayatri Rathod, Ruchi Gajjar, Nagendra Gajjar, Manish I Patel

Page Number307-311

Published YearMarch 2023

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-7491-7

Indexed INScopus

Aspect Ratio Estimation of a Two-Stage Operational Amplifier


Title of PaperAspect Ratio Estimation of a Two-Stage Operational Amplifier

Proceeding Name5th International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal processing VCAS 2022: VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing

PublisherSpringer Nature Singapore

Author NameAravind Kannan, Aftaab Siddiqui, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I. Patel & Dipesh Panchal

Published YearOctober 2022

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-99-0973-5

Indexed INScopus

Automated Design Rule Checker for VLSI Circuits Using Machine Learning


Title of PaperAutomated Design Rule Checker for VLSI Circuits Using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name5th International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal processing VCAS 2022: VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing

PublisherSpringer Nature Singapore

Author NameMihir Rana, Nimit Malani, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I Patel, Dipesh Panchal

Page Number475-485

Published YearOctober 2022

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-99-0973-5

Indexed INScopus

Power Consumption Prediction of Digital Circuits using Machine Learning


Title of PaperPower Consumption Prediction of Digital Circuits using Machine Learning



OrganizationVIT-AP University

Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh






OrganizationVIT-AP University

Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , Amaravathi, Andhra Pradesh

Indexed INScopus

PCB Classification using Convolutional Neural Network


Title of PaperPCB Classification using Convolutional Neural Network

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N - 2021)


OrganizationGalgotias College of Engineering and Technology

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Greater Noida, India

Indexed INScopus

Diamond Price Prediction using Machine Learning


Title of PaperDiamond Price Prediction using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name2021 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 4.0


Author NameH. Mihir, Soham Jani, Manish I. Patel and Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Bangalore, India

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

CNN Based Leaf Wilting Classification Using Modified ResNet152


Title of PaperCNN Based Leaf Wilting Classification Using Modified ResNet152

Proceeding NameEmerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking



Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Surat

Indexed INScopus

OCR for Devanagari Script using a Deep Hybrid CNN-RNN Network


Title of PaperOCR for Devanagari Script using a Deep Hybrid CNN-RNN Network

Proceeding NameEmerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking



Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Surat

Indexed INScopus

Face Mask Detection for Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 using Knowledge Distillation


Title of PaperFace Mask Detection for Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 using Knowledge Distillation

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE)


OrganizationNorth Eastern Hill University

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Shillong

Indexed INScopus

Aspect Ratio Estimation for MOS Amplifier using Machine Learning


Title of PaperAspect Ratio Estimation for MOS Amplifier using Machine Learning

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, & Communication


Author NameJeenang Shah, H. Patel, Ruchi Gajjar, Dipesh Panchal and Manish I. Patel

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Bhubaneswar, India

Page Number1-6

CNN based Design Rule Checker for VLSI Layouts


Title of PaperCNN based Design Rule Checker for VLSI Layouts

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, & Communication


Author NameEshan Saraogi, G. Singh Chouhan, D. Panchal, Manish I. Patel and R. Gajjar

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Bhubaneswar, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Satellite Image Classification: From Handcrafted Features to Deep Learning Features


Journal NameIndian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering

Title of PaperSatellite Image Classification: From Handcrafted Features to Deep Learning Features

Volume Number12

Published YearOctober 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0976-5166

Indexed INScopus

Speech Recognition and Separation System using Deep Learning


Title of PaperSpeech Recognition and Separation System using Deep Learning

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems


Author NameM. S. Chauhan, R. Mishra and Manish I. Patel

Year , VenueSeptember 2021 , Chennai, India

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

LSTM-Based Prediction of COVID-19 Vaccination Drive in India


Title of PaperLSTM-Based Prediction of COVID-19 Vaccination Drive in India

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision


Author NameArvind Kannan, A. Jain, P. Nivas, Ruchi Gajjar and Manish I. Patel

OrganizationPandit Deendayal Energy University

Year , VenueSeptember 2021 , Gandhinagar, India

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

A Novel Approach for Change Detection Analysis of Land Cover from Multispectral FCC Optical Image using Machine Learning


Title of PaperA Novel Approach for Change Detection Analysis of Land Cover from Multispectral FCC Optical Image using Machine Learning

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Range Technology (ICORT)


Author NameKhyat Patel, Manan Jain, Manish I. Patel and Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueAugust 2021 , Chandipur, Balasore, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Image Resolution Enhancement Using Convolutional Autoencoders with Skip Connections


Title of Paper Image Resolution Enhancement Using Convolutional Autoencoders with Skip Connections

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Range Technology (ICORT)


Author NameHemant Bhojwani, Vishvam Bhavsar, Ruschi Gajjar and Manish I. Patel

Year , VenueAugust 2021 , Chandipur, Balasore, India

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Recent advances in local feature detector and descriptor: a literature survey


Journal NameInternational Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval

Title of PaperRecent advances in local feature detector and descriptor: a literature survey


Volume Number9

Page Number231

Published YearDecember 2020

Indexed INScopus

Survey on Image Compression using Machine Learning and Deep Learning


Title of PaperSurvey on Image Compression using Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Intelligence, Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS)


Author NameManish Patel

OrganizationVAIGAI College of Engineering

Year , VenueMay 2019 , Madurai, India

Page Number1103-1105

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-1-5386-8113-8

Indexed INScopus

Analysis of CDR of Fundus Images for Glaucoma Detection


Title of PaperAnalysis of CDR of Fundus Images for Glaucoma Detection

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics


Page Number1-4

Published YearMay 2018

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN:978-1-5386-3570-4

Indexed INScopus

Image Registration of Satellite Images with Varying Illumination Level Using HOG Descriptor Based SURF


Journal NameProcedia Computer Science

Title of PaperImage Registration of Satellite Images with Varying Illumination Level Using HOG Descriptor Based SURF


Volume Number93

Page Number382-288

Published YearSeptember 2016

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN 1877-0509

Indexed INScopus

Speed improvement in image registration using maximum likelihood based mutual information


Title of PaperSpeed improvement in image registration using maximum likelihood based mutual information

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems


Author NameManish I. Patel

Page Number1-3

Published YearJanuary 2015

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN 978-1-4799-6438-3 ©2015 IEEE

Indexed INScopus

Application of Radon Transform for Fast Image Registration


Title of PaperApplication of Radon Transform for Fast Image Registration

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems


Author NameManish I. Patel

Page Number1-4

Published YearJanuary 2015

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN 978-1-4799-6438-3 ©2015 IEEE

Indexed INScopus

Audio-Visual Person Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks


Journal NameJournal of Biometrics & Biostatistics

Title of PaperAudio-Visual Person Recognition Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

PublisherJournal of Biometrics & Biostatistics

Volume NumberVolume 8, Issue 5

Published YearSeptember 2017

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN: 2155-6180

Indexed INPubMed


Protection of data integrity and person identity has been an active research area for many years. Among the techniques investigated, developing multi-modal recognition systems using audio and face signals for people authentication holds a promising future due to its ease of use. A challenge in developing such a multi-modal recognition system is to improve its reliability for a practical application. In this paper, an efficient audio-visual bimodal recognition system which uses Deep Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) as a primary model architecture. First, two separate Deep CNN models are trained with the help of audio and facial features, respectively. The outputs of these CNN models are then combined/fused to predict the identity of the subject. Implementation details with regard to data fusion are discussed in a great length in the paper. Through experimental verification, the proposed bimodal fusion approach is superior in accuracy performance when compared with any single modal recognition systems and with published results using the same data-set.

Design and Simulation of X Band Microstrip Circulator


Title of PaperDesign and Simulation of X Band Microstrip Circulator

Proceeding Name2016 IEEE Region 10 Conference, TENCON 2016; Marina Bay SandsSingapore; Singapore; 22 November 2016 through 25 November 2016

PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

Author NameVishwa Kelaiya, Mehul R Naik

Year , VenueNovember 2016 , Singapore

ISSN/ISBN No ISSN: 21593442 ISBN: 978-150902596-1

Indexed INScopus


Microwave circulator is an important ferrite device which is widely used in wireless transceivers. This paper presents design and simulation of X-Band microstrip circulator. Major application of microstrip junction circulator presented here is as duplexer in RADAR. The circulator designed here is centered at 9.6 GHz with 800 MHz bandwidth. CST Microwave Studio Suite is used as simulation software. Here, the design equations given by Fay and Comstock are followed and prototype of X-band microstrip circulator is prepared. Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is used as ferrite material. Isolation and return loss of more than 20 dB, and insertion loss of less than 0.1 dB are achieved in simulation results.

Baseband OFDM Physical Layer Implementation on FPGA Using SystemVue


Title of PaperBaseband OFDM Physical Layer Implementation on FPGA Using SystemVue

Proceeding Name2016 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2016; Chennai; India; 23 March 2016 through 25 March 2016


Author Name Vasani, J., Kumar, T., Nagpal, R., Naik, M., Malik, R

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , India

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-146739337-9

Indexed INScopus


OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) technique is a multicarrier modulation technique in which data bits are transmitted in parallel over multiple subcarriers. Its main advantage to other techniques lies in its robustness against multipath fading and ISI (Inter Symbol Interference). It has widely gained acceptance and is the integral part of modern high speed systems like Wi-Fi (802.11a), LTE (Long Term evolution), DMT (Discrete Multi-tone Technique) systems, DVB (Digital Video Broadcast) systems. OFDM physical layer is also used for SDR (Software Defined Radio) based applications. In this paper a fast prototype design from concept to implementation of an OFDM system is carried out using Keysight Technologies Tool 'SYSTEMVUE'. The implementation of final design was done in 40 nm CMOS Xilinx Virtex VI XC6VLX760 FPGA. The results obtained were analyzed on LA (Logic Analyzer) and were verified with the simulation results. Using SystemVue's model based FPGA flow rapid prototyping and high gain in design time can be achieved.

Image Retargeting for Wearable Devices


Title of PaperImage Retargeting for Wearable Devices

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, ICCE 2016; Las Vegas; United States; 7 January 2016 through 11 January 2016


Author Name Bhatt, J, Pappusetty, D., Kalva, H., Naik, M.

Year , VenueJanuary 2016 , USA

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-146738364-6

Indexed INScopus


Small displays on wearable devices pose new challenges to presenting images. Image retargeting methods developed for mobile devices assume larger displays and are not adequate. This paper reports new approaches to image retargeting for wearable devices. Key to the proposed approach is identifying and presenting regions of interest that allows users to comprehend content and context. The system was implemented and evaluated on an Android watch. Subjective evaluation of the proposed approach shows that the proposed approach is effective and improves user experience.

Detecting and extracting identifiable information from vehicles in videos


Title of PaperDetecting and extracting identifiable information from vehicles in videos

Proceeding NameProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical EngineeringVolume 9407, 2015, Article number 940705


Author NameRoheda, S., Kalva, H., Naik, M.

Year , VenueJanuary 2015 , USA

Indexed INScopus


This paper presents a system to detect and extract identifiable information such as license plates, make, model, color, and bumper stickers present on vehicles. The goal of this work is to develop a system that automatically describes a vehicle just as a person would. This information can be used to improve traffic surveillance systems.

Transiting Ship’s Slant Range Estimation using Single Hydrophone in Shallow Waters


Title of PaperTransiting Ship’s Slant Range Estimation using Single Hydrophone in Shallow Waters

Proceeding Name2015 IEEE Underwater Technology, UT 2015; Chennai; India; 23 February 2015 through 25 February 2015


Author Name Krishnakumar, G.V., Padmanabham, M., Sudhakar, B., Pavani, C., Naik, M.

Year , VenueJanuary 2015 , India

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-147998300-1

Indexed INScopus


Passive source localization using single hydrophone has received considerable attention in the last decade particularly in marine biological studies. If proven successful, it should find tremendous applications, both in military and civilian. Underwater vehicles such as gliders, AUVs, ROVs, torpedoes, mines, etc. seldom have more than one sensor fitted on them for carrying out reconnaissance/threat neutralization operations. Therefore, this paper investigates the usage of a method based on multipath time delays to estimate the slant range between the source and receiver. Time delays estimated theoretically were used to establish the usefulness/limitations of this method. Surface ship's radiated noise signature was subjected to cepstral analysis to estimate time delays between the direct path and the surface reflected path. The time delays thus obtained were used for estimating the slant range between the source and receiver. The comparison between the measured and the estimated time delays was found to be satisfactory.

Real Time Audio-Visual Object Sequence Collating At System Test Level


Title of PaperReal Time Audio-Visual Object Sequence Collating At System Test Level

Publisher2012 IEEE Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, NIT, BHOPAL, INDIA

Year , VenueJanuary 2012 , Bhopal, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4673-1516-6

Indexed INScopus

Wideband local oscillator design for wideband transceivers


Title of PaperWideband local oscillator design for wideband transceivers

Proceeding Name2011 4th IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference, RFM 2011; Seremban; Malaysia; 12 December 2011 through 14 December 2011


Author Name Naik, M.R., Vithalani, C.H.

Year , VenueJanuary 2011 , Malaysia

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-145771629-4

Indexed INScopus


The wideband transceivers like the software defined radio require designing wideband RF hardware covering octave bands. The local oscillator of the mixer should be a wideband frequency synthesizer. Building on the theory of oscillations in the voltage controlled oscillator, the paper reviews the concept of negative resistance in the transistor circuit with some base inductance. It also provides simulation of this concept. To apply the theory and simulation, the actual VCO hardware was designed and fabricated for the range covering 1200 to 2400 MHz. These VCOs were used in the design of wideband PLL frequency synthesizer. The results including very good phase noise performance are presented. This approach can be used to design wideband synthesizers in other RF range.

Designing Wideband Voltage Controlled Oscillators for Software-Defined Radio


Title of PaperDesigning Wideband Voltage Controlled Oscillators for Software-Defined Radio

Proceeding Name2010 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2010; Athens; Greece; 12 December 2010 through 15 December 2010


Author NameNaik, M.R., Vithalani, C.H.

Year , VenueJanuary 2010 , Greece

Page Number1053-1056

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-142448157-6

Indexed INScopus


The demand for mobile communication systems with global coverage, interfacing with various standards and protocols, high data rates and improved link quality for a variety of applications has dramatically increased in recent years. The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is the recent proposal to achieve these. In SDR, new concepts and methods, which can optimally exploit the limited resources, are necessary. One very important requirement of SDR is designing wideband RF hardware covering octave bands. For example, the local oscillator of the mixer should be a wideband voltage controlled oscillator (VCO). The paper presents theoretical concepts for designing VCOs. It also provides simulation of the design. Using this conceptual design and simulation, the actual VCO hardware was designed and fabricated, and the results including very good phase noise performance are presented.

Using space time coding MIMO system for software-defined radio to improve BER


Title of PaperUsing space time coding MIMO system for software-defined radio to improve BER

Proceeding Name4th Microwave and Radar Week, MRW-2010 - 18th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON 2010; Vilnius; Lithuania; 14 June 2010 through 16 June 2010


Author Name Naik, M.R., Garg, A., Aggarwal, A.

Year , VenueJanuary 2010 , Lithuania

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-142445914-8

Indexed INScopus


The demand for mobile communication systems with global coverage, interfacing with various standards and protocols, high data rates and improved link quality for a variety of applications has dramatically increased in recent years. The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is the recent proposal to achieve these. In SDR, new concepts and methods, which can optimally exploit the limited resources, are necessary. Multiple antenna system is one of those, which resort to transmit strategies, referred to as Space-Time Codes (STCs). It gives high quality error performance by incorporating spatial and temporal redundancy. The paper discusses the space-time block codes and highlights the trade-off between the number of transmitter and receiver antennas and the bit error rate. We simulate MIMO systems using M-ary Phase Shift Keying (PSK) and compare the results with Single Input Single Output (SISO) systems. This analysis can be helpful in choosing the desired modulation scheme depending upon the Bit error rate (BER) and Signal to noise ratio (SNR) requirements of the service.

Simulation of direction of arrival and beamforming algorithms used in smart antenna system for software-defined radio


Title of PaperSimulation of direction of arrival and beamforming algorithms used in smart antenna system for software-defined radio

Proceeding Name4th Microwave and Radar Week, MRW-2010 - 18th International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, MIKON 2010; Vilnius; Lithuania; 14 June 2010 through 16 June 2010


Author Name Naik, M. R., Suri, G., Shetty, P.

Published YearJanuary 2010

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-142445914-8

Indexed INScopus


The demand for mobile communication systems with global coverage, interfacing with various standards and protocols, high data rates and improved link quality for a variety of applications has dramatically increased in recent years. The Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is the recent proposal to achieve these. In SDR, new concepts and methods, which can optimally exploit the limited resources, are necessary. Smart antenna system is one of those, which combats the co-channel interference and maximizes the user capacity of mobile communication system. The paper presents the analysis of the beamforming and direction of arrival (DOA) algorithms used in the smart antenna systems. The analysis is carried out for the MUltiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm and The Multiple Sidelobe Canceller and the Maximum SINR Beamformer algorithm using MATLAB as a simulation tool.

Development of Real-Time Controller-Based Data Acquisition System for Indian Test Facility of ITER DNB



Title of PaperDevelopment of Real-Time Controller-Based Data Acquisition System for Indian Test Facility of ITER DNB


Volume Number47

Page Number2775-2782

Published YearMay 2019

ISSN/ISBN No0093-3813

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The Indian test facility (INTF) is a negative hydrogen ion-based 100-kV, 60-A, 5-Hz modulated NBI system having 3-s ON/20-s OFF duty cycle. Prime objective of the facility is to characterize ITER diagnostic neutral beam (DNB) with full specifications, prior to shipment and installation in ITER. The automated and safe operation of the system will require a reliable and rugged instrumentation and control system which provide control, data acquisition (DAQ), safety, and interlock functions, referred as INTF-DACS. The INTF-DACS has been designed based on the ITER CODAC architecture and ITER- plant control design handbook (PCDH) guidelines with the aim of developing the technical understanding of CODAC framework to be utilized for development of plant system instrumentation and control for DNB. Presently, the development work has been initiated for both the control system and DAQ system of INTF DACS. The INTF DAQ system has to perform functions related to acquiring, monitoring, timing synchronization, and archiving of the signals. It also has to interface with the control system of INTF to ensure proper operations. The DAQ system is designed for acquiring over 700 signals for 14 plant systems. The development of this whole system is done in NI LabVIEW using NI real-time PXIe. The PXIe platform with RTOS performs acquisition of signals at sampling rate of up to 10 KS/s. One of the main challenges is to develop the DAQ system to support multichannel triggered-based acquisition and monitoring for pulse durations up to 3600 s. The host layer is a distributed processing system consisting of two hosts and database system. To ensure timing synchronization, a dedicated timing network is included based on IEEE 1588 protocol with help of PXI timing cards. This helps in providing a timing reference to other future systems. For archiving data, MySQL-based data server is integrated for storing data for each experimental shot continuously which can be utilized later for query based data retrieval. In this paper, the development strategy and test results are discussed in order to develop the DAQ system for INTF including the development of interfaces with other components of DACS and experiences obtained, which can be utilized to develop similar DAQ systems of large scale. The novel methods developed for monitoring signals and file size reduction are also discussed.

Deep Neural Network Compression via Knowledge Distillation for Embedded Vision Applications

Book Chapter

Book NameData, Engineering and Applications

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NameNagendraP Gajjar, Bhavesh Jaiswal

Page Number139-148

Chapter TitleDeep Neural Network Compression via Knowledge Distillation for Embedded Vision Applications

Published YearMarch 2019

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-13-6347-4

Indexed INScopus


The deep learning has recently pushed the boundaries of computational understanding of the various complex problems which were earlier thought to be unsolved or even not conceived. The challenge arises when implementing such deep neural networks on the limited resource devices. To make them deployable on the embedded/mobile devices with power and compute capability constraint, a lot of techniques has been proposed by the researchers in the academia as well as industry to compress these networks. A transfer-learning-based approach can be used to distil the knowledge gained by higher complexity network and pass it on to the lower complexity network, with minimal or no change to the hyperparameters of the network and without losing the prediction accuracy. This kind of framework is well suited for vision-based application expecting real-world performance from the overall system. As a use case, the pet detection on the Kaggle dataset has been conducted for proving the approach feasibility.

Design and Development of Wireless Control System Architecture for ITER-India Gyrotron Test Facility


Journal NameInternational Journal of Sensors,Wireless Communications and Control

Title of PaperDesign and Development of Wireless Control System Architecture for ITER-India Gyrotron Test Facility

PublisherBentham Science

Volume Number9

Page Number1-12

Published YearMarch 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2210-3279

Indexed INScopus


Background & Objective: Wireless networks are making its way for use in industrial control system applications. The installation of Wireless networks naturally provides a reduction in cable and its maintenance related costs, provides increased flexibility and mobility to enhance the performance of industrial control system. Method: This paper attempts to show the suitability of a wireless network in control system application of ECRH system at IIGTF. IEEE 802.11n network is implemented to interface field instruments with PLC based control system in an industry like environment. The two case studies with different control architecture are implemented with satisfactory test results. The first case demonstrates the use of a wireless network for monitoring and data acquisition of cooling water process parameters. The second case implements the control and monitoring of the DC power supply over the wireless network through a serial ASCII protocol. The performance of wireless communication alone in is evaluated using theoretical analysis, simulation and actual field measurement. Then overall performance of the case studies including field signals and PLC system is evaluated. Conclusion: The PLC application logic is developed for the implementation of logic functions to interface various field instruments and power supply. The DC power supply is simulated using Labview ™ for serial ASCII communication. The above said concept is proposed for the Local Control Unit being developed for ITER-India Test Gyrotron Facility. Keywords: ASCII communication, control system, data acquisition, gyrotron, IEEE 802.11n, Modbus TCP/IP, PLC, wireless network.

Deep neural network compression via knowledge distillation for embedded applications


Title of PaperDeep neural network compression via knowledge distillation for embedded applications

Proceeding NameEngineering (NUiCONE), 2017 Nirma University International Conference on


Author NameNagendra P Gajjar, B Jaiswal

OrganizationInstitute of Technology,Nirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2017 , Institute of Technology,Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-4

Indexed INScopus


Deep neural networks have shown significant success across various applications. To solve the complex problems, the increasing depth and complexity pose the challenges of large computation and storage requirements when deploying such networks on embedded devices with limited storage and power. Many techniques have been developed by researchers to compress the deep neural networks to make them deployable on portable devices by reducing the storage requirements. This paper describes the implementation of deep neural network with teacher student model. A comparatively smaller student model learns the information passed from the larger teacher model without losing the accuracy and its learning/inference rate is also improved. So this kind of framework is suitable for embedded applications deployment where real-time performance is required.

A proposed novel architecture of EC Control System using IEEE 802.11n network at ITER-India Gyrotron Test Facility


Journal NameICTACT Journal on Communication Technology

Title of PaperA proposed novel architecture of EC Control System using IEEE 802.11n network at ITER-India Gyrotron Test Facility

PublisherDirectory of Open Access Journals

Volume Number vol. 08

Page Number7

Published YearJanuary 2017

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN 0976-0091


IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi networks are increasingly becoming popular for its use in industrial applications. With the availability of recent amendments to IEEE 802.11 series of standards, particularly IEEE 802.11n, the adoption of Wi-Fi networks for process automation is gaining more focus and importance.

Movable Parallel Plate RF MEMS Switch with Wide Frequency Response


Title of PaperMovable Parallel Plate RF MEMS Switch with Wide Frequency Response

Proceeding NameIEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference (AEMC)


Author NamePiyush Bhatasana

OrganizationIIT Guwahati, India

Year , VenueJanuary , Guwahati, India

ISSN/ISBN No 978-1-4673-9536-6

Indexed INScopus


A novel RF MEMS switch with two parallel suspending bridges is designed for wide frequency range. This paper reports, how change in the area of capacitive actuators can be used to achieve wider bandwidth. Change in parallel plate width from 50 �m to 150 �m, up state switch yields an insertion loss lower than 0.5 dB and return loss down to 25 dB in the range of 15-47.5 GHz. Down state switch yields return loss lower than 0.5 dB and isolation down to 25 dB at the same frequency range

Performance analysis of rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation for multiple-input multiple-output dual-hop cooperative underwater visible light communication system


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance analysis of rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation for multiple-input multiple-output dual-hop cooperative underwater visible light communication system


Volume Number63 (6)

Page Number1-11

Published YearJune 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0091-3286 (print) 1560-2303 (web)

Indexed INScopus


This paper investigates a multiple-input multiple-output dual-hop underwater visible light communication (UWVLC) system with decode and forward (DF) relay, considering turbulence-induced fading and path loss. Our research aims to analyze the performance of this system under weak oceanic turbulence, featuring M laser sources at the transmitter and N detectors at the destination. We model the UWVLC channel using a log-normal distribution and employ one laser diode and one photodetector at the relay. By selecting the optimal laser source and photodetector based on maximum instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we derive the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the end-to-end SNR. Utilizing this CDF expression, we provide closed-form expressions for outage probability and average symbol error probability (ASEP) using Gauss–Hermite quadrature techniques for the rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation scheme. We analyze ASEP for different constellation points with M sources and N photodetectors and present simulation results demonstrating ASEP versus average SNR, as well as outage probability versus average SNR, showcasing close agreement with analytical predictions. Moreover, we offer insights for system designers by presenting a trade-off between constellation points and the number of lasers, along with the number of photodetectors, to optimize system performance.

On the capacity of a SIM-based cooperative NLOS UVC system with best relay selection


Journal NameICT Express

Title of PaperOn the capacity of a SIM-based cooperative NLOS UVC system with best relay selection


Volume Number10

Page Number285-291

Published YearApril 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2405-9595

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

On Performance Analysis of Cooperative Horizontal and Vertical Underwater VLC Systems with Best Relay Selection


Journal NamePhotonics

Title of PaperOn Performance Analysis of Cooperative Horizontal and Vertical Underwater VLC Systems with Best Relay Selection


Volume Number10(4)

Page Number1-13

Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2304-6732

Indexed INScopus

Photo-detector Selection in Cascaded Vertical Underwater VLC System


Title of PaperPhoto-detector Selection in Cascaded Vertical Underwater VLC System

Proceeding NameICSC


Author NameA. Jain, Rachna Sharma


Year , VenueDecember 2022 , Noida, India

Page Number188-192

ISSN/ISBN No10.1109/ICSC56524.2022.10009257

Indexed INScopus

Attitude Estimation of HAPs using Fused Global Positioning System and Inertial Navigation System


Title of PaperAttitude Estimation of HAPs using Fused Global Positioning System and Inertial Navigation System

Proceeding NameICSC


Author NameV. Indraganti, A. Gupta and R. Sharma


Year , VenueDecember 2022 , Noida, India

Page Number54-57

Indexed INScopus

Performance analysis of RQAM schemes over various fading channels

Book Chapter

Book NameLecture Notes in Networks and Systems


Author NameSiddhant Bhatnagar, Shivangi Shah and Rachna Sharma

Page Number71-82

Chapter TitlePerformance analysis of RQAM schemes over various fading channels

Published YearMay 2022

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-16-8663-4

Indexed INScopus

Performance Analysis of Vertical Underwater Visible Light Communication System with Cross-QAM


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Vertical Underwater Visible Light Communication System with Cross-QAM

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Communication (NCC)


Author NameChaitanya Chhichhia; Aakarshak Nandwani; Rachna Sharma; Y. N. Trivedi


Year , VenueMay 2022 , IIT-Bombay

Page Number195-199

Indexed INScopus


In this paper, we consider a vertical Underwater Wireless Visible Light Communication (UWVLC) system, where the source is located at the surface of the sea. The distance between both the source and the destination is divided in certain intervals or layers. We assume turbulence in the underwater channel and the intensity of the turbulence, referred in term of scintillation index, varies between consecutive layers. Further, the turbulence based fading channel is modelled by log-normal distribution and the statistics of the channel vary from one layer to another. Thus, we assume cascaded channel with independent but non-identically distributed log-normal distributions. The variance of the channel in each layer is a function of scintillation index of the layer. We assume 32-cross quadrature amplitude modulation (XQAM) scheme and derive closed form expression of Average Symbol Error Probability (ASEP). We analyze the ASEP performance of the system for different layers with different intensities of turbulence. As the number of layers or depth increases, the performance degrades. We also present simulation results of ASEP and compare them with their analytical counterparts. A close matching between both validates our analytical approach. Furthermore, we present the performance with 32-rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation (RQAM) scheme with 16 × 2 and 8 × 4 constellations. We observe that the XQAM outperforms the RQAM.

Underwater Visible Light Vertical Communication for Distinctive Chlorophyll


Title of PaperUnderwater Visible Light Vertical Communication for Distinctive Chlorophyll

Proceeding Name2022 Second International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Computing, Communication and Sustainable Technologies (ICAECT)


Author NameAkshat Jain; Barun Debnath; Rachna Sharma

OrganizationBhilai, India

Year , VenueApril 2022 , Bhilai, India

Page Number10.1109/ICAECT54875.2022.9807909

Indexed INScopus


In underwater conditions, visible light communication (VLC) can provide a high data rate of up to Mbps for real-time communication systems. Turbulence-induced fading due to salt and temperature variations in seawater, as well as progressive course loss with distance due to absorption and scattering, are the most common impairments in underwater VLC (UWVLC). We examined the performance of the vertical UWVLC link considering the effect of chlorophyll. First, there is attenuation. It is suggested that a model based on chlorophyll attention exists. It can be seen that the chlorophyll fluctuation has a significant impact on the attenuation profile, which reaches its peak when the chlorophyll attention is highest. We also reduced the path loss caused by chlorophyll at a wavelength of 530 nm. A more thorough examination was also carried out to compare the performance of the links when laser and LED resources are used.

Performance analysis of vertical multihop cooperative underwater visible light communication system with imperfect channel state information


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance analysis of vertical multihop cooperative underwater visible light communication system with imperfect channel state information


Volume Number61(4)

Page Number1-13

Published YearApril 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0091-3286/1560-2303

Indexed INScopus

Unacknowledged Mode LAPDm Protocol Development at MS Side of GSM Network

Book Chapter

Book NameLecture Notes in Electrical Engineering


Author NameBorwankar, S., Pandya, R., Sharma, R.

Page Number413-421

Chapter TitleUnacknowledged Mode LAPDm Protocol Development at MS Side of GSM Network

Published YearSeptember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No9811602743

Indexed INScopus

Performance analysis of dual-hop underwater visible light communication system with receiver diversity


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance analysis of dual-hop underwater visible light communication system with receiver diversity


Volume Number60/3

Page Number1-15

Published YearMarch 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0091-3286

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Visible light communication (VLC) has the ability to provide a high data rate up to Mbps in underwater environments for real-time communication systems. In underwater VLC (UWVLC), two major impairments are the turbulence-induced fading due to variation of salt and temperature of seawater and incremental path loss with distance due to absorption and scattering. We consider these two impairments and derive the closed form expressions for average symbol error probability (ASEP), asymptotic relative diversity order, and ergodic capacity for UWVLC dual-hop cooperative communication system. We consider multiple receiver branches with selection combining to combat the effect of fading. The impact of temperature on the fading parameters and system performance is highlighted. We conduct a comparative analysis of ASEP for four-pulse amplitude modulation and four-square quadrature amplitude modulation schemes and draw useful insights. We prove the accuracy of the derived analytical expression using

Impact of Imperfect CSI on the Performance of Inhomogeneous Underwater VLC Systems


Title of PaperImpact of Imperfect CSI on the Performance of Inhomogeneous Underwater VLC Systems

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences (PCCDS-2020)


Author NameRachna Sharma, Yogesh N. Trivedi

OrganizationNational Institute of Technology Kurukshetra

Year , VenueMay 2020 , NIT-Kurukshetra

EQ For Engineers: Emotional Intelligence in Engineering


Journal NameNirma University

Title of PaperEQ For Engineers: Emotional Intelligence in Engineering

PublisherNirma University

Volume Number6/1

Page Number26-31

Published YearJuly 2018

ISSN/ISBN No2231-2870

Indexed INOthers

Spectrally Efficient Resource Allocation for Device Communication Underlying Cellular Networks: Sum Rate Priority Iterative Auction Based Approach


Title of PaperSpectrally Efficient Resource Allocation for Device Communication Underlying Cellular Networks: Sum Rate Priority Iterative Auction Based Approach

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Communication and Signal Processing


Author NameTwinkle K Bhavsar, Rachna Sharma

Organization Adhiparasakthi Engineering College Chennai

Year , VenueApril 2016 , Chennai

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4673-8549-7

Proportionally Distributed Resource Allocation in Small cell Networks


Title of PaperProportionally Distributed Resource Allocation in Small cell Networks

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS -2016)


Author NameKirtiman Sinha, Deshal Panchal, Rachna Sharma Akash Macwan

OrganizationSri-Eshwar Collage of Engineering Coimbatore

Year , VenueJanuary 2016 , Coimbatore

Runtime Prediction for VLSI Physical Design Processes using Machine Learning


Title of PaperRuntime Prediction for VLSI Physical Design Processes using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name2024 28th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT)


Author NamePatel Rutvikkumar Popatbhai, Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueSeptember 2024 , VIT, Vellore, India

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No79-8-3503-8010-1

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Real-time Fire Detection using Image and Video Processing


Title of PaperReal-time Fire Detection using Image and Video Processing

Proceeding Name2024 International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computing Technologies (ICEECT)


Author NameRhythm Shah, Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueAugust 2024 , (Online) Greater Noida, India

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No79-8-3503-7809-2

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Image Processing Based Texture Transfer Between Images


Title of PaperImage Processing Based Texture Transfer Between Images

Proceeding Name2024 International Conference on Electrical Electronics and Computing Technologies (ICEECT)


Author NameDevanshi Jariwala, Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueAugust 2024 , (Online) Greater Noida, India

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-7809-2

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Drone based Potholes detection using Machine Learning on various Edge AI devices in Real-Time


Title of PaperDrone based Potholes detection using Machine Learning on various Edge AI devices in Real-Time

Proceeding Name2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)


Author NameAniruddhsinh Parmar; Ruchi Gaiiar; Nagendra Gajjar

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-8324-9

Indexed INScopus

Real-Time Castor Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning on Edge AI Device


Title of PaperReal-Time Castor Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning on Edge AI Device

Proceeding Name 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Smart Electronic Systems (iSES)


Author NameDhaval Soni; Ruchi Gaiiar; Nagendra Gajjar

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-8324-9

Indexed INScopus

Real-Time Image Super-Resolution using Drone through GFPGAN and Nvidia Jetson Nano


Title of PaperReal-Time Image Super-Resolution using Drone through GFPGAN and Nvidia Jetson Nano

Proceeding Name2023 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC)


Author NameReetika Dubey, Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationJaypee Institute of Information Technology

Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Noida, India

Page Number440-444

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-8320-1

Indexed INScopus

Road Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Machine Learning


Title of PaperRoad Detection from Remote Sensing Images using Machine Learning

Proceeding NameProceedings of 2023 9th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICSC)


Author NamePruthvirajsinh A. Kathiya; Kashyap Sindhav; Ruchi Gajjar


Year , VenueDecember 2023 , Noida, India

Page Number445-449

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-8320-1

Indexed INScopus

Performance Evaluation of Ambulance Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Through a Drone on Edge AI Devices


Title of PaperPerformance Evaluation of Ambulance Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning Through a Drone on Edge AI Devices

Proceeding NameProceedings of 2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)


Author NameAayrin M. Shaikh; Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueNovember 2023 , (Online) Gaziabad, India

Page Number773-778

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-3072-4

Indexed INScopus

Image Processing based Image to Cartoon Generation: Reducing complexity of large computation arising from Deep Learning


Title of PaperImage Processing based Image to Cartoon Generation: Reducing complexity of large computation arising from Deep Learning

Proceeding Name2023 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Sustainable Engineering Solutions (CISES)


Author NameShruti Kumari Shrivastava, Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueApril 2023 , Greater Noida (Online)

Page Number650-656

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-2391-7

Indexed INScopus

Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Pest Detection on Raspberry Pi


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Pest Detection on Raspberry Pi

Proceeding Name2023 7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)


Year , VenueApril 2023 , Tirunelveli (Online)

Page Number991-995

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-9728-4

Indexed INScopus

Implementation of Real-Time Object Detection on FPGA


Title of PaperImplementation of Real-Time Object Detection on FPGA

Proceeding Name2023 7th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)


Author NameGayatri Rathod, Parin Shah, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I Patel, Nagendra Gajjar

Year , VenueApril 2023 , Tirunelveli (Online)

Page Number235-240

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-9728-4

Indexed INScopus

Plant Leaf Disease Classification using Convolutional Neural Network on FPGA


Title of PaperPlant Leaf Disease Classification using Convolutional Neural Network on FPGA

Proceeding Name2023 International Conference on Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies,(DICCT)


Author NameParin Shah, Gayatri Rathod, Ruchi Gajjar, Nagendra Gajjar, Manish I Patel

Year , VenueMarch 2023 , Dehradun - Online

Page Number307-311

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-7491-7

Indexed INScopus

Automated Design Rule Checker for VLSI Circuits Using Machine Learning


Title of PaperAutomated Design Rule Checker for VLSI Circuits Using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name5th International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal processing VCAS 2022: VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing

PublisherSpringer Nature Singapore

Author NameMihir Rana, Nimit Malani, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I Patel, Dipesh Panchal

Year , VenueOctober 2022 , MNNIT ALLAHABAD, PRAYAGRAJ (Online)

Page Number475-485

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-99-0973-5

Indexed INScopus

Aspect Ratio Estimation of a Two-Stage Operational Amplifier


Title of PaperAspect Ratio Estimation of a Two-Stage Operational Amplifier

Proceeding Name5th International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal processing VCAS 2022: VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing


Author NameAravind Kannan, Aftaab Siddiqui, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I. Patel & Dipesh Panchal


Year , VenueOctober 2022 , MNNIT ALLAHABAD, PRAYAGRAJ (Online)

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-99-0973-5

Indexed INScopus

Power Consumption Prediction of Digital Circuits using Machine Learning


Title of PaperPower Consumption Prediction of Digital Circuits using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP)


Author NameModi Divy Bhavesh, Nair Anoopkumar Anilkumar, Manish I Patel, Ruchi Gajjar, Dipesh Panchal

OrganizationVellore Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh

Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , Online

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No2640-5768

Indexed INScopus

A CNN based Hybrid Model for Pneumonia Classification Using Chest X-ray Images


Title of PaperA CNN based Hybrid Model for Pneumonia Classification Using Chest X-ray Images

Proceeding Name2022 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP)


Author NameDivyesh Ranpariya, Parin Parikh, Manish I Patel, Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationVellore Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh

Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , Online

Page Number1-7

ISSN/ISBN No2640-5768

Indexed INScopus

Face Mask Detection for Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 using Knowledge Distillation


Title of PaperFace Mask Detection for Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 using Knowledge Distillation

Proceeding Name2021 International Conference on Computational Performance Evaluation (ComPE)

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameAmbika Lakhera; Priyansh Jain; Ruchi Gajjar; Manish Patel

OrganizationNorth-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Online

Page Number815-819

Indexed INScopus

PCB Classification using Convolutional Neural Network


Title of PaperPCB Classification using Convolutional Neural Network

Proceeding Name2021 3rd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICAC3N)

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameViraj Mankad; Nandan Bhanvadia; Manish I. Patel; Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationGalgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, India

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Online

Page Number986-990

Indexed INScopus

Diamond Price Prediction using Machine Learning


Title of PaperDiamond Price Prediction using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name2021 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 4.0 (C2I4)

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameHarshvadan Mihir, Manish I Patel, Soham Jani, Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationCMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Online

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-2013-6

Indexed INScopus

Real-time Face Mask Detection System on Edge using Deep Learning and Hardware Accelerators


Title of PaperReal-time Face Mask Detection System on Edge using Deep Learning and Hardware Accelerators

Proceeding Name2021 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 4.0 (C2I4)

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameStavan Ruparelia; Monil Jethva; Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationCMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Online

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-2013-6

Indexed INScopus

CNN-Based Leaf Wilting Classification Using Modified ResNet152


Title of PaperCNN-Based Leaf Wilting Classification Using Modified ResNet152

Proceeding NameEmerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking 2021 - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering


Author NameAmita Mohta, Ishan Gupta, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish I Patel

OrganizationSVNIT, Surat

Page Number239-248

Published YearNovember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-19-6737-5

Indexed INScopus

OCR for Devanagari Script Using a Deep Hybrid CNN-RNN Network


Title of PaperOCR for Devanagari Script Using a Deep Hybrid CNN-RNN Network

Proceeding NameEmerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking 2021 - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering


Author NameRhea Sansowa, Vincent Abraham, Manish I. Patel & Ruchi Gajjar

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , SVNIT Surat

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-19-6737-5

Indexed INScopus

CNN Based Design Rule Checker For VLSI Layouts


Title of PaperCNN Based Design Rule Checker For VLSI Layouts

Proceeding NameIEEE 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, and Communication, AESPC 2021 - Proceedings, 2021

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameEshan Saraogi, Giriraj Singh Chouhan, Dipesh Panchal, Ruchi Gajjar and Manish I. Patel

OrganizationKIIT University, Bhuvneshwar

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Online

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-4299-2

Indexed INScopus

Aspect Ratio Estimation for MOS Amplifier using Machine Learning


Title of PaperAspect Ratio Estimation for MOS Amplifier using Machine Learning

Proceeding NameIEEE 2nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing, and Communication, AESPC 2021 - Proceedings, 2021

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameJeenang Shah, Harshil Patel, Ruchi Gajjar, Dipesh Panchal and Manish I. Patel

OrganizationKIIT University, Bhuvneshwar

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , Online

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-4299-2

Indexed INScopus

Face mask detection and counting using deep learning and embedded systems


Title of PaperFace mask detection and counting using deep learning and embedded systems

Proceeding NameAdvances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering - 4th International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing


Author NameMonil Jethva, Stavan Ruparelia & Ruchi Gajjar


Year , VenueSeptember 2021 , MNNIT ALLAHABAD, PRAYAGRAJ (Online)

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-19-2631-0

Indexed INScopus

LSTM-Based Prediction of COVID-19 Vaccination Drive in India


Title of PaperLSTM-Based Prediction of COVID-19 Vaccination Drive in India

Proceeding Name2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Vision (AIMV)

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameAravind Kannan; Atish Jain; Prem Nivas; Ruchi Gajjar; Manish I. Patel

OrganizationPandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Year , VenueSeptember 2021 , Gandhinagar

Page Number1-5

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-4211-4

Indexed INScopus

Image Resolution Enhancement Using Convolutional Autoencoders with Skip Connections


Title of PaperImage Resolution Enhancement Using Convolutional Autoencoders with Skip Connections

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT)


Author NameHemant Bhojwani, Vishwam Bhavsar, Ruchi Gajjar, Manish Patel

Organization Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur (a DRDO laboratory)

Page Number1-5

Published YearAugust 2021

Indexed INScopus

A Novel Approach for Change Detection Analysis of Land Cover from Multispectral FCC Optical Image using Machine Learning


Title of PaperA Novel Approach for Change Detection Analysis of Land Cover from Multispectral FCC Optical Image using Machine Learning

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT)


Author NameKhyat Patel, Manan Jain, Manish I. Patel, Ruchi Gajjar

Organization Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur (a DRDO laboratory)

Page Number1-6

Published YearAugust 2021

Indexed INScopus

Real-time detection and identification of plant leaf diseases using convolutional neural networks on an embedded platform


Journal NameThe Visual Computer

Title of PaperReal-time detection and identification of plant leaf diseases using convolutional neural networks on an embedded platform

PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg

Volume Number38

Page Number2923-2938

Published YearJune 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1432-2315

Indexed INScopus

Real-time Sign Language Recognition using Computer Vision


Title of PaperReal-time Sign Language Recognition using Computer Vision

Proceeding Name3rd International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication (ICPSC), IEEE

PublisherIEEE Explore

Author NameJinalee Jayeshkumar Raval, Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationKarunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore

Year , VenueMay 2021 , Online

Page Number542-546

Time Series Prediction of Viable Embryo and Automatic Grading in IVF using Deep Learning


Journal NameThe Open Biomedical Engineering Journal

Title of PaperTime Series Prediction of Viable Embryo and Automatic Grading in IVF using Deep Learning

PublisherBentham Open

Volume Number15

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1874-1207

Indexed INScopus

Real-Time Tomato Detection, Classification, and Counting System Using Deep Learning and Embedded Systems


Title of PaperReal-Time Tomato Detection, Classification, and Counting System Using Deep Learning and Embedded Systems

Proceeding NameProceedings of the International e-Conference on Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NameStavan Ruparelia, Monil Jethva, Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationG H Patel College of Engineering and Technology

Year , VenueDecember 2020 , Online

Page Number511-522

Indexed INScopus

Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning


Title of PaperPlant Leaf Disease Detection Using Machine Learning

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics Communication and Networking

PublisherSpringer, Singapore

Author NameJay Trivedi, Yash Shamnani, Ruchi Gajjar

OrganizationSardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Institute of Technology

Year , VenueFebruary 2020 , Surat

Page Number267-276

Indexed INScopus

Estimation of defocus blur radius using convolutional neural network


Title of PaperEstimation of defocus blur radius using convolutional neural network

Proceeding NameNIICONE 2019, Published as a book chapter in Technologies for Sustainable Development

PublisherTechnologies for Sustainable Development, CRC Press

Author NameRuchi Gajjar, Tanish Zaveri, Aastha Vaniawala

OrganizationNirma University

Page Number256-261

Published YearNovember 2019

Indexed INScopus

Defocus blur radius classification using Random Forest Classifier


Title of PaperDefocus blur radius classification using Random Forest Classifier

Proceeding NameIEEE International Conference on Innovations in Electronics, Signal Processing and Communication (IESC)


OrganizationNIT, Shillong

Year , VenueApril 2017 , Shillong

Page Number219-223

Defocus Blur Parameter Estimation using Polynomial Expression and Signature based Methods


Title of PaperDefocus Blur Parameter Estimation using Polynomial Expression and Signature based Methods

Proceeding NameIEEE Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN) 2017


OrganizationAmity University

Year , VenueFebruary 2017 , New Delhi

Page Number71-75

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5090-2797-2

Invariants Based Blur Classification Algorithm


Title of PaperInvariants Based Blur Classification Algorithm

Proceeding NameIEEE 2015 5th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)


OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2015 , Nirma University

Page Number1-5

Automated Digitization of Student’s Marks from the Answer-Book Images Using a Lightweight CNN Model


Journal NameSN Computer Science

Title of PaperAutomated Digitization of Student’s Marks from the Answer-Book Images Using a Lightweight CNN Model

PublisherSpringer Nature

Volume Number5

Page Number1-9

Published YearMarch 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2661-8907

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO

Prediction of Oral Cancer Treatment Plan using Machine Learning


Journal NameInternational Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications

Title of PaperPrediction of Oral Cancer Treatment Plan using Machine Learning

PublisherMachine Intelligence Research Labs

Volume Number15

Page Number408-417

Published YearJune 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2150-7988

Indexed INScopus


Machine learning (ML) is a sub-branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that employs statistical, optimization, and fuzzy techniques to learn from past data and detect patterns from large, noisy, and complex datasets. Oral cancer treatment for a patient with mouth or throat cancer is crucial. Oral cancer treatment analyses the development of cancer cells in the tissues of the mouth or throat post-operation. In post-operation care, the mouth opening of the patient depends on the surgery performed. Further, how often should the patient perform the exercise with a jaw stretcher machine and consult the doctor? In this paper, we employed different machine learning algorithms to predict the treatment plan for the patient. We introduced the one-way ANOVA test to identify the optimal feature set. Our proposed approach applies different ML algorithms with ten-fold cross-validations to suggest a post-operation treatment plan for a patient. The experimental results show the highest accuracy with the polynomial regression and the hybrid approach.

Dictionary learning-based image super-resolution for multimedia devices


Journal NameMultimedia Tools and Applications

Title of PaperDictionary learning-based image super-resolution for multimedia devices

PublisherSpringer Nature

Page Number1-20

Published YearNovember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1573-7721

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, EBSCO


In multimedia devices such as mobile phones, surveillance cameras, and web cameras, image sensors have limited spatial resolution. As a result, the image captured from these devices misses high-frequency content and exhibits visual artifacts. Image super-resolution (SR) algorithms can minimize these artifacts by reconstructing missing high-frequency textures. Image SR algorithm estimates a high resolution (HR) image from a given low-resolution (LR) image. Given a single LR image, reconstructing an HR image makes SR be an extremely ill-posed problem. Over the past decade, dictionary learning-based methods have shown promising results in SR reconstruction. These methods extract numerous patches from external images for training dictionaries via sparse representation. However, these methods do not involve any patch selection mechanism that enhances the learning process. This paper proposes a dictionary learning-based SR algorithm that extracts selective patches from an input LR image based on the iScore criterion. Results show that patch selection criteria keep only 36% of all extracted patches for training while improving the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Furthermore, we have proposed a method to initialize dictionaries to achieve better convergence that enhances PSNR.

Single Image Super-Resolution through Sparse Representation via Coupled Dictionary learning


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

Title of PaperSingle Image Super-Resolution through Sparse Representation via Coupled Dictionary learning

PublisherPolish Academy of Sciences

Volume Number66

Page Number347-353

Published YearJune 2020

ISSN/ISBN No2081-8491

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) through sparse representation has received much attention in the past decade due to significant development in sparse coding algorithms. However, recovering high-frequency textures is a major bottleneck of existing SISR algorithms. Considering this, dictionary learning approaches are to be utilized to extract high-frequency textures which improve SISR performance significantly. In this paper, we have proposed the SISR algorithm through sparse representation which involves learning of Low Resolution (LR) and High Resolution (HR) dictionaries simultaneously from the training set. The idea of training coupled dictionaries preserves correlation between HR and LR patches to enhance the Super-resolved image. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a visual comparison is made with popular SISR algorithms and also quantified through quality metrics. The proposed algorithm outperforms compared to existing SISR algorithms qualitatively and quantitatively as shown in experimental results. Furthermore, the performance of our algorithm is remarkable for a smaller training set which involves lesser computational complexity. Therefore, the proposed approach is proven to be superior based upon visual comparisons and quality metrics and have noticeable results at reduced computational complexity.

Image Super-Resolution through quick learning from self-examples


Title of PaperImage Super-Resolution through quick learning from self-examples

Proceeding NameProceedings of the 7th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2019)

PublisherCRC Press

Author NameRutul Patel

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Ahmedabad, India

Page Number161

ISSN/ISBN No780429321573

Indexed INScopus


Image Super-Resolution (SR) is an ill-posed problem with an objective of constructing High Resolution (HR) image from given Low Resolution (LR) image. The existing popular SR approaches include deep neural networks which require large dataset for training and also they are computationally expensive. In this paper, a novel algorithm to achieve SR which utilizes examples taken from LR itself for training have been proposed. The proposed algorithm fastens the training process via selectively fetched examples (patches) from given LR image. For the training purpose, Simultaneous Codeword Optimization (SIMCO) based dictionary learning algorithm is used along-with Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) for sparse representation. The trained dictionary is further utilized for constructing an HR image. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms in terms of computational complexity and quantitative measures also with respect to deep learning algorithms.

Cycle Slip Detection on IRNSS/NavIC Data for Single and Dual Frequency Receiver


Title of PaperCycle Slip Detection on IRNSS/NavIC Data for Single and Dual Frequency Receiver

Proceeding NameThe Fourteenth International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)


Author NameSachin Gajjar


Year , VenueJuly 2023 , IIT-Delhi, Delhi, India

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Smart Door System to Prevent COVID-19 Transmission


Title of PaperSmart Door System to Prevent COVID-19 Transmission

Proceeding Name6 th International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies ICCNCT 2023


Author NameHasit Trivedi, Sanjay Parmar, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueApril 2023 , RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Page Number1-8

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of Smart Waste Management System


Title of PaperDesign and Development of Smart Waste Management System

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Communication Systems, Computing and IT Applications 2023


Author NamePalak Jain, Taneesha Chaudhary, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueApril 2023 , St. Francis Institute of Technology

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Cohesive Intelligent System for Smart Cradle


Title of PaperCohesive Intelligent System for Smart Cradle

Proceeding NameIEEE Xplore


Author NameAatman Patel, Mann Raval, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueMarch 2023 , Galgotias College of Engineering & Technology (GCET)

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Gesture Based Computer Control System


Title of PaperGesture Based Computer Control System

Proceeding Name9th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS)


Author NameAkshat Baheti, Dev Patwa, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueMarch 2023 , Sri Eshwar College of Engineering

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Performance Comparison of IEEE 802.11ax, 802.11ac and 802.11n using Network Simulator NS3


Title of PaperPerformance Comparison of IEEE 802.11ax, 802.11ac and 802.11n using Network Simulator NS3

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Computing Science, Communication and Security (COMS2)


Author NameManav Chotalia, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueFebruary 2023 , Ganpat University

Page Number1-13

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of Embedded System for Loom Data Monitoring System


Title of PaperDesign and Development of Embedded System for Loom Data Monitoring System

Proceeding NameTwelfth International Conference on Control System and Power Electronics – CSPE 2023

Publisher Grenze Scientific Society

Author NameHeet Shuklaa, Sachin Gajjar

OrganizationMumbai, India.

Page Number1-5

Published YearFebruary 2023

Indexed INScopus

Development and Testing of Automation Tools using Python


Journal NameInternational Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems (IJASCIS)

Title of PaperDevelopment and Testing of Automation Tools using Python

PublisherScience Transactions

Volume Number01

Page Number1-11

Published YearDecember 2022

Indexed INOthers

Performance Analysis of Cache Memory in CPU


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Cache Memory in CPU

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Soft Computing and its Engineering Application


Author NameSachin Gajjar

OrganizationSmt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of Computer Applications, Charotar University of Science & Technology(CHARUSAT)

Year , VenueDecember 2022 , Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of Computer Applications, Charotar University of Science & Technology(CHARUSAT), Changa, India

Page Number1-12

Indexed INScopus

Fuzzy and Ant Colony Optimization Based Clustering and Routing Protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperFuzzy and Ant Colony Optimization Based Clustering and Routing Protocol in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding NameTENCON 2022 - 2022 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2022


Author NameH. Panchal and Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Hong Kong

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Single Point Positioning using Dual Frequency NavIC Receiver Data


Title of PaperSingle Point Positioning using Dual Frequency NavIC Receiver Data

Proceeding NameTENCON 2022 - 2022 IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Author NameM. Vyas, Sachin Gajjar, M. Upadhyay and R. Acharya

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Hong Kong

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Fuzzy Logic-Based Cluster Head Selection an Underwater Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey


Title of PaperFuzzy Logic-Based Cluster Head Selection an Underwater Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey

Proceeding NameLecture Notes in Networks and Systems

PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameHetal Panchal, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueAugust 2022 , NIT Dehli

Page Number1-12

Indexed INScopus

Exploration of FreeRTOS on a RISC-V Architecture


Title of PaperExploration of FreeRTOS on a RISC-V Architecture

Proceeding Name7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development


Author NameVincent Abraham, Divyesh Ranpariya, Parin Parikh, Dhaval Shah, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueAugust 2022 , Hotel Vivanta, Goa

Page Number1-9

Indexed INScopus

Survey of Data Processing Software Tools for Global Navigation Satellite System


Title of PaperSurvey of Data Processing Software Tools for Global Navigation Satellite System

Proceeding NameProceedings of 7th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development


Author NameSachin Gajjar, Manisha Upadhyay, Mahek Vyas, Ayushee Samridhi, and Bhavin Patel

Year , VenueAugust 2022 , Goa

Page Number1-8

Indexed INScopus

Cluster Head Selection Based on Type-II Fuzzy Logic System in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review


Title of PaperCluster Head Selection Based on Type-II Fuzzy Logic System in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Cognitive & Intelligent Computing, Springer Publications


Author NameHetal Panchal, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , CMR, College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad

Page Number1-15

Indexed INScopus

Design and Implementation of Fault Tolerance and Diagnosis Technique for Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in Soft-core Processor


Title of PaperDesign and Implementation of Fault Tolerance and Diagnosis Technique for Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in Soft-core Processor

Proceeding Name2nd International Conference on Advances in VLSI and Embedded Systems


Author NameSamyakkumar Jain, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueDecember 2021 , SVNIT, Surat

Page Number1-9

Indexed INScopus

GUI Development of IRNSS Receiver


Title of PaperGUI Development of IRNSS Receiver

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends in Electronics, Communication and Networking


Author NameRashi Gautam, Vaisvik Chaudhary, Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueNovember 2021 , SVNIT, Surat

Page Number1-9

Design and Development of Semi-Autonomous Solar Panel Cleaning Robot


Title of PaperDesign and Development of Semi-Autonomous Solar Panel Cleaning Robot

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Advancement in Communication, Electronics, Computer, and Automation Technology


Author NameSamyakkumar Jain, Vipul Jethwa, Vijekar Tirth Abhigya Upadhyay, Sachin Gajjar, Nagendra Gajjar

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueFebruary 2021 , Ahmedabad, India

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Geo Tracking of Waste, Triggering Alerts and Mapping Areas with High Waste Index


Title of PaperGeo Tracking of Waste, Triggering Alerts and Mapping Areas with High Waste Index

Proceeding Name2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON)


Author NameDeep Pujara, Pratyusha Patel and Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueDecember 2020 , New Delhi, India.

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of AR-PlaSys: Augmented Reality Based Plant Monitoring System


Title of PaperDesign and Development of AR-PlaSys: Augmented Reality Based Plant Monitoring System

Proceeding Name2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON)


Author NameHoney Shah, Jyotika Gurnani and Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueDecember 2020 , New Delhi, India.

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

Continuous Recognition of 3D Space Handwriting using Deep Learning


Title of PaperContinuous Recognition of 3D Space Handwriting using Deep Learning

Proceeding Name8th International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, ICICSE-2020


Author NameSagar Maheshwari and Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueAugust 2020 , Guru Nanak University, Hyderabad

Indexed INScopus

Design and Development of E-Sense: IoT based Environment Monitoring System


Title of PaperDesign and Development of E-Sense: IoT based Environment Monitoring System

Proceeding Name6th IEEE Students’ Conference on Engineering and Systems (SCES-2020)


Author NameDeep Pujara, Praveen Kukreja, Sachin Gajjar

OrganizationM. N. National Institute of Technology, Allahabad

Year , VenueJuly 2020 , M. N. National Institute of Technology, Allahabad

Page Number1-6

Comparison of k Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree Algorithms for Cardio Vascular Disease Prediction


Title of PaperComparison of k Nearest Neighbor and Decision Tree Algorithms for Cardio Vascular Disease Prediction

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Paradigms of Computing, Communication and Data Sciences (PCCDS-2020)


Author NamePreeti Bhowmick, Sachin Gajjar, Shital Chaudhary

OrganizationNational Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra

Year , VenueMay 2020 , National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Detection of Cardio Vascular Disease using Fuzzy Logic


Title of PaperDetection of Cardio Vascular Disease using Fuzzy Logic

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems


Author NameShital Chaudhary, Sachin Gajjar, Preeti Bhowmick

OrganizationGR Foundation

Year , VenueMay 2020 , Ahmedabad

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Software Tools for Global Navigation Satellite Systems


Title of PaperSoftware Tools for Global Navigation Satellite Systems

Proceeding Name4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems


Author NameRiddhi Soni, Sachin Gajjar, Manisha Upadhyay, Bhupendra Fataniya

OrganizationGR Foundation

Year , VenueJanuary 2020 , Ahmedabad

Page Number1-6

Indexed INScopus

Design Devlopment and Testing of Automatic Pothole Detection and Alert System


Title of Paper Design Devlopment and Testing of Automatic Pothole Detection and Alert System

Proceeding NameIEEE- India Council international Conferance INDICON

Publisher 16th IEEE- India Council international Conferance INDICON -2019

Author NameDhwani Desai , Abhishek Soni , Dhruv Panchal ,Sachin Gajjar

Year , VenueDecember 2019 , Marwadi University , Gujarat

Page Number1-4

Indexed INScopus

DDAS: Distributed Data Acquisition System using Wireless Sensor Network


Title of Paper DDAS: Distributed Data Acquisition System using Wireless Sensor Network

Proceeding NameIEEE- India Council international Conferance INDICON

Publisher 16th IEEE- India Council international Conferance INDICON -2019

Author NameSachin Gajjar,Pranjal Shrivastva, Aditi Bhatnagar, Jaivik Desai

Year , VenueDecember 2019 , Marwadi University , Gujarat

Page Number1-4

Indexed INScopus

Retail Vending Machine: A Weight Based Automated Vending System


Title of PaperRetail Vending Machine: A Weight Based Automated Vending System

Proceeding NameStudents’ Special Symposium (S-Cube) -INAC- 2019

PublisherSpace Application Center, Ahmedabad

Author NameKeval Vora1, Ishan Lakhwani, Dhruv Shah, Shivani Mundra

OrganizationSpace Application Center, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueSeptember 2019 , Space Application Center, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-6

Computational Intelligence in Embedded Systems: A Survey

Book Chapter

Book NameInformation and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems

PublisherSpringer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd

Page Number1-12

Chapter TitleComputational Intelligence in Embedded Systems: A Survey

Published YearJanuary 2019

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-13-1741-5

Indexed INScopus

Low Energy Fuzzy based Unequal Clustering Multihop Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks


Journal Name National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Springer Publications

Title of PaperLow Energy Fuzzy based Unequal Clustering Multihop Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks


Volume Number88

Page Number539–556

Published YearDecember 2018

ISSN/ISBN No0369-8203

Indexed INScopus

High Speed SRT Divider for Intelligent Embedded System


Title of PaperHigh Speed SRT Divider for Intelligent Embedded System

Proceeding NameProceedings of International Conference on Soft Computing and its Engineering Applications


Year , VenueDecember 2017 , Changa

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus

FARMNET: Agriculture Support System using Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network


Title of PaperFARMNET: Agriculture Support System using Wireless Sensor and Actuator Network

Proceeding NameProceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking


Year , VenueMarch 2017 , Chennai

Page Number291-296

Indexed INScopus, Others

FAMACROW: Fuzzy and Ant Colony Optimization based combined MAC/Routing Cross layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Journal Name Elsevier Journal of Applied Soft Computing

Title of PaperFAMACROW: Fuzzy and Ant Colony Optimization based combined MAC/Routing Cross layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Volume Number43

Page Number235–247

Published YearJune 2016

ISSN/ISBN No1568-4946

Indexed INScopus, Others

Emerging Applications Perspective for Internet of Things


Title of PaperEmerging Applications Perspective for Internet of Things

Proceeding NameSecond International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies

PublisherACM Digital Library

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , Udaipur

Page Number1-7

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4503-3962-9

Indexed INScopus

FUCP: Fuzzy Based Unequal Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperFUCP: Fuzzy Based Unequal Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding Name39th National Systems Conference-2015


Year , VenueDecember 2015 , Noida

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4673-6829-2

Indexed INScopus, Others

Fuzzy-Cross: A Fuzzy Based Architecture For Wireless Sensor Network


Journal NameJournal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering

Title of PaperFuzzy-Cross: A Fuzzy Based Architecture For Wireless Sensor Network

PublisherIOS Press Publications

Volume Number15

Page Number801-823

Published YearJuly 2015

ISSN/ISBN No1472-7978

Indexed INScopus, Others

FAMACRO: Fuzzy and Ant Colony Optimization based MAC/Routing Cross-layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperFAMACRO: Fuzzy and Ant Colony Optimization based MAC/Routing Cross-layer Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technologies


Year , VenueDecember 2014 , Cochin

Page Number1014-1021

Indexed INScopus, Others

Self Organized, Flexible, Latency and Energy Efficient Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Journal NameInternational Journal of Wireless Information Networks

Title of PaperSelf Organized, Flexible, Latency and Energy Efficient Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

PublisherSpringer Publications

Volume Number21

Page Number290-305

Published YearDecember 2014

ISSN/ISBN No1068-9605

Indexed INScopus

Design, development and testing of Wireless Sensor Network Mote


Title of PaperDesign, development and testing of Wireless Sensor Network Mote

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Devices, Circuits and Communications


Year , VenueSeptember 2014 , Ranchi

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-6052-1

Indexed INScopus, Others

Comparative analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Motes


Title of PaperComparative analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Motes

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks


Year , VenueFebruary 2014 , Noida

Page Number426-431

Indexed INScopus, Others

Simulators for Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperSimulators for Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Electronics, Communication and Information Technology


Year , VenueOctober 2013 , Patiala

Page Number526-534

Indexed INScopus, Others

Lifetime Improvement of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperLifetime Improvement of LEACH Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding NameNirma University International Conference on Engineering


Year , VenueDecember 2012 , Ahmedabad

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No2375-1282

Indexed INScopus, Others

Performance Analysis of Cross layer Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Cross layer Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Computing

PublisherACM New York, NY, USA

Year , VenueAugust 2012 , Chennai

Page Number348-354

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4503-1196-0

Indexed INScopus, Others

Simulation Study of Wireless Sensor Networks for Conventional Field Irrigation Method


Title of PaperSimulation Study of Wireless Sensor Networks for Conventional Field Irrigation Method

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology


Page Number1-4

Published YearJanuary 2012

Comparative Analysis of Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks


Title of PaperComparative Analysis of Medium Access Control Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

Proceeding NameIEEE India Conference, INDICON 2011


Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Hyderabad

Page Number1-4

Indexed INScopus, Others

Cross layer Architectural Approaches for Wireless Sensor Network


Title of PaperCross layer Architectural Approaches for Wireless Sensor Network

Proceeding NameIEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems


Year , VenueSeptember 2011 , trivandrum

Page Number557-562

Indexed INScopus, Others

Wireless Sensor Network: Application led research perspective


Title of PaperWireless Sensor Network: Application led research perspective

Proceeding NameIEEE Recent Advances in Intelligent Computational Systems


Year , VenueSeptember 2011 , trivandrum

Page Number25-30

Indexed INScopus, Others

Improving performance of Adhoc TCP in Mobile Ad hoc Networks


Title of PaperImproving performance of Adhoc TCP in Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Proceeding Name INDICON 2008 IEEE Conference and Exhibition on Control, Communications and Automation



Year , VenueDecember 2008 , IIT Kanpur

Page Number144-147

Indexed INScopus

I-ADTCP: A New TCP for Mobile Ad hoc Networks


Title of PaperI-ADTCP: A New TCP for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Convergence, Communication and Broadband Networking


Year , VenueDecember 2008 , IIT Kanpur

Page Number1-4

Indexed INOthers

Investigating the performance of TCP in MANETs


Title of PaperInvestigating the performance of TCP in MANETs

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology

PublisherExcel Publishers

Page Number1-4

Published YearJanuary 2007

TCP in Wireless Networks: Problems and Solutions


Title of PaperTCP in Wireless Networks: Problems and Solutions

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Current Trends in Technology

PublisherExcel publishers

Page Number1-6

Published YearJanuary 2006

A Colour-Focused Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Framework for Aiding Human Perception


Title of PaperA Colour-Focused Visible and Infrared Image Fusion Framework for Aiding Human Perception

Proceeding Name2024 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT)


Author NameN. Eswarappa, S. Waldekar, Jeevan K. M., B. K. Vivek and K. George

OrganizationIEEE Bangalore Section

Year , VenueJuly 2024 , IISc Bangalore

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-8592-2

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Image fusion methods are required when images from the same or different sensors are available. In several applications, photographs from a colour camera are often fused with thermal infrared (medium-wave or long-wave) images. This paper focuses on those applications (typically security and surveillance) wherein the fused images are used by a human operator who will, in turn, make critical decisions. This paper presents two frameworks for fusing colour and infrared images, one in the red-green-blue (RGB) colour space and the other in lightness-chroma-hue (LCH) colour space. We compare qualitatively and quantitatively the performance of five existing fusion methods that work best in this scenario. The study is carried out across two datasets. Quantitatively, four existing metrics are used to analyse the performance. In addition, this paper proposes a performance metric that appeals to human perception and measures how well colour, edge, and contrast information are transferred to the fused image.

Analysis of constant-Q filterbank based representations for speech emotion recognition.


Journal NameDigital Signal Processing

Title of PaperAnalysis of constant-Q filterbank based representations for speech emotion recognition.


Volume Number130

Page Number103712

Published YearOctober 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1095-4333

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Others

Robust acoustic domain identification with its application to speaker diarization


Journal Name International Journal of Speech Technology

Title of PaperRobust acoustic domain identification with its application to speaker diarization

PublisherSpringer Nature

Volume Number25

Page Number933-945

Published YearAugust 2022

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO, Others

Two-level Fusion-based Acoustic Scene Classification.


Journal NameApplied Acoustics

Title of PaperTwo-level Fusion-based Acoustic Scene Classification.


Volume Number170

Page Number107502

Published YearDecember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0003-682X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Analysis and Classification of Acoustic Scenes with Wavelet Transform-based Mel-scaled Features.


Journal NameMultimedia Tools and Applications

Title of PaperAnalysis and Classification of Acoustic Scenes with Wavelet Transform-based Mel-scaled Features.

PublisherSpringer Nature

Volume Number79

Page Number7911-7926

Published YearJanuary 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1573-7721

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Texture Features for High-level Classification of Acoustic Scenes


Title of PaperTexture Features for High-level Classification of Acoustic Scenes

Proceeding Name2019 IEEE Region 10 Symposium (TENSYMP)


Author NameShefali Waldekar and Goutam Saha.

OrganizationIEEE Kokata Section

Year , VenueJune 2019 , Biswa Bangla Convention Centre, Newtown, Kolkata, India

Page Number710-715

ISSN/ISBN No2642-6102

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Wavelet Transform Based Mel-scaled Features for Acoustic Scene Classification.


Title of PaperWavelet Transform Based Mel-scaled Features for Acoustic Scene Classification.

Proceeding NameInterspeech 2018

PublisherInternational Speech Communication Association

Author NameShefali Waldekar and Goutam Saha.

Year , VenueSeptember 2018 , Hyderabad International Convention Centre, Hyderabad, India

Page Number3323-3327

ISSN/ISBN No2958-1796

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Classification of audio scenes with novel features in a fused system framework.


Journal NameDigital Signal Processing

Title of PaperClassification of audio scenes with novel features in a fused system framework.


Volume Number75

Page Number71-82

Published YearApril 2018

ISSN/ISBN No1095-4333

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The rapidly increasing requirements from context-aware gadgets, like smartphones and intelligent wearable devices, along with applications such as audio archiving, have given a fillip to the research in the field of Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC). The Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) challenges have seen systems addressing the problem of ASC from different directions. Some of them could achieve better results than the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients – Gaussian Mixture Model (MFCC-GMM) baseline system. However, a collective decision from all participating systems was found to surpass the accuracy obtained by each system. The simultaneous use of various approaches can exploit the discriminating information in a better way for audio collected from different environments covering audible-frequency range in varying degrees. In this work, we show that the frame-level statistics of some well-known spectral features when fed to Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier individually, are able to outperform the baseline system of DCASE challenges. Furthermore, we analyzed different methods of combining these features, and also of combining information from two channels when the data is in binaural format. The proposed approach resulted in around 17% and 9% relative improvement in accuracy with respect to the baseline system on the development and evaluation dataset, respectively, from DCASE 2016 ASC task.

Exploring structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Ba1− xCoxFe12O19 hexaferrites


Journal NameJournal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Title of PaperExploring structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Ba1− xCoxFe12O19 hexaferrites

PublisherSpringer Nature

Volume Number35

Page Number1-12

Published YearApril 2024

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Influence of Pr-ion substitution in Cu2X hexaferrites on their magnetic and dielectric properties


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperInfluence of Pr-ion substitution in Cu2X hexaferrites on their magnetic and dielectric properties


Volume Number50

Page Number6055-6067

Published YearFebruary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No1873-3956

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A Study of the effect of the Cu and Cr co-doping on Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Barium Hexaferrites synthesized in presence of mentha leaves extract


Journal NameMaterials Today Communications

Title of PaperA Study of the effect of the Cu and Cr co-doping on Structural, Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of Barium Hexaferrites synthesized in presence of mentha leaves extract


Page Number107214

Published YearSeptember 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2352-4928

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Influence of Sm and Cd co-substitutions on physical, magnetic, Mössbauer, electric, and dielectric properties of Co2X hexagonal ferrites in presence of a hematite phase


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperInfluence of Sm and Cd co-substitutions on physical, magnetic, Mössbauer, electric, and dielectric properties of Co2X hexagonal ferrites in presence of a hematite phase


Volume Number48

Page Number36802-36813

Published YearSeptember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0272-8842

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Investigation of structural, optical, magnetic, and dielectric properties of calcium hexaferrite synthesized in presence of Azadirachta indica and Murraya koenigii leaves extract


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperInvestigation of structural, optical, magnetic, and dielectric properties of calcium hexaferrite synthesized in presence of Azadirachta indica and Murraya koenigii leaves extract


Volume Number48

Page Number20134-20145

Published YearJuly 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0272-8842

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Tailoring magnetic and dielectric properties of SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 ferrite nanocomposites synthesized in presence of Calotropis gigantea (crown) flower extract


Journal NameJournal of Alloys and Compounds

Title of PaperTailoring magnetic and dielectric properties of SrFe12O19/NiFe2O4 ferrite nanocomposites synthesized in presence of Calotropis gigantea (crown) flower extract


Volume Number900

Published YearApril 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0925-8388

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Structural, morphological, magnetic hysteresis and dielectric properties of cobalt substituted barium–lead hexagonal ferrites for technological applications


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperStructural, morphological, magnetic hysteresis and dielectric properties of cobalt substituted barium–lead hexagonal ferrites for technological applications


Published YearJune 2021

Indexed INScopus


M-type, Ba0.4Pb0.6Fe12-xCoxO19 (x = 0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40) hexaferrites, synthesized using citrate gel auto combustion method, and heated at 950 °C, 4 h for lossless applications. XRD analysis shows the development of the M-phase, along with PbM and hematite. The microstructural analysis reveals the stacking clusters of hexagonally shaped platelets. TEM image and SAED pattern of x = 0.3 composition shows polycrystalline nature and formed particles observed to fused with neighbouring particles. M − H loops of all samples reveal hard magnetic behaviour and possess multi-domain structure. The maximum saturation magnetization of 55.427 A m2/kg is observed in x = 0.10 composition and coercivity of prepared hexaferrites was found to vary from 0.058 T to 0.390 T. The cobalt substitution has a strong influence on the dielectric properties of prepared hexaferrites. The value of ac conductivity increases with cobalt substitution from x = 0.00 to x = 0.10, and followed by a reduction from x = 0.10 to x = 0.40. The same trend is observed for the dielectric constant. The low value of loss tangent for all compositions shows apt scope for lossless application.

Effect of calcination temperature on structural and magnetic properties of lightly lanthanum substituted M-type strontium cobalt hexaferrites


Journal NameMaterials Today: Proceedings

Title of PaperEffect of calcination temperature on structural and magnetic properties of lightly lanthanum substituted M-type strontium cobalt hexaferrites


Published YearFebruary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2214-7853

Indexed INScopus

Investigation on structural, hysteresis, Mössbauer properties and electrical parameters of lightly Erbium substituted X-type Ba2Co2ErxFe28-xO46 hexaferrites


Journal NameCeramics International

Title of PaperInvestigation on structural, hysteresis, Mössbauer properties and electrical parameters of lightly Erbium substituted X-type Ba2Co2ErxFe28-xO46 hexaferrites


Volume Number46

Page Number8209-8226

Published YearApril 2020

Indexed INScopus

Cooperative NOMA Aided Improved Connectivity in Downlink Through Smart User Pairing


Title of PaperCooperative NOMA Aided Improved Connectivity in Downlink Through Smart User Pairing

Proceeding Name61180- PACRIM, 2024


Author NameTwinkle Bhavsar;Abhishek Jindal

OrganizationUniversity of Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Year , VenueAugust 2024 , University of Victoria, B.C., Canada.

Page Number1-7

ISSN/ISBN No2325-0445/979-8-3503-6232-9

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Cooperative non-orthogonal multiple access (C-NOMA) is one of the promising techniques which improves the connectivity and transmission rates between nodes. In this paper, we consider using C-NOMA in a system model with a source S and two sets of users, MR and MD . Every user in MD has a direct link (DL) to S , while for users in MR , there is no DL. We employ two C-NOMA schemes - Half-Duplex NOMA (HD-NOMA) and Improved-Virtual-Full-duplex NOMA (I-VFD-NOMA) - which serve users in MR with cooperation from users in MD . We consider two scenarios, A and B, where in A, the inter-user channels are assumed unknown, while in B, they are assumed known. Based on |MR| and |MD| , we employ combination/one of the two schemes to provide connectivity to users in MR . In order to do so, under scenarios A and B, we propose user pairing schemes to pair users within MD and also pair users between MR and MD . Considering average sum rate (ASR) for users as the metric, we perform Monte-Carlo simulations to evaluate the proposed schemes. Although HD-NOMA and I-VFD-NOMA are key enablers for the system model under study, both suffer from imperfect successive interference cancellation (I-SIC). Additionally, I-VFD-NOMA suffers from residual inter-user interference (R-IUI). Hence, through simulations, we study the impact of I-SIC and R-IUI on ASR as well.

Threshold Based Image Compression Scheme for Improved Compressibility


Title of PaperThreshold Based Image Compression Scheme for Improved Compressibility

Proceeding Name-


Author NameMaharshi Patel; Aaditya Darakh; Twinkle Bhavsar

OrganizationIIT, Delhi

Year , VenueJuly 2023 , IIT Delhi

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No2162-7665 /979-8-3503-3510-1


In this paper, we introduce an improved performance of well-known lossy data compression techniques, namely Huffman and Arithmetic coding, using a customized scheme that involves threshold selection and conditional pixel probability mapping. The scheme shows efficiency in terms of compressibility with minimal information and similarity loss in the process. In addition to this, flexibility is exhibited by the proposed scheme to select required compression using a threshold. The outcomes of the research are evaluated and compared based on a variety of parameters such as compression ratio, MSE, SSIM, and PSNR. The proposed approach is capable of effectively handling information-varying images of different quality levels.

On Reducing the Outage Probability in VFD-NOMA with Limited CSI at Source


Journal NameIEEE Communication Letters

Title of PaperOn Reducing the Outage Probability in VFD-NOMA with Limited CSI at Source


Published YearDecember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1089-7798

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Studied a virtual full-duplex (VFD) non-orthogonal-multiple-access (NOMA) system in which a source S transmits one message each to users R 1 and R 2 , and two messages to a destination D, in three time slots. In conventional VFD-NOMA, S follows a fixed sequence of transmission (SoT) for the messages of users and destination, leading to a higher outage probability (OP) at R 2 and D, and a higher overall system OP (O-OP). To this end, a novel transmission scheme is proposed which significantly decreases the OP at R 2 and D, and the O-OP. All the wireless links undergo Nakagami- m fading, and S only knows the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) of S-R 1 and S-R 2 links. It is assumed that users suffer from imperfect successive interference cancellation (I-SIC) and residual inter-user interference (R-IUI).








Year , VenueApril 2016 , Melmaruvathur, India

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4673-8549-7

Indexed INScopus


Device to Device communication has been considered as a popular issue for small cell networks. In this paper, a Sum Rate Priority Iterative Auction scheme is proposed to improve the spectral efficiency of mobile peer-to-peer communication for downlink cellular network. For spectral efficiency, first allocation of spectrum to various cellular and d2d devices is done by Reverse-iterative combinatorial auction mechanism, in which the cellular devices laced with spectral bandwidth bid for d2d devices iteratively. Optimization of spectrum is done by plotting sum-rate over SINR, number of cellular devices and number of d2d users. In addition, we compare the results obtained in Reverse Iterative combinatorial Auction (R-ICA) method with Sum Rate Priority Iterative Auction method by plotting the obtained spectral efficiency against the number of D2D users.

UVM Based Verification of Read and Write Transactions in AXI4-Lite Protocol


Title of PaperUVM Based Verification of Read and Write Transactions in AXI4-Lite Protocol

Proceeding NameIEEE Proceedings of TENSYMP 2022


Author NameUsha Mehta

OrganizationIEEE and IIT Bombay

Year , VenueJuly 2022 , IIT Bombay

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-6658-

Robust Schmitt Trigger-based Performance Booster Technique for Futuristic On-Chip Graphene Interconnects


Journal NameSSRG International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)

Title of PaperRobust Schmitt Trigger-based Performance Booster Technique for Futuristic On-Chip Graphene Interconnects

PublisherSeventh Sense Research Group

Volume Number70/3

Page Number241-248

Published YearJuly 2022

ISSN/ISBN No2231-5381

Indexed INScopus

Transition Probability-Based Detection of Hardware Trojan in Digital Circuits

Book Chapter

Book NameLecture Notes in Networks and Systems


Author NameUsha Mehta, Jayesh Popat

Page Number619-627

Chapter TitleTransition Probability-Based Detection of Hardware Trojan in Digital Circuits

Published YearSeptember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-16-2377-6, 978-981-16-2376-9

Indexed INScopus

Test Time Reduction Using Power-Aware Dynamic Clock Allocation to Scan Vectors

Book Chapter

Book NameAdvances in VLSI and Embedded Systems


Author NameUsha Mehta, Harikrishna Parmar

Page Number145-157

Chapter TitleTest Time Reduction Using Power-Aware Dynamic Clock Allocation to Scan Vectors

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-15-6228-0

Indexed INScopus

A Hash based Secure Scheme (HSS) against scan-based attacks on AES cipher


Title of PaperA Hash based Secure Scheme (HSS) against scan-based attacks on AES cipher

Proceeding NameInternational Test Conference (India) ITC2020


Author NameUsha Mehta


Year , VenueJuly 2020 , Online

Test Time Reduction using Power Aware Dynamic Clock Allocation to Scan Vectors


Title of PaperTest Time Reduction using Power Aware Dynamic Clock Allocation to Scan Vectors

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in VLSI and Embedded System AVES-2019

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Author NameUsha Mehta

OrganizationSVNIT, Surat

Year , VenueDecember 2019 , SVNIT, Surat

Test Pattern Generator for MV based QCA Combinational Circuit targeting MMC Fault Models


Journal NameIETE Journal of Research

Title of PaperTest Pattern Generator for MV based QCA Combinational Circuit targeting MMC Fault Models

PublisherTaylor and Francies

Published YearOctober 2019

ISSN/ISBN No0377-2063

Indexed INScopus

ILP Based Power-Aware Test Time Reduction Using On-Chip Clocking in NoC Based SoC


Journal NameJournal of Low Power Electronics and Applications

Title of PaperILP Based Power-Aware Test Time Reduction Using On-Chip Clocking in NoC Based SoC


Volume Number9

Page Number1-11

Published YearMay 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2079-9268

Indexed INScopus

Multiple Missing Cell Defect Modeling for QCA Devices


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Testing : Theory and Application (JETTA)

Title of PaperMultiple Missing Cell Defect Modeling for QCA Devices


Volume Number34

Page Number16

Published YearOctober 2018

ISSN/ISBN No0923-8174

Indexed INScopus

Modified Selective Huffman Coding for Optimization of Test Data Compression, Test Application Time and Area Overhead


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electronics Testing: Theory and Application (JETTA)

Title of PaperModified Selective Huffman Coding for Optimization of Test Data Compression, Test Application Time and Area Overhead

PublisherSpringer Publication

Volume Number26

Page Number679-688

Published YearDecember 2010

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN 0923-8174

Indexed INScopus, Indian citation Index, UGC List

Development of a Software Platform for E-Certificate Generation and Auto-Sending


Title of PaperDevelopment of a Software Platform for E-Certificate Generation and Auto-Sending

Proceeding Name2023 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)


Author NameA. Agrawal, P. Parikh, D. Patel and V. Dhare

Organization2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)

Year , VenueNovember 2023 , GHAZIABAD, India

Page Number503-506

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-3072-4

Indexed INScopus


Nowadays automation of every task is needed to save time and ease of completing the task. In this context, the software platform is developed to generate the certificates. In this paper, a single platform using Python is developed which takes care of generating certificates in bulk and sending them to the concerned person. This is useful when the number of participants in the workshop, seminar, event, etc. is more. The developed algorithm is simple yet effective.

1-bit Magnitude Comparator based on Reversible Logic using QCA Technology


Title of Paper1-bit Magnitude Comparator based on Reversible Logic using QCA Technology

Proceeding Name2023 IEEE Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC), IEEE


Author NameVaishali Dhare, Divy Modi

OrganizationKalyani Government College of Engineering, Kalyani, West Bengal, India

Year , VenueApril 2023 , Kalyani Government College of Engineering, Kalyani, West Bengal, India

Page Number9-12

ISSN/ISBN No979-8-3503-4726-5

Indexed INScopus


The biggest hurdle in today’s processors is heat dissipation. Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) is used currently. In CMOS, irreversible computational occurs which leads to heat and energy dissipation. One of the solutions is to use reversible logic. In this paper, a single-bit comparator design is proposed. The device-level implementation of a reversible comparator using Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is proposed. The design is made using reversible Fredkin and Feynman gates. These are implemented using QCA. Further, the 1-bit magnitude comparator comprised of Feynman and Fredkin gates is designed. In this paper, the device-level reversible logic implementation and energy calculations are claimed although the performance parameters are not that optimized.

Analytical Method for Cell Displacement Defect Analysis of Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Primitive


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Science and Technology, Elsevier

Title of PaperAnalytical Method for Cell Displacement Defect Analysis of Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Primitive


Volume Number21

Published YearJanuary 2023


Indexed INScopus


Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is an emerging computational paradigm which can overcome scaling limitations of the existing complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. The existence of defects cannot be ignored, considering the fabrication of QCA devices at the molecular level where it could alter the functionality. Therefore, defects in QCA devices need to be analyzed. So far, the simulation-based displacement defect analysis has been presented in the literature, which results in an increased demand in the corresponding mathematical model. In this paper, the displacement defect analysis of the QCA main primitive, majority voter (MV), is presented and carried out both in simulation and mathematics, where the kink energy based mathematical model is applied. The results demonstrate that this model can also be valid for the displacement defect in QCA MV.

Logic Synthesis Method for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Circuits


Title of PaperLogic Synthesis Method for Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Circuits

Proceeding NameIEEE


Author NameVaishali Dhare, Vishwam Bhavsar, Hemant Bojwani

OrganizationTENCON R10 Region Hong Kong

Year , VenueNovember 2022 , Hong Kong

Page Number1-5

Indexed INScopus


Present silicon technology, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) will face the scaling limitations in near future. The alternate to this technology is Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) which can overcome the limitations of CMOS technology. Synthesis is the important and compulsory process in design flow. Well-developed open source and commercial synthesis tools are available for CMOS technology. There is need to develop the synthesis tool for emerging QCA nanotechnology. Therefore, in this paper, synthesis algorithm for QCA nanotechnology is proposed. The algorithm is based on pre optimization of logic and developed in Python language. The proposed synthesis algorithm uses Quine-McCluskey technique for optimization and handles up to n-variable functions. It is tested on Microelectronic Centre for North Carolina (MCNC) benchmark circuits and thirteen standard functions.

Novel Optimized Ultra-dense 1 bit Magnitude Comparator Design in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Technology based on MV32 gate


Journal NameJournal of Supercomputing

Title of PaperNovel Optimized Ultra-dense 1 bit Magnitude Comparator Design in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Technology based on MV32 gate


Volume Number30

Page Number1-25

Published YearJune 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1573-0484

Indexed INScopus, EBSCO


Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) are based on the nanoscale and used as an alternative for Complementary Metal Oxide (CMOS) semiconductor technology. The main feature that attracts researchers in the VLSI domain of QCA is the ultra-dense structures with less power consumption and fewer transistors count. This paper presents a low energy dissipation 1-bit magnitude comparator using modified MV32 gates with minimum area. The simulation results of the proposed design have a value of 2.05 meV as total energy dissipation and 0.198 meV as average energy dissipation per cycle. Being at the nanoscale, the possibility of defects must be explored and analyzed. Therefore, the single missing cell analysis for the MV32 gate is carried out and presented in this paper. The hardware description language model is developed to analyze the faults caused by the single missing cell defects in the MV32 gate. At last, the proposed comparator is analyzed under the single missing cell defect to prove its fault tolerance.

Reversible Logic Based 1-bit Comparator using QCA


Title of PaperReversible Logic Based 1-bit Comparator using QCA

Proceeding NameIEEE


Author NameSumit Santosh, Vaishali Dhare

Organization6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2022), SCAD College of Engineering and Technology Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli

Year , VenueApril 2022 , SCAD College of Engineering and Technology Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli

Page Number163-167

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN: 978-1-6654-8328-5

Indexed INScopus


Heat and energy dissipation are the immense problems in today’s processor design. These problems can be overcome if the reversible logic is used for the design implementation. In this paper, the 1-bit comparator based on reversible logic is proposed. Further, the reversible logic gates used in the proposed design are implemented using “Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) nanotechnology”. QCA is viable technology among various nanotechnology through which reversible logic can be implemented at device level with low energy, less area and high speed. The simulation is backed by the QCADesigner tool. The proposed design is single layered which is also optimized for area, energy and delay.

Development of Test Pattern Generation for QCA based Circuits

Book Chapter

Book NameEvolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks


Author NameAishwary Tiwari, Vaishali Dhare

Page Number801-811

Chapter TitleDevelopment of Test Pattern Generation for QCA based Circuits

Published YearMarch 2022

ISSN/ISBN No Online ISBN 978-981-16-9605-3

Indexed INScopus


Quantum-D Dot cellular automata (QCA)-based circuits are nanometer-scale circuits. It is an emerging technology with many advantages over CMOS technology, for instance, it can operate in ultra-low power with improved speed and have high packaging density. Testing is an essential requirement or any circuit to detect the fault caused by physical defects that occur during the fabrication. In this paper, automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) algorithm is developed based on D-algorithm to test the stuck-at faults in the QCA circuits. The ATPG is developed using Python and tested on the QCA circuit set synthesized by standard Boolean functions.

Implementation and defect analysis of QCA based reversible combinational circuit


Title of PaperImplementation and defect analysis of QCA based reversible combinational circuit

Proceeding NameTechnologies for Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 7th Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2019),

PublisherCRC Press and Taylor and Francis groups

Author NameVaishali Dhare

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma university

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Institute of Technology, Nirma university, Ahmedabad

Page Number244-249

ISSN/ISBN NoISBN No. 978-0-367-33737-7

Indexed INScopus, Others


In the last four decades, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology has achieved circuits and system with features like low power, high device density and high speed. But, heat dissipation issue affects the speed and performance in the computing. Reversible logic based circuits can overcome the problem of heat dissipation and improve the efficiency circuit and system. One of the viable implementations of reversible logic is Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) nanotechnology. Due to nano scale, occurrence of defect are present in QCA. Therefore, defect must be analyzed in QCA based circuits. In this paper, combinational circuit, adder and substractor based on reversible logic is proposed. The proposed circuit is implemented using QCA devices Majority Voter (MV) and inverter. Further, the fault caused by multiple missing cells defect are analyzed.

Test Pattern Generator for MV based QCA Combinational Circuit targeting MMC Fault Models


Journal NameIETE Journal of Research

Title of PaperTest Pattern Generator for MV based QCA Combinational Circuit targeting MMC Fault Models

PublisherTyalor and Francis

Volume Number65

Page Number1-11

Published YearOctober 2019

ISSN/ISBN No0974-780X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, EBSCO


Quantum-dot-Cellular Automata (QCA) is emerging as one of the alternatives for Integrated Circuit Technology considering the scaling limitations of current Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Being at molecular scale, defects are more likely to occur in QCA devices. Therefore, the substantial development of QCA-oriented defects, its corresponding fault models and test generation is required. This paper addresses the fault model caused by multiple missing cells defect and test generation for these faults for QCA circuits. We have shown that the single missing cell considerations are not enough. Correspondingly, in this paper, testing properties for the detection of fault caused by multiple missing cell defects in QCA devices mainly Majority Voter (MV) are proposed. Even though there are many advanced ATPGs available for CMOS technology, to demonstrate very special MV-based properties with reference to the test pattern generation process and to open the path for advanced combinational and sequential ATPGs specific to MV-based QCA circuits, the extension of basic Automatic Test Pattern Generator is proposed here. The proposed test generation algorithm is guided by the extended Sandia Controllability Observability Analysis Program (SCOAP) testability measures especially for QCA logic primitives.

Test pattern generator for majority voter based QCA combinational circuit targeting MMC defect


Title of PaperTest pattern generator for majority voter based QCA combinational circuit targeting MMC defect

Proceeding Name24th IEEE European Test Symposium 2019, ETS 19


Author NameVaishali Dhare, Usha Mehta

OrganizationEuropean Test Symposium

Year , VenueMay 2019 , Baden Baden, Germany

Page Number1-2

ISSN/ISBN NoISSN: 1558-1780 ISBN: 978-1-7281-1173-5

Indexed INScopus


Quantum-dot-Cellular Automata (QCA) is emerging as one of the alternatives for Integrated Circuit Technology considering the scaling limitations of current Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Being at molecular scale, defects are more likely to occur in QCA devices. Therefore, substantial development of QCA oriented defects, its corresponding fault models and test generation is required. This paper addresses the test generation of QCA combinational circuits targeting the fault models caused by Multiple Missing Cells (MMC) defect. Even though, there are many advanced Automatic Test Pattern Generators (ATPGs) available for CMOS technology, to demonstrate MV (Majority Voter) based circuits with reference to test pattern generation process, the extension of basic ATPG is proposed here. The proposed test generation algorithm is guided by the extended Sandia Controllability Observability Analysis Program (SCOAP) testability measures especially for QCA logic primitives. The proposed ATPG is tested on MCNC benchmark circuit set.

A Simple Synthesis Process for Combinational QCA Circuits: QSynthesizer


Title of PaperA Simple Synthesis Process for Combinational QCA Circuits: QSynthesizer

Proceeding NameIEEE


Organization2019 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design and 2019 18th International Conference on Embedded Systems (VLSID

Year , VenueJanuary 2019 , New Delhi, India

Page Number498-99

ISSN/ISBN NoElectronic ISSN: 2380-6923 , Electronic ISBN: 978-1-7281-0409-6

Indexed INScopus


Quantum-dot-Cellular Automata (QCA) is coming up as the viable technology which may replace existing CMOS technology. In this context, Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools for design and fabrication like simulation, synthesis, testing etc. are essential. After design entry and behavioral simulation, the synthesis tool is used to convert the behavioral level description into gate level description. The synthesized circuit can be later on used for functional and timing verification, test development and further layout level synthesis. Even though, few QCA synthesis methods are available in the literature, there is lack of simple QCA synthesis method which uses commonly available CMOS based EDA tools as far as possible and hence, less costly. Therefore, in this paper, a simple but novel synthesis method for combinational QCA circuit "QSynthesizer" is proposed. The authors do neither claim an optimized method of synthesis nor a very high level of research in the field of QCA synthesis tool development. Still, this paper definitely contains a frugal innovation for synthesizing QCA circuit in absence of rarely available, low cost QCA synthesizers. The proposed synthesis method comprises logic reduction algorithm implemented in C++, Perl scripts and widely used synthesis tools like Leonardo Spectrum for digital design. The results on Microelectronics Centre of North Carolina (MCNC) benchmark circuits using proposed QSynthesizer show the effectiveness of the proposed method

Multiple Missing Cell Defect Modeling for QCA Devices


Journal NameJournal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications (JETTA)

Title of PaperMultiple Missing Cell Defect Modeling for QCA Devices

Page Number623-641

Published YearJanuary 2018

Indexed INScopus

Single missing cell deposition defect analysis of sequential reversible circuit


Title of PaperSingle missing cell deposition defect analysis of sequential reversible circuit

Proceeding NameNUiCONE 2017, Ahmedabad, India


OrganizationNUiCONE 2017, Ahmedabad, India

Year , VenueNovember 2017 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Page Number1-4

Indexed INScopus


Power and heat dissipation problems of current CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) technology can be overcome by the reversible logic. All the basic reversible gates are implemented using QCA (Quantum dot Cellular Automata) nanotechnology. In this paper reversible logic based sequential circuit, SR latch, is implemented. This paper presents the implementation of Fredkin reversible gate using basic primitives of QCA, Majority Voter (MV). As defects are more likely to occur in this nanotechnology. Hence single missing cell deposition defect in QCA in reversible SR latch are analyzed using QCADesigner tool at the layout level.

Development of basic fault model and corresponding ATPG for single input missing cell deposition defects in Majority Voter of QCA


Title of PaperDevelopment of basic fault model and corresponding ATPG for single input missing cell deposition defects in Majority Voter of QCA

Published YearJanuary 2017

Indexed INScopus

Fault analysis of QCA combinational circuit at layout & logic level


Title of PaperFault analysis of QCA combinational circuit at layout & logic level

Proceeding NameIEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2015 (WIECON 2015), BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh


OrganizationIEEE R-10 Region BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Year , VenueDecember 2015 , BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Page Number22-26

Indexed INScopus


QCA (Quantum-dot Cellular Automata) is the most capable future nanotechnology for computing. Defects are most likely to occur in QCA devices due to the nanoscale Faults caused by these defects must be analyzed. This paper implement the QCA combinational circuit, half adder for which fault analysis is carried out. This paper presents the fault analysis of QCA combinational circuit, half adder at layout level using QCADesigner tool and at logic level using Hardware description Language for QCA (HDLQ).

Defect characterization and testing of QCA devices and circuits: A survey


Title of PaperDefect characterization and testing of QCA devices and circuits: A survey

Proceeding Name19th International symposium on VLSI Design and Test 2015 (VDAT 2015), Ahmedabad, India


OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Year , VenueJune 2015 , Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India

Page Number1-2

Indexed INScopus


QCA (Quantum-dot Cellular Automata) is the promising future nanotechnology for computing. In QCA, the cells must be aligned properly at nano scales for proper functioning. Defects may occur in synthesis and deposition phase. So the defect analyses and testing cannot be ignored. This paper presents a survey on QCA basics, defect characterization and various testing aspects of QCA.

Emotion recognition in speech using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Book Chapter


PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameBhavya Desai, Karan Shah and Vijay Savani

Page Number191–205

Chapter TitleEmotion recognition in speech using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Published YearApril 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2524-7573

Indexed INScopus, Others



Design and Analysis of Low-Voltage and Low-Power 19T FinFET-TGDI based Hybrid Full Adders


Journal NameJournal of Circuits, Systems and Computers

Title of PaperDesign and Analysis of Low-Voltage and Low-Power 19T FinFET-TGDI based Hybrid Full Adders

PublisherWorld Scientific

Volume Number33/1

Page Number2450015-1 to 2450015-22

Published YearJanuary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No1793-6454

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, Others



An Autonomous System for Knee Osteoarthritis Disease Diagnosis using Machine Learning and Standalone Controller


Journal NameInternational Journal of Computing and Digital Systems

Title of PaperAn Autonomous System for Knee Osteoarthritis Disease Diagnosis using Machine Learning and Standalone Controller

PublisherUniversity of Bahrain Scientific Journals

Volume Number13

Page Number1053-1063

Published YearApril 2023


Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A Low Power High Speed 15T FinFET-GDI based Hybrid Full Adder using 18nm Technology

Book Chapter

Book NameAdvances in VLSI, Communication, and Signal Processing

PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameParthiv Bhau and Vijay Savani

Page Number445—456

Chapter TitleA Low Power High Speed 15T FinFET-GDI based Hybrid Full Adder using 18nm Technology

Published YearOctober 2022

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-19-2631-0

Indexed INScopus



Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning along with Web Interface (GUI),

Book Chapter

Book NameArtificial Intelligence and Communication Technologies

PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameAshu Mittal, Nairit Joshi and Vijay Savani

Page Number361-377

Chapter TitleStock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning along with Web Interface (GUI),

Published YearSeptember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No978-81-955020-5-9

Indexed INScopus



Modern Queue Management System for Various Government Jan Seva Ayog Centers

Book Chapter

Book NameProceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies, Part of the Algorithms for Intelligent Systems book series (AIS)

PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameManan Jain, Heet Kanazariya, Hardik Joshi, Vijay Savani

Page Number323-337

Chapter TitleModern Queue Management System for Various Government Jan Seva Ayog Centers

Published YearSeptember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-19-3951-8

Indexed INScopus



Modern Queue Management System for Various Government Jan Seva Ayog Centers


Title of PaperModern Queue Management System for Various Government Jan Seva Ayog Centers

Proceeding NameProceedings of International Conference on Communication and Computational Technologies, Part of the Algorithms for Intelligent Systems book series (AIS)


Author NameManan Jain, Het Kanzariya, Hardik Joshi, and Vijay Savan

OrganizationRJI, Rajsthan

Year , VenueFebruary 2022 , Rajsthan

Page Number323-337

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-19-3951-8

Indexed INScopus

A Low Power High Speed 15T FinFET-GDI based Hybrid Full Adder using 18nm Technology


Title of PaperA Low Power High Speed 15T FinFET-GDI based Hybrid Full Adder using 18nm Technology

Proceeding NameSpringer Proceeding: “Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering” series & International Conference on VLSI, Communication and Signal Processing (VCAS-2021)


Author NameParthiv Bhau, Vijay Savani


Page Number-

Published YearSeptember 2021

Plant Classification based on Leaves using Artificial Neural Network


Journal NameInternational Jour. of Int. Eng.

Title of PaperPlant Classification based on Leaves using Artificial Neural Network

Volume Number13

Page Number39-49

Published YearAugust 2021


Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Others

Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning and GUI Development


Title of PaperStock Market Prediction using Machine Learning and GUI Development

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology

Author NameArpita Bhargava, Chinmay Khurana, Vijay Savani

Year , VenueJuly 2021 , Nasik

Page Number40-47

ISSN/ISBN No978-81- 951120- 3-6

Indexed INOthers

Stock Market Prediction using Machine Learning and GUI Development


Title of PaperStock Market Prediction using Machine Learning and GUI Development

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET 2021)

Author NameChimany Khoorana, Apoorva Jain, Vijay Savani

OrganizationSandipani Institute of Engineering and Management, Nasik, India

Year , VenueJuly 2021 , Nasik

Page Number40-47

Indexed INOthers

Design and Simulation of Clock and Data Recovery Circuit (CDR) in 180nm CMOS Technology


Title of PaperDesign and Simulation of Clock and Data Recovery Circuit (CDR) in 180nm CMOS Technology

Proceeding Name52nd Mid Term Symposium (MTS) on the theme ‘Emerging Trends in ICT and Electronics

PublisherIETE Mumbai Center

Author NameAnkit Dhama, Vijay Savani

OrganizationIETE Mumbai Center

Year , VenueApril 2021 , Mumbai

Page Number5-9


Indexed INOthers

Performance analysis of Vedic mathematics algorithms on re-configurable hardware platform


Journal NameSādhanā, Springer Journals

Title of PaperPerformance analysis of Vedic mathematics algorithms on re-configurable hardware platform

PublisherSpringer Nature

Volume Number46

Page Number1- 5 (83)

Published YearApril 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0256-2499

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, Others

Design and Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier (FPM) on Reconfigurable Hardware Platform using Verilog HDL


Title of PaperDesign and Implementation of Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier (FPM) on Reconfigurable Hardware Platform using Verilog HDL

Proceeding NameNational Conference on “Advancement in Communication, Electronics, Computer, and Automation Technology (ACECAT-2021


Author Name-


Page Number151-156

Published YearFebruary 2021


Indexed INOthers

Design and Development of Cost effective Automatic Fertilization System for Small Scale Indian Farm


Journal NameInternatiuonal Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications

Title of PaperDesign and Development of Cost effective Automatic Fertilization System for Small Scale Indian Farm

PublisherElectronics and Telecommunications Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences

Volume Number65

Page Number353-358

Published YearAugust 2019

ISSN/ISBN No2300-1933

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, Others

Analysis of power for double-tail current dynamic latch comparator


Journal NameAnalog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing (ALGO), Springer Journals

Title of PaperAnalysis of power for double-tail current dynamic latch comparator

PublisherSpringer Nature

Volume Number100/2

Page Number345-355

Published YearAugust 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1573- 1979

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index, Others

Automation of Disease Detection of Plant Leaf using Single Board Computer and Internet of Things


Journal NameSensor Letters

Title of PaperAutomation of Disease Detection of Plant Leaf using Single Board Computer and Internet of Things

PublisherAmerican Scientific Publishers

Volume Number17/4

Page Number306-3011

Published YearApril 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1546-1971

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Others

Design and Analysis of Low-Power High-Speed Shared Charge Reset Technique based Dynamic Latch Comparator


Journal NameMicroelectronics Journal

Title of PaperDesign and Analysis of Low-Power High-Speed Shared Charge Reset Technique based Dynamic Latch Comparator

PublisherElsevier Journals

Volume Number74

Page Number116-126

Published YearApril 2018

ISSN/ISBN No2226-2692

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Indian citation Index

Implementation of Low Power Rail-To-Rail Dynamic Latch Comparator With Modified APC Technique


Journal NameInternational Nirma University Journal of Engineering and Technology (NUJET)

Title of PaperImplementation of Low Power Rail-To-Rail Dynamic Latch Comparator With Modified APC Technique

PublisherNirma Unviersity

Volume Number5/2

Page Number1-7

Published YearFebruary 2017

ISSN/ISBN No2231-2870

Indexed INOthers

Analysis and Design of Low-Voltage Low-Power High-Speed Double Tail Current Dynamic Latch Comparator


Journal NameAnalog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing (ALGO), Springer Journals

Title of PaperAnalysis and Design of Low-Voltage Low-Power High-Speed Double Tail Current Dynamic Latch Comparator

PublisherSpinger Nature

Volume Number93/2

Page Number287-298

Published YearJanuary 2017

ISSN/ISBN No0925-1030

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, Others

Design and Implementation of Low Cost Portable Telemedicine System: An Embedded Technology and ICT Approach


Title of PaperDesign and Implementation of Low Cost Portable Telemedicine System: An Embedded Technology and ICT Approach

Proceeding NameIEEE Proceding - Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE)

PublisherIEEE Explor

Author NameAmit Degada, Vijay Savani

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2015 , Nirma University, Ahmadabad

Page Number1-6

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-9991-0

Indexed INScopus, Others

Analysis and characterization of dual tail current based dynamic latch comparator with modified SR latch using 90nm technology


Title of PaperAnalysis and characterization of dual tail current based dynamic latch comparator with modified SR latch using 90nm technology

Proceeding NameIEEE Proceding - 19th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT 2015)

PublisherIEEE Explor

Author NameVijay Savani, N. M. Devashrayee

OrganizationNirma University

Year , VenueJune 2015 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-2

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4799-1743-3

Indexed INScopus, Others

Development of SEU Monitor System for SEU Detection and Correction in virtex-5 FPGA


Title of PaperDevelopment of SEU Monitor System for SEU Detection and Correction in virtex-5 FPGA

Proceeding NameIEEE Proceding - Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE 2015)

PublisherIEEE Explor

Author NameVijay Savani, Nagendra Gajjar

OrganizationNUiCONE - 2011, Nirma University

Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Nirma University, Ahmadabad

Page Number976-981

ISSN/ISBN No9781457721694

Indexed INScopus, Others

Voice Conversion Algorithm


Title of PaperVoice Conversion Algorithm

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Control (ICAC3- 2009)


Author NameAkash Mecwan, Vijay Savani, Rajvi Shah, Priya Vaya

OrganizationFr. G. Rodricks College of Engineering

Year , VenueJanuary 2009 , Fr. G. Rodricks College of Engineering, Mumbai

Page Number615-619

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-60558-351-8

Indexed INScopus, Others



Enhancing Performance of End-to-End Communication System Using Attention Mechanism-based Sparse Autoencoder Over Rayleigh Fading Channe


Journal NamePhysical Communication

Title of PaperEnhancing Performance of End-to-End Communication System Using Attention Mechanism-based Sparse Autoencoder Over Rayleigh Fading Channe


Volume NumberOnline

Page Numberonline

Published YearOctober 2024

ISSN/ISBN No1874-4907

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Deep learning has revolutionized communication systems by introducing innovative approaches to address channel impairments through end-to-end models. Autoencoders, a type of deep learning architecture, are adept at learning compact data representations. However, conventional autoencoders in endto- end models can suffer from overfitting, which limits their effectiveness in noisy communication environments. To address this issue, we propose a Sparse Autoencoder-based (SAE) model that enforces sparsity and promotes the extraction of robust features. Despite its effectiveness, the SAE model may still lack the ability to focus on the most relevant features of the input data. To overcome this limitation, we further introduce an Attention Mechanism-based Sparse Autoencoder (ASA) model. This model integrates the feature extraction capabilities of a sparse autoencoder with an attention mechanism that selectively highlights informative features of the signal. Through simulations, we demonstrate that both proposed models significantly improve M-PSK and M-QAM communication system performance. When trained at 7 dB, both proposed models exhibit significant performance improvements at higher testing average SNRs. Our results show that the SAE model outperforms the conventional Maximum Likelihood Detection (MLD) model and baseline autoencoder systems but suffers from error floor issues. The SAE model suffers from an error floor at average SNRs beyond 16 dB for BPSK and 14 dB for higher-order modulation schemes. As the value of M increases, the performance gap between the MLD and the proposed SAE model narrows. The ASA model, however, effectively mitigates the error floor observed in the SAE model for all values of M and across all modulation schemes. This research highlights the benefits of integrating an attention mechanism with SAE, resulting in enhanced robustness and reliability in communication systems characterized by improved accuracy and reduced error rates.

Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Using Convexity Based Purity Index


Journal NameAdvances in Space Research

Title of PaperHyperspectral Endmember Extraction Using Convexity Based Purity Index


Volume NumberOnline

Page Numberonline

Published YearOctober 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0273-1177

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The endmember extraction is a challenging problem in spectral unmixing (SU) of a mixed pixel in hyperspectral imagery. There are plenty of attempts to solve the endmember extraction problem. Still, the pure pixel assumption-based algorithms have probably been used most in solving the endmember extraction of SU due to the light computational burden. These pure pixel assumption-based algorithms usually follow one of the criteria: (1) Maximum simplex volume or (2) Extreme projection on a subspace. We propose a novel integrated framework that uses both the criteria mentioned above and the proposed one is referred to as the Convexity-based Pure Index (CPI) algorithm. The CPI generates a fixed number of convex sets based on the number of available bands in the hyperspectral image. The algorithm defines the purity score based on the availability of pixels in the convex sets for the two-band data. The CPI has been compared with contemporary algorithms such as Automatic Target Generation Process (ATGP), Vertex Component Analysis (VCA), Pixel Purity Index (PPI), Successive Volume MAXimization (SVMAX), Alternating Volume MAXimization (AVMAX), TRIple-P: P-norm based Pure Pixel identification (TRIP), Successive Decoupled Volume Max-Min (SDVMM), Negative ABundance-Oriented (NABO), and Entropy-based Convex Set Optimization (ECSO). The metrics, Spectral Angle Distance (SAD) and Spectral Information Divergence (SID) used in the comparison were improved up to 5.9% and 9% , respectively. The CPI outperforms prevailing algorithms on real benchmark data and new AVIRIS-NG data. The robustness of the CPI is also tested for various noisy synthetic data. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm is also tested by using qualitative analysis by visualizing the spectra comparison, and abundance maps for all real data.

Balancing Technological Innovation and Environmental Sustainability: A Lifecycle Analysis of 6G Wireless Communication Technology


Journal Name Sustainability

Title of PaperBalancing Technological Innovation and Environmental Sustainability: A Lifecycle Analysis of 6G Wireless Communication Technology


Volume Number16

Page Number1-27

Published YearJuly 2024

ISSN/ISBN No2071-1050

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


The 6G wireless communication technology is rapidly evolving, posing a challenge to 1 balancing environmental preservation and technological advancement. This review paper examines 2 the life span of 6G wireless communication technology, from production to disposal, focusing on 3 issues surrounding electronic waste, energy consumption, and environmental impact. The study 4 explains the intricacies of electronic parts, toxic compounds, and the dangers of incorrect disposal 5 techniques. It also investigates energy consumption issues specific to 6G technology, such as manu- 6 facturing processes and network infrastructures that require a lot of energy. The wider environmental 7 impact includes the extraction of raw materials, emissions during manufacturing, and carbon foot- 8 prints related to 6G deployment and operation. The paper discusses new ideas and tactics to reduce 9 these challenges, including renewable energy sources and recyclable materials. It emphasises the 10 importance of a circular economy strategy and the need for recycling, refurbishing, and reusing 11 electronic components. The review also examines industry standards, legislative initiatives, and 12 policy frameworks that support environmentally friendly practices in creating and applying 6G 13 wireless communication technologies.

Performance analysis of rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation for multiple input multiple-output dual-hop cooperative underwater visible light communication system


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance analysis of rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation for multiple input multiple-output dual-hop cooperative underwater visible light communication system


Volume Number63

Page Number1-11

Published YearJune 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0091-3286

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


This paper investigates a multiple-input multiple-output dual-hop underwater visible light communication (UWVLC) system with decode and forward (DF) relay, considering turbulence-induced fading and path loss. Our research aims to analyze the performance of this system under weak oceanic turbulence, featuring M laser sources at the transmitter and N detectors at the destination. We model the UWVLC channel using a log-normal distribution and employ one laser diode and one photodetector at the relay. By selecting the optimal laser source and photodetector based on maximum instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we derive the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the end-to-end SNR. Utilizing this CDF expression, we provide closed-form expressions for outage probability and average symbol error probability (ASEP) using Gauss–Hermite quadrature techniques for the rectangular quadrature amplitude modulation scheme. We analyze ASEP for different constellation points with M sources and N photodetectors and present simulation results demonstrating ASEP versus average SNR, as well as outage probability versus average SNR, showcasing close agreement with analytical predictions. Moreover, we offer insights for system designers by presenting a trade-off between constellation points and the number of la

Spectrum sensing for dynamic primary user with multiple transitions under Rayleigh distributed channel attenuation in additive Laplacian noise


Journal Name Physical communication

Title of PaperSpectrum sensing for dynamic primary user with multiple transitions under Rayleigh distributed channel attenuation in additive Laplacian noise


Volume Number62

Page Number1-9

Published YearFebruary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No1874-4907

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A sample selection method based on similarity measure and fuzziness for crop classification from AVIRIS-NG data Advances in Space Research


Journal NameAdvances in Space Research

Title of PaperA sample selection method based on similarity measure and fuzziness for crop classification from AVIRIS-NG data Advances in Space Research


Volume Number73

Page Number1262-1268

Published YearJanuary 2024

ISSN/ISBN No0273-1177

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

A Band Selection Method For Crop Classification Based On Spatial And Spectral Correlation Using Hyperspectral Image


Title of PaperA Band Selection Method For Crop Classification Based On Spatial And Spectral Correlation Using Hyperspectral Image

Proceeding NameIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Pasadena, California, USA,


Author NameKInjal Dave, Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationIGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

Year , VenueJuly 2023 , Pasadena, CA, USA

Page Number6081-6084

ISSN/ISBN No:979-8-3503-3174-5

Indexed INScopus

Classification of Crops Based on Band Quality and Redundancy from the Hyperspectral Image


Title of Paper Classification of Crops Based on Band Quality and Redundancy from the Hyperspectral Image

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Agriculture-Centric Computation

PublisherSpringer Nature

Author NameKinjal dave, Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationIIT Ropar

Year , VenueMay 2023 , IIT Ropar

Page Number154-165

ISSN/ISBN No978-3-031-43604-8

Indexed INScopus

On Performance Analysis of Cooperative Horizontal and Vertical Underwater VLC Systems with Best Relay Selection


Journal NamePhotonics

Title of PaperOn Performance Analysis of Cooperative Horizontal and Vertical Underwater VLC Systems with Best Relay Selection


Volume Number10, issue 4

Page Number1-13

Published YearApril 2023

ISSN/ISBN No2304-6732.

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


In this paper, we consider cooperative horizontal and vertical underwater visible light communication (UWVLC) systems employing best relay selection. In the vertical UWVLC system, the source is placed at the sea surface and the destination is placed at a depth of 60 m. The link between the source and the destination is modeled as concatenated layers considering inhomogeneous environmental conditions. The underwater parameters change with depth, causing a variable refractive index, which leads to non-uniform optical turbulence. The horizontal communication link is analyzed for two different levels of turbulence at 10 m and 50 m depths. Turbulence is modeled using a log-normal distribution, whose statistical parameters depend on the temperature and salinity at different depths. We have also taken into account the path losses caused by absorption and scattering, and carried out a comprehensive performance comparison between the horizontal and the vertical UWVLC systems. Insights show that compared to horizontal links, vertical links need an extra relay in order to achieve the same level of matching performance. Moreover, it is shown that the horizontal system’s outage performance improves with depth.

Crop-specific hyperspectral band selection method using limited ground-truth data


Journal NameInternational Journal of Remote Sensing

Title of PaperCrop-specific hyperspectral band selection method using limited ground-truth data

PublisherTaylor and Francis

Volume Number43

Page Number7104-7116

Published YearDecember 2022

ISSN/ISBN No01431161

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Hyperspectral imaging plays a significant role in crop classification and aims to separate various crop pixels from the imagery. It aids the government in deciding agricultural policies. However, high spectral dimensions in hyperspectral data require high computing power and time. This paper presents a new band selection method based on spectral information divergence and correlation (SIDCorrL), which selects optimum bands to classify the crops. The SIDCorrL requires only single ground-truth pixels having the least spectral information divergence value to select the bands. This method requires not only minimum ground truth data but also gives reduced computational complexity. We have evaluated the proposed method on three hyperspectral datasets, AVIRIS-NG, Indian Pines and Salinas. We have used overall accuracy and kappa coefficient as performance parameters from the support vector machine and k-nearest neighbours classifiers. The experimental findings reveal that the proposed band selection method achieves maximum overall accuracy of about 84.79% for Indian Pines and 93.08% for Salinas dataset. The proposed methodology exhibits an improvement in overall accuracy when the number of selected bands ranges from 35 to 50 when compared with the other competitive band selection approaches.

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing With Hard Decision Fusion Based on Modified Correlation Detection Scheme in Additive Laplacian Noise


Title of PaperCooperative Spectrum Sensing With Hard Decision Fusion Based on Modified Correlation Detection Scheme in Additive Laplacian Noise

Proceeding Name3rd International conference on Smart Electronics and Communication (ICOSEC 2022)


Author NameKhushboo Sinha and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationKongunadu College of Engineering and Technology

Year , VenueOctober 2022 , Trichi

Page Number1-7

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-9764-0

Indexed INScopus


This paper proposes a cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) scheme based on the modified correlation detection (MCD) in an additive Laplacian noise environment. In MCD, the received signal at the cognitive terminal correlates with the primary user (PU) signal. The received signal is then raised to an arbitrary exponent P where 0 < P ≤ 2. At all the values of P except P = 1, the MCD operates as a non-linear detection scheme. For the special case of MCD at P =1, the considered detection scheme follows linear behaviour and it is known as Matched Filter (MF) detection scheme. Using MCD and MF at the cognitive terminal, hard decisions are forwarded to the centralized controlling centre known as fusion centre (FC). Then, they are combined according to standard fusion rules of cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) scheme such as the ‘OR’ rule, the ‘AND’ rule and the ‘majority rule’, respectively denoted as CSS:OR, CSS:AND and CSS:majority. Finally, the FC decides the presence of the PU. Here, the analytical expressions are obtained for estimating the detection probability and false alarm probability and present the same in form of receiver operating characteristics. The proposed analytical results are corroborated by a close match between simulation results and analytical findings. The proposed results are then compared with the existing detection scheme called soft-limiting PCA (SL-PCA). The proposed research study finally concludes that for a broad range of average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) indicated by γ, i.e., −20 ≤ γ ≤ 10 dB, the detection performance of CSS:OR fusion scheme outperforms the performance of other CSS:majority and CSS:AND fusion schemes. In addition to this, this study also concludes that the performance of CSS:OR and CSS:majority fusion schemes based on MCD and MF detectors outperform the same based on SL-PCA detection scheme. Conventional schemes refer to the detection schemes in non-cooperative scenario where only one CR exists. As a result, the CSS:majority rule outperforms the conventional detection schemes MCD and MF beyond γ = −12 dB and γ = −11 dB, respectively.

Performance Analysis of Vertical Underwater Visible Light Communication System with Cross-QAM


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Vertical Underwater Visible Light Communication System with Cross-QAM

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Communications (NCC) 2022


Author NameChaitanya Chhichhia, Aakarshak Nandwani, Rachna Sharma, Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationIndian Institute of Technology Bombay

Year , VenueMay 2022 , IIT Bomaby

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-6654-5137-6

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Spectrum Sensing Based on Two State Discrete Time Markov Chain in Additive Laplacian Noise


Journal NameWireless Networks, Springer

Title of PaperSpectrum Sensing Based on Two State Discrete Time Markov Chain in Additive Laplacian Noise


Volume Number28

Page Number2393–2402

Published YearApril 2022

ISSN/ISBN No1022-0038

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Band Selection Technique for Crop Classification using Hyperspectral data


Journal NameJournal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing

Title of PaperBand Selection Technique for Crop Classification using Hyperspectral data


Volume Number50

Page Number1487–1498

Published YearApril 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0255-660X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Performance Analysis of Vertical Multi-Hop Cooperative Underwater VLC System with Imperfect CSI


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Vertical Multi-Hop Cooperative Underwater VLC System with Imperfect CSI


Volume Number61

Page Number1-16

Published YearApril 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0091-3286

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Spectrum Sensing Techniques Based on Last Status Change Point Estimation for Dynamic Primary User in Additive Laplacian Noise


Journal NameWireless Personal Communications, Springer,

Title of PaperSpectrum Sensing Techniques Based on Last Status Change Point Estimation for Dynamic Primary User in Additive Laplacian Noise


Volume Number122

Page Number2131-2143

Published YearFebruary 2022

ISSN/ISBN No0929-6212

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Performance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based on Random Transition of the Primary User in Laplacian Noise


Title of PaperPerformance of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Based on Random Transition of the Primary User in Laplacian Noise

Proceeding NameEAI CROWNCOM 2021


Author NameKhushboo Sinha, Y. N. Trivedi


Year , VenueDecember 2021 , Shijiazhuang, Hebei, People’s Republic of China

Indexed INScopus

Novel Detection Schemes for Generalised Quadrature Spatial Modulation (GQSM)


Journal NameInternational Journal of Communication Systems

Title of Paper Novel Detection Schemes for Generalised Quadrature Spatial Modulation (GQSM)

PublisherJohn Wiley

Volume Number34

Published YearDecember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1099-1131

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Spatial Modulation (SM) is a technology that incorporates digital modulation and coding with multiple antennas to achieve high data rates along with improved energy efficiency. Quadrature spatial modulation (QSM), which extends the transmitted signals to in-phase and quadrature domains, has recently been proposed to improve spectral efficiency (SE) for SM. In this paper, we have considered a combination of Generalized QSM (GQSM) and Quasi Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes (QOSTBC). We propose a new detection scheme for the GQSM and use three different prevailing detection schemes for QOSTBC. We present Bit Error Rate (BER) versus average SNR performance for the combined system using M-QAM constellations with quasi-static spatially uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels and computational complexity in terms of numbers of addition/multiplication and search time. We have compared the considered system with prevailing GQSM system and shown that the prevailing system, as per active antenna permutation (AAP) in GQSM, offers number of transmitted bits ranging from 2 to 9 whereas the proposed system offers number of transmitted bits ranging from 6 to 16 in the same bandwidth. Thus, there is a visible gain in SE. Furthermore, we have compared the BER performance of the considered system with the performance of maximum likelihood detector (MLD) and spatial modulation (SM). In the considered system, the QOSTBC improves the diversity gain. Hence, we have shown that the considered Scheme 3 substantially outperforms the SM. Further, the considered system with Scheme 3 has nearly similar BER performance with the maximum likelihood detector (MLD), which has higher computational complexity.

Performance of MISO systems with Alamaouti transmit diversity and antenna selection in TDD and FDD


Title of PaperPerformance of MISO systems with Alamaouti transmit diversity and antenna selection in TDD and FDD



Author NameNeel Joshi, Dehit Trivedi, Y N Trivedi

OrganizationSVNIT Surat

Published YearNovember 2021

Indexed INScopus

Modified Correlation Detector based Spectrum Sensing with Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio


Journal NameRadioelectronics and Communications Systems

Title of PaperModified Correlation Detector based Spectrum Sensing with Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio


Volume Number7

Page Number390-402

Published YearSeptember 2021

ISSN/ISBN No 0735-2727

Indexed INScopus

Performance analysis of dual-hop underwater visible light communication system with receiver diversity


Journal NameOptical Engineering

Title of PaperPerformance analysis of dual-hop underwater visible light communication system with receiver diversity


Volume Number60

Page Number1-15

Published YearMarch 2021

ISSN/ISBN No0091-3286

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science


Visible light communication (VLC) has the ability to provide a high data rate up to Mbps in underwater environments for real-time communication systems. In underwater VLC (UWVLC), two major impairments are the turbulence-induced fading due to variation of salt and temperature of seawater and incremental path loss with distance due to absorption and scattering. We consider these two impairments and derive the closed form expressions for average symbol error probability (ASEP), asymptotic relative diversity order, and ergodic capacity for UWVLC dual-hop cooperative communication system. We consider multiple receiver branches with selection combining to combat the effect of fading. The impact of temperature on the fading parameters and system performance is highlighted.We conduct a comparative analysis of ASEP for four-pulse amplitude modulation and four-square quadrature amplitude modulation schemes and draw useful insights. We prove the accuracy of the derived analytical expression using Monte Carlo simulations.

Impact of Imperfect CSI on the Performance of Inhomogeneous Underwater VLC System

Book Chapter

Book NameAlgorithms for Intelligent Systems


Author NameRachna Sharma, Y N Trivedi

Chapter TitleImpact of Imperfect CSI on the Performance of Inhomogeneous Underwater VLC System

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No2524-7565

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with Improved Absolute Value Cumulation Detection Based on Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio

Book Chapter

Book NameElectronic Systems and Intelligent Computing


Author NameKhushboo Sinha and Y. N. Trivedi

Chapter TitleCooperative Spectrum Sensing with Improved Absolute Value Cumulation Detection Based on Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No978-981-15-7030-8

Indexed INScopus

Spectrum Sensing Based on Dynamic Primary User with Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio

Book Chapter

Book NameLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering


Author NameSinha, K., Trivedi, Y.N.

Page Number16-28

Chapter TitleSpectrum Sensing Based on Dynamic Primary User with Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio

Published YearJanuary 2021

ISSN/ISBN No1867-8211

Indexed INScopus

Non-Linear Spectral Unmixing: A Case Study On Mangalore Aviris-Ng Hyperspectral Data


Title of PaperNon-Linear Spectral Unmixing: A Case Study On Mangalore Aviris-Ng Hyperspectral Data

Proceeding NameIEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC)


Author NameDharambhai Shah; Y N Trivedi; Tanish Zaveri

OrganizationIEEE Bombay Section

Year , VenueDecember 2020 , Mumbai

Page Number11-15

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-7281-8993-2


Due to the low spatial resolution of the sensor, multiple scattering and intimate mixing at the ground, the majority of the pixels in the hyperspectral image are of mixed type. In this case, spectral unmixing is used to decompose this mixing effect. From the literature, it is clear that non-linear unmixing is more accurate and robust compared to linear unmixing. In this paper, we take a Mangalore dataset captured using Airborne Visible/ Infrared Imaging Spectrometer-Next Generation (AVIRIS-NG) camera to compare various non-linear unmixing. The paper presents and extensive comparison of various endmember extraction algorithms and abundance estimation algorithms. The performance of algorithms was assessed using two quality metrics (Spectral Angle Mapper and Reconstruction Error). Three types of experiments were carried out; endmember extraction accuracy assessment, testing of abundance estimation efficacy and comparison of linear and non-linear models. The simulation results conclude that Energy-based Convex Set (ECS) and Polynomial PostNonlinear Model (PPNM) give accurate results on the considered study site for endmember extraction and abundance estimation respectively.

Ensemble of winter's belief based frameworks for hyperspectral endmember extraction


Title of PaperEnsemble of winter's belief based frameworks for hyperspectral endmember extraction


Author NameD. Shah, T. Zaveri, and Y. N. Trivedi,

Page Number1238-1242

Published YearNovember 2020

Spectrum Sensing Based on Dynamic Primary User With Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio


Title of PaperSpectrum Sensing Based on Dynamic Primary User With Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio

Proceeding Name15th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks CROWNCOM 2020


Author NameKhushboo Sinha, Y. N. Trivedi

Year , VenueNovember 2020 , ONLINE

Page Number1-5

Convex Polygon Maximization based Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction algorithm


Journal NameJournal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer

Title of PaperConvex Polygon Maximization based Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction algorithm


Volume Number48

Published YearNovember 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0255-660X

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Entropy based Convex Set Optimization for Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction from Hyperspectral Images


Journal NameIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing

Title of Paper Entropy based Convex Set Optimization for Spatial-Spectral Endmember Extraction from Hyperspectral Images


Volume Number13

Page Number4200-4213

Published YearJuly 2020

ISSN/ISBN No1939-1404

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Impact of Imperfect CSI on the Performance of In homogeneous Underwater VLC System


Title of PaperImpact of Imperfect CSI on the Performance of In homogeneous Underwater VLC System

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Paradigms of Computing,Communication and Data Sciences (PCCDS-2020)

Author NameRachna Sharma, Y N Trivedi,

OrganizationNational Institute of Technology Kurukshetra

Year , VenueMay 2020 , National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra

Page Number1-4

Cooperative Spectrum Sensing with improved Absolute Value Cumulation Detection based on Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio


Title of PaperCooperative Spectrum Sensing with improved Absolute Value Cumulation Detection based on Additive Laplacian Noise in Cognitive Radio

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing, ESIC 2020

Author NameKhushboo Sinha and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationNIT Arunachal Pradesh, Yupia

Year , VenueMarch 2020 , NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Yupia

Page Number1-4

Performance Of Full Rate Non-Orthogonal STBC In Spatially Correlated MIMO Systems


Journal NameRadioelectronics and Communications Systems Springer

Title of PaperPerformance Of Full Rate Non-Orthogonal STBC In Spatially Correlated MIMO Systems


Volume Number63

Page Number88-95

Published YearMarch 2020

ISSN/ISBN No0735-2727

Indexed INScopus

Improvement of symbol error rate performance in spatial multiplexing systems using transmit antenna selection


Journal NameRadioelectronics and Communications Systems Springer

Title of PaperImprovement of symbol error rate performance in spatial multiplexing systems using transmit antenna selection


Volume Number62

Page Number642-648

Published YearDecember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No0735-2727

Indexed INScopus

Performance evaluation of MIMO under time varying and spatially correlated channels with feedback delay

Book Chapter

Book NameTechnology for sustainable development

PublisherCRC press

Author NameDhaval Upadhyay, Y. N. Trivedi, S. C. Bera,

Chapter TitlePerformance evaluation of MIMO under time varying and spatially correlated channels with feedback delay

Published YearNovember 2019

ISSN/ISBN No978-0-367-33737-7

Indexed INOthers

Performance Evaluation of MIMO under Time-Varying and Spatially Correlated Channels with Feedback Delay


Title of PaperPerformance Evaluation of MIMO under Time-Varying and Spatially Correlated Channels with Feedback Delay

Proceeding NameNUiCONE 2019


Author NameDhaval Upadhyay, Y. N. Trivedi, S. C. Bera

OrganizationInstitute of Technology, Nirma University

Year , VenueNovember 2019 , Nirma university, Ahmedabad

Page Number1-4

Performance of SIMO System under Time Varying Wireless Channel using Partial CSI


Title of PaperPerformance of SIMO System under Time Varying Wireless Channel using Partial CSI



Author NameDhaval Upadhyay, Y. N. Trivedi, S. C. Bera

OrganizationIIT Kanpur

Year , VenueJuly 2019 , IIT Kanpur

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-5386-5906-9

Performance Analysis of Receive Diversity Under Time-Varying and Spatially Correlated Channels Using Partial CSI


Journal NameTelecommunication Systems, Springer

Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Receive Diversity Under Time-Varying and Spatially Correlated Channels Using Partial CSI


Volume Number72

Page Number431-440

Published YearMay 2019

ISSN/ISBN No1572-9451

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science, EBSCO

Some Investigations on Outcome based Education with STEM Courses in India


Title of PaperSome Investigations on Outcome based Education with STEM Courses in India

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

PublisherEducation Department and Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat

Author NameY N Trivedi

OrganizationEducation Department and Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat

Year , VenueFebruary 2019 , 9th Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit, Ahmedabad

Improved VBLAST MAP: A Novel Point-to-Point Symbol Detection Algorithm for MIMO Wireless Communication Systems


Journal NameRadioelectronics and Communications Systems, springer

Title of PaperImproved VBLAST MAP: A Novel Point-to-Point Symbol Detection Algorithm for MIMO Wireless Communication Systems


Volume Number61

Page Number194–199

Published YearJune 2018

ISSN/ISBN No 0735-2727

Indexed INScopus

Antenna Selection and Transmit Beamforming in MIMO Systems using Delayed Channel Information at the Transmitter


Title of PaperAntenna Selection and Transmit Beamforming in MIMO Systems using Delayed Channel Information at the Transmitter

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016)


Author NameY N Trivedi


Year , VenueSeptember 2016 , LNMIIT, Jaipur

LRS-$G^2$ based Non-parametric Spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio


Title of PaperLRS-$G^2$ based Non-parametric Spectrum sensing for Cognitive Radio

Proceeding NameConference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM)

PublisherConference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (CROWNCOM)

Author NameD. K. Patel and Y. N. Trivedi

Year , VenueMay 2016 , Grenoble, France

Performance Analysis of Alamouti Diversity with Sub-optimum Transmit Antenna Selection using Delayed Feedback


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Alamouti Diversity with Sub-optimum Transmit Antenna Selection using Delayed Feedback

Proceeding NameNCC 2016


Author NameY. N. Trivedi

OrganizationIIT Guwahati

Year , VenueMarch 2016 , IIT Guwahati

Page Number1-4

LRS-G2 Based Non-parametric Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio

Book Chapter

Book Name Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering


Author NameD K Patel, Y. N. Trivedi

Chapter TitleLRS-G2 Based Non-parametric Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio

Published YearJanuary 2016

ISSN/ISBN No978-3-319-40351-9

Indexed INScopus

Goodness of fit based non-parametric spectrum sensing under middleton noise for cognitive radio


Journal NameElectronics Letters, IET

Title of PaperGoodness of fit based non-parametric spectrum sensing under middleton noise for cognitive radio


Volume Number51

Page Number419–421

Published YearMarch 2015

ISSN/ISBN No0013-5194

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Non-parametric Blind Spectrum Sensing based on Censored Observations for Cognitive radio


Journal NameJournal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer

Title of PaperNon-parametric Blind Spectrum Sensing based on Censored Observations for Cognitive radio


Volume Number78

Page Number275-281

Published YearMarch 2015

ISSN/ISBN No1939-8018

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Performance Analysis of MISO Systems with Antenna Selection over Correlated Channels


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of MISO Systems with Antenna Selection over Correlated Channels

Proceeding NameNCC-2015 at IIT Bombay


Author NameJatin M Chakravarti and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationIIT Bombay

Year , VenueFebruary 2015 , IIT Bombay

Page Number1-4

Performance Analysis of OFDM System With Transmit Antenna Selection Using Delayed Feedback


Journal NameInternational Journal of Electronics and Communications, Elsevier

Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of OFDM System With Transmit Antenna Selection Using Delayed Feedback


Volume Number67

Page Number671-675

Published YearAugust 2013

ISSN/ISBN No1434-8411

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Non-parametric Spectrum Sensing based on Censored Observations in slow time varying channel for Cognitive radio


Title of PaperNon-parametric Spectrum Sensing based on Censored Observations in slow time varying channel for Cognitive radio

Proceeding NameWireless Innovation Forum (WINNF) and the SDR-WInnComm-Europe

PublisherWireless Innovation Forum (WINNF) and the SDR-WInnComm-Europe

Author NameY. N. Trivedi, D K Patel

OrganizationWireless Innovation Forum (WINNF) and the SDR-WInnComm-Europe

Year , VenueJune 2013 , Munich, Germany

Performance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity with A Sub-Optimum Joint Transmit-Receive Antenna Selection Scheme


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity with A Sub-Optimum Joint Transmit-Receive Antenna Selection Scheme

Proceeding NameNCC-2013 at IIT Delhi


Author NameJatin M Chakravarti and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationIIT Delhi

Year , VenueFebruary 2013 , IIT Delhi

Page Number1-4

Performance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity Using Partial Channel Knowledge


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity Using Partial Channel Knowledge

Proceeding NameNUiCONE – 2012


Author NameNita Modh and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationNirma University, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueDecember 2012 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Performance Analysis of Zero Forcing Detector for Alamouti Transmit Diversity with Antenna Selection in Time Varying Channel


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Zero Forcing Detector for Alamouti Transmit Diversity with Antenna Selection in Time Varying Channel

Proceeding NameNUiCONE


Author NameY. N. Trivedi, Umang Thaker, Siddharth Iyer

OrganizationNirma University, Ahmedabad

Year , VenueDecember 2011 , Nirma University, Ahmedabad

Performance Analysis of MISO Systems Using Transmit beamforming and Antenna Selection with Delayed CSIT


Journal NameIET Communications

Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of MISO Systems Using Transmit beamforming and Antenna Selection with Delayed CSIT

PublisherIET Communications

Volume Number5

Page Number827-834

Published YearApril 2011

ISSN/ISBN No 1751-8628

Indexed INScopus, Web of Science

Performance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity with Transmit Antenna Selection for Reduced Feedback Rate


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Alamouti Transmit Diversity with Transmit Antenna Selection for Reduced Feedback Rate

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Devices and Communications (ICDeCom-11)


Author NameY. N. Trivedi, Jatin M. Chakravarti

OrganizationBirla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi

Year , VenueFebruary 2011 , Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi

PAPR Reduction in OFDM systems: A simple approach based on clipping and differential scaling


Title of PaperPAPR Reduction in OFDM systems: A simple approach based on clipping and differential scaling

Proceeding NameInternational Conference on Devices and Communications (ICDeCom-11)


Author NameY N Trivedi

OrganizationBirla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi

Year , VenueFebruary 2011 , Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra Ranchi

Performance Analysis of Alamouti Scheme with Transmit Antenna Selection in MISO Systems


Title of PaperPerformance Analysis of Alamouti Scheme with Transmit Antenna Selection in MISO Systems

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Communications (NCC)-2010


Author NameY N Trivedi and A K Chaturvedi

OrganizationIIT Madras

Year , VenueFebruary 2010 , IIT Madras

ISSN/ISBN No978-1-4244-6386-2

Detection in time-varying wireless channels using partial channel state information"


Title of PaperDetection in time-varying wireless channels using partial channel state information"

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Communications (NCC)-2009


Author NameY N Trivedi and A K Chaturvedi

OrganizationIIT Guwahati

Year , VenueFebruary 2009 , IIT Guwahati

Application of Receive Diversity to Rapidly Time Varying Channels with Partial Knowledge at the Receiver


Title of PaperApplication of Receive Diversity to Rapidly Time Varying Channels with Partial Knowledge at the Receiver

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Communications (NCC)-2008


Author NameY N Trivedi and A K Chaturvedi

OrganizationIIT Bombay

Year , VenueFebruary 2008 , IIT Bombay

Application of transmit diversity over rapidly time varying channels with Partial Channel Knowledge at the Receiver


Title of PaperApplication of transmit diversity over rapidly time varying channels with Partial Channel Knowledge at the Receiver

Proceeding NameWorld Wireless Research Forum

PublisherWorld Wireless Research Forum

Author NameY. N. Trivedi, A. K. Chaturvedi

OrganizationWorld Wireless Research Forum

Year , VenueDecember 2007 , Chennai

Page Number1-5

Versatile Huffman coding (New era of image compression)


Title of PaperVersatile Huffman coding (New era of image compression)

Proceeding NameNUCONE 2006

PublisherNirma University

Author NameManoj Parmar and Y N Trivedi

OrganizationNirma university

Year , VenueDecember 2006 , Nirma university, Ahmedabad

Page Number347-350

Simulation of Turbo codes in MATLAB


Title of PaperSimulation of Turbo codes in MATLAB

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Broadband Communication Systems (NCBCS) in VIT, Pune

Author NameAnirudhdh Badopalia, Guarang Upasani and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationVIT, Pune

Year , VenueSeptember 2006 , VIT Pune

Page Number309-314

An overview of JPEG 2000 encoder and its simulation on MATLAB


Title of PaperAn overview of JPEG 2000 encoder and its simulation on MATLAB

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Broadband Communication Systems (NCBCS) in VIT, Pune

Author NameNiket Shah, Pinkesh Shah and Y. N. Trivedi

OrganizationVIT, Pune

Year , VenueSeptember 2006 , VIT Pune

Page Number303-308

Rural health care in India- A challenge


Title of PaperRural health care in India- A challenge

Proceeding NameNational Conference on Broadband Communication Systems (NCBCS) in VIT, Pune

Author NameY. N. Trivedi

OrganizationVIT, Pune

Year , VenueSeptember 2006 , VIT Pune

Page Number43-46